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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I have 2 doberman. Female, almost 9, named Auslese (Owsh-lay-sa). Male, 2, named Diesel. We rescued both and named neither. Auslese was emaciated with a crushed front leg. When she was taken from the piece of **** who had her, she weighed 44 pounds. She now weighs about 90. Perhaps the scariest looking personable dog on this marble. Diesel is 67 pounds of dynamite. Can jump a six foot fence. Has vitiligo (same disease Michael Jackson had) so he looks like someone threw white paint at him. Watching that dog run is like magic. He can flat out fly and then turn on a dime. Like Barry Sanders. The funniest part about him is how happy he is to just curl up in a ball and lay in your lap. Dogs are so much better than people that it's almost embarrassing that we consider ourselves the more intelligent creature.
  2. The "Health Care" legislation that is currently being proposed doesn't even BEGIN to address the actual issues. No one should be surprised by that considering that Washington has been for sale to the highest bidder for a very long time. There isn't anything wrong with this country by getting control of the damn politicians. Voting EVERY incumbent out in the next 10 elections or so would probably be a good way to start.
  3. I can't see any circumstances short of the playoffs/a win in the playoffs that keeps this group around. Of course, I put their return last offseason at about 10%, so common sense at OBD is in pretty short supply.
  4. I'd say the decision to immunize the Gitmo prisoners was as good a reason as any to keep the government out of the health care business.
  5. In my view, everything that has been said so far is systemic in the governmental promotions systems. It's sad and funny at the same time.
  6. I'm not a fan of the death penalty. There's a lot of reasons not to like it: Cost, abuse of institutional power, etc. There's also not much to like about life in prison (expensive, emboldening of prisoners because they have nothing to lose, etc). At the end of the day there aren't any easy solutions to these very complicated problems.
  7. Instead we'll keep doing the same things and expecting different results.
  8. Much the same way your group of morons defends the current administration at every turn. Newsflash: You're both idiotic hypocrites who're ruining this country.
  9. If you heard a loud noise and you can't get the door open, at least one spring broke (I'm assuming it's a double door). If it is a double door, have them replace BOTH springs because the second spring is all but guaranteed to break in the next year. In the future, make sure you keep everything that moves lubricated properly.
  10. Deeply religious people are the most easily brainwashed. Not surprising, really.
  11. That's kind of how I've been looking at it. It certainly looks like someone took a calculated risk in an attempt to add an intelligence asset - and it cost 13 people their lives. Sucky.
  12. The world wasn't as interwoven even 25 years ago. The world is a little tiny place now and the butterfly effect is increasingly evident. I wasn't advocating that. Reality tells me it's time to stop doing the same things and expecting a different result. At this point it's just embarrassing.
  13. I'm not sure I'd call it political correctness as much as I'd call it the dearth of leadership that is so pervasive in our culture.
  14. Does that mean we stop building bases, supporting Israel,or figure out how to get off oil? Or all 3? And yet it's been happening throughout human history. It's super easy to talk about it. Too bad it's wicked hard to actually do it.
  15. I wouldn't say they're winning the battle because we're not willing to "call a spade a spade". I'd say they're winning because too many people believe the only way to win is to drop to the lowest level. All that guarantees is a lengthy, expensive battle fought on someone else's terms. There are real problems inside every large organization. Why should Islam be any different? The garden variety citizen on the Arab Street has little hope of changing their lot in life and I doubt we're going to change their opinion of us by continuing to kill more of their relatives. At some point the tactics HAVE to change or the results will continue.
  16. I'm not sure how you stop people from wanting to kill you, but I'm quite sure the answer isn't to kill more of them. It simply flies in the face of logic to believe that you don't create more terrorists by killing off their relatives, whether blood or religious. I'm sure most of you haven't traveled much outside Western Culture but there honestly isn't a comparison I could make to adequately explain the Middle Eastern mentality. I think the General currently in charge in Afghanistan gets it, just as General Schwartzkopf did. Now if he can can somehow figure out how to exploit it. It shows right here in this thread when people blame "muslims", as if they're somehow lesser people because a small number of them are brainwashed tools. The Muslims I served with in the Armed Forces were no different than the Christians, Agnostics, or other religious groups. They did their jobs and were good to serve with.
  17. Except when you consider the 47 is the level they're hearing in their apartment is of sex occurring in SOMEONE ELSE'S apartment.
  18. I just knew some mouth breather would take it that way. Thanks for not disappointing.
  19. Bruce Smith is very happy the internet wasn't in full flight when he was a rookie.
  20. Now that they're putting more troops on the ground, I'm curious as to whether they've decided what the actual mission in Afghanistan is.
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