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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. That dude has timing. I was reading about his SNL hosting gig and apparently he did some ad-libbing, including sending that kid to the porta-john during the United Way Commercial.
  2. Welcome to "journalism" in today's world.
  3. Those sentences all looked goofy as hell. All talk of Huckabee and commutation aside (commuting sentences has always seemed wishy/washy unless the guy is/was not guilty), I'm far more concerned that he was accused of EIGHT felonies last WEEK and is out and about. That is specious at best. Now let's get back to spending time investigating what really happened to Tiger Woods because that's really how law enforcement money should be spent. Well, that and fighting the un-winnable drug war.
  4. It looks to me like the guy just doesn't have the vision to be a RB in the NFL. I'm curious as to how many games we've lost because Lynch can't find the creases that Jackson regularly does. It's been pretty obvious to me Jackson has been the better player for virtually his entire tenure. It's nice to have a coach who only took a couple of weeks to recognize the same thing.
  5. That wasn't a kneel down. Pisarcik was trying to hand the ball off to Czonka when he should have been kneeling down.
  6. I don't see the similarities at all. The biggest issue with drafting Maybin is he was/is a project. The BILLS aren't in a position to take on projects when there was tremendous value on the board when they selected. I don't know if Maybin's a bust and frankly it's stupid to even waste the energy talking about it at this point. I do KNOW the BILLS made a mistake picking him, at a minimum in the short term.
  7. That's an interesting point except if the MoH recipient basically called you out in the national media, you'd probably want to punch him in the face first. That's just reality. No one likes to be disrespected publicly and athletes probably take it the most personally. Kelly knows better.
  8. If you don't want teams to run up the score, stop them. Pretty simple, really.
  9. You mean because other countries would stop manufacturing guns and criminals wouldn't find a way to get them into the country? Yeah, because making drugs completely illegal made the supply and demand go away. Try reality. It sucks a lot worse than ideology but at least honest people have a chance.
  10. Ever read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"? Why can't those who oppose the current administration do it on actual merit, especially considering so much exists? Morons.
  11. Please. Sanchez didn't have any mojo. The Jets' defense did. When Jenkins got hurt, they fell apart. Period. Sanchez is a rookie QB who was wildly overrated both in the draft and by the media when the Jets got off to a decent start.
  12. I like that picture because the dude behind him is carrying quite a complement of 40mm grenades.
  13. It's such a moronic idea that it only makes sense you would laud it.
  14. Because he didn't get back on the field after he injured his shoulder his senior year. "Total separation of the AC joint" that required reattaching of the ligaments to the bone and 3 5 inch steel rods being inserted to stabilize the area. The thought at the time the surgery was accomplished was that the probability was Kelly's career being over was higher than it was for continuing. Kelly had a variety of other injuries in college as well: dislocated jaw, broken ribs, etc. Then he went to the USFL and screwed up his knee. That didn't stop the BILLS from making him the highest paid player in the NFL with his first contract.
  15. Amen. I'd much rather see the BILLS spend the picks on big, nasty OLineman than put a rookie behind the current disaster.
  16. That mentality means we wouldn't have drafted Kelly, either.
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