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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. It's rare for people to face their own hypocrisy. Both Democrats and Republicans have been putting their own interests ahead of the Constitution/Country for a very long time. As long as people are willing to waste their votes on each, the road to ruin will continue to be paved.
  2. There's nothing wrong with the ACLU standing up for Constitutional Rights. I don't blame any group for making sure the government doesn't over step in the name of "Freedom".
  3. You're an idiot. That's not news - but it just needs to be reiterated every time you post something idiotic. Which is virtually every time you put pressure on a keyboard. As I've said at least 100 times to Boards: "If you don't have the savvy, money, or political capital to do it right the first time, how are you going to get the savvy, money, and political capital to fix it when it inevitably fails?" At this point in American history, there is NO more room for expensive failure. We've used up every one of those chances and then some. The deficit is so unconscionably large that it's virtually incomprehensible. But even that isn't enough for you partisan tards to hold these jackasses accountable. No. You just have to have SOMETHING passed and pretend that it's progress. Your Hotpockets are done. Enjoy your the shitastic meal you're willing to eat at 5 star restaurant pricing.
  4. Those are "given" medals, not "earned" medals - pretty much everyone who shows up for work gets them. Makes the fruit cocktail look a little more impressive to the non-initiated but it's a running joke to anyone who has actually done something in the armed forces.
  5. Then your memory is as bad as your politics. Don't let that stop you from continuing your overt douchebaggery, though. Especially considering the example you used was "BIPARTISAN LEGISLATION". In case you don't know what that is, that means the assclowns you worship were heavily involved in making sure it passed - in much the same way they got us into the war in Iraq. So heavily involved that EVERY Senator not named Russ Feingold voted for it.
  6. Does your keyboard have an apostrophe? Just curious...
  7. If it's like Buffalo, it's probably most of them. Of course, if it's like Buffalo he'll make the tackles down field because first he handles his play responsibility and then runs down the ball because someone else !@#$ed up theirs. Then the Redskins fans will point fingers at London and say he's not very good because he makes a lot of plays 5 or more yards past the line of scrimmage. You know, if it's like Buffalo.
  8. I don't have a problem with that one - the other girl elbowed her first. The "yank down by the ponytail" could have seriously hurt that girl.
  9. After driving in Korea, I question why they even bother to have a process because NO ONE follows any discernible law other than "My car is bigger than yours, so I'm going first". It's so bad that there really isn't any reason to paint lines on the roads. Only Thailand and the Philippines are worse.
  10. Because it's a tried and true political tactic that works better than just about anything else. Your attempt to discount it is laughable. And I'm definitely better than anyone who has any letter after their name. ANYONE who chooses to follow either of the parties currently running this country is a buffoon.
  11. No, he's just living in reality. There isn't a person out there with a decent education who needs to be told that adding layers of management adds expense.
  12. The fact of the matter is honesty is a rare commodity in Washington, regardless of aisle side. None of them has any idea what the unintended consequences will be but one thing is certain - they'll be far more expensive than anyone is projecting now. Mr. Murphy loves government programs.
  13. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/columns/sto...mp;sportCat=mlb
  14. Yeah, that's what we need. Punitive medicine. It's like there's no level of stupidity we're not willing to sink to.
  15. Each of those things is "base by base" in my experience. I've been allowed to keep weapons at my on base residence in most places as long as it was family - not in the dorms (dorm residences could have weapons but they were stored in the armory). As an SP, our weapons were loaded, though the M16s weren't charged at most postings. A couple of the Army installations didn't give their MPs ammo to even carry, though it was certain postings only. It was bizarre.
  16. Except almost no military installation is "crawling with guns". They're pretty much the same as schools - only the SP/MPs have them and there is no civilian concealed carry on federal installations - even by military members. As usual, you're completely misinformed. According to you retard liberals, prisons should be the bastions of sanity because no one should have guns or drugs.
  17. Good thing the state is in such good shape. Something to truly be proud of.
  18. I loved that movie - especially the scene where they all sang "Tiny Dancer" on the bus.
  19. Pretty much the same way the Democrats will run the things they campaign on.
  20. You're projecting, as usual. I understand the situation quite well, with all of the typical entities to blame. With all of those players, it's pretty obvious that NO SINGLE party can act alone to solve it, yet that's exactly what you're advocating because "it couldn't possibly get worse (the most laughable thing you've ever posted). I also understand that the government will not solve a problem that they've had a huge hand at causing by giving them a bigger stake in the proceedings. That's obviously tough for you to get from the five foot view you're taking (which is typical). Why should this issue be different than every other one that you're totally wrong about?
  21. The fact of the matter is I'd bet almost no one uses a Tec-9 to protect their home. It's pretty much a Hollywood gun - looks scary but isn't reliable or accurate. The problem is you don't understand the issue. There aren't significant differences between Assault weapons and garden variety hunting rifles and handguns. It's mostly about cosmetics.
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