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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Donnie is a bigot! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Marriage only used to be between a white man and a white woman. Somehow that changed. Get over yourself and your bigoted ideals.
  2. It's nice to see your minuscule powers of deduction aren't limited solely to political subjects, oh bigoted dude who brought up prison sex.
  3. I'd have put that as Belichick far more than Parcells. Belichick has continued to win without Parcells. Parcells hasn't enjoyed the same success without Belichick.
  4. You know, I almost hope you go to prison to find out how long you get to "choose" to be a heterosexual.
  5. It's a metaphor. At least your life is consistently stereotypical. Most likely because if you ever had an original thought it died of loneliness. Oh look, another slogan. That's right, homosexuals pick their lifestyle/who they're attracted to. Just like I chose to be attracted to tall, leggy blondes with big jugs instead of short, fat troll chics who could pass as dudes.
  6. Ooh, look everyone! Another slogan from our resident regurgitator.
  7. Your small mind just can't help itself. Go turn on Rush and pretend you're different than the slave owners who used the same arguments a couple hundred years ago.
  8. What a surprising retort. This plays out the same way every single time. Your next post will be something about bestiality or pedophilia because that's all you pea-brained sycophants can bring to the table when you're confronted with the reality that FREEDOM isn't FREEDOM unless it's for the minority as well. Now get back to sloganeering about how you love America and how other people are ruining it, you hypocritical douchebag.
  9. I don't think you do, otherwise you wouldn't be saying things like "The Democrats are getting done what they can" in relation to this particular abortion. Your solution is to trade one group of complete liars for another. Somehow I don't see that being a positive.
  10. That's right, allowing queers to marry means heteros will no longer be able to. That's some genius logic there.
  11. Equal Protection means everyone but queers. We can't be protecting them queers.
  12. You finally being sensible about something doesn't change my world.
  13. And what rights guaranteed by NYS Constitution would this particular LAW be changing?
  14. If Pete understood the Butterfly Effect he wouldn't be a liberal.
  15. Solving the wrong problem with the wrong solution ought to be the official dummycrat mantra.
  16. You mean because States don't have the right to create rights not in the Constitution? Way to know WTF you're talking about.
  17. So you're saying if the government subsidized it the CBO would say it's cheaper?
  18. Luckily for us, most police officers aren't afraid to go out in public. I can't speak to it with anything more than speculation but I don't remember a single instance on par with this one. Not saying that multiple policemen haven't been killed in a since incident, but not in this kind of manner. In any decent sized department, there are bars that are "cop hangouts". Anyone who wanted to kill a whole bunch of cops could easily do it. It doesn't happen because rational people don't attack police, they respect them and are thankful they're around. Cops aren't different than other people. They hang out with the people they work with, at work and away from work. Cutting that back cuts off one of the biggest benefits we get from them, which is the IDEA of deterrence. What you're advocating is similar to the idea that the military needs to be kept safe. It's not the job they're hired for.
  19. I don't think that matters at all. People bent on mayhem will accomplish their goals if they're even remotely competent. Putting more rules on police won't change that.
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