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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Or we could have picked Poz and put him outside instead of the Strong Safety/Street Free Agent combo that line up there now. I agree with all of that and will add that subtracting professional veterans like Fletcher over a little money does not help your locker room in any way, shape, form, or fashion. Crazyness. Merry Christmas, counselor.
  2. The one thing I know is: If it's historical and you're offering an opinion, it's probably so far from correct that wrong couldn't adequately describe it. Now get back over to the other thread and man up with a better response. The last one was pathetic, even for you.
  3. Now let's talk about shoulda/coulda/woulda. It's nice to see you display your hypocrisy ON THE VERY NEXT POST. The problem is you're a mouth breather. I'd ask you to explain what that menagerie of words actually means but I'm afraid your tiny brain would explode trying to put something together. The "fact" of the matter is people like you have created the system because you're fools. You follow blindly along then you whine like school children because you have no forethought about consequences or recognition of things that haven't worked in the past. It's quite comical, really.
  4. Says the guy giving credit where none is due. I'll let you know the second I give a crap about what your opinion of "becoming" is or isn't. Pot? This is kettle. The next lucid take you have on anything will be the moment everyone will start looking for the 4 horsemen
  5. They don't need anything for that, really.
  6. "Ironically, our work shows that the recovery would have been very rapid had the government not intervened."
  7. You can't guarantee anything. You're the type of person who could stand in the Redskins !@#$ing huddle and not have any idea what was going on. Yeah, I'm sure you meant it - right after I pointed it out. Who cares? Posluszny isn't as productive as Fletcher, period. He regularly misses his gap and overpursues. That's just reality. That doesn't mean he's a bad player but to say he's better than London Fletcher right now is absolutely ludicrous. Posluszny is as big a reason for the run defense being poor as any player in the Front 7. That's a fact that he'll very likely talk about at length during next season's training camp because he's going to be confronted with it by any media head worth a crap.
  8. Orakpo is a linebacker - Fletcher doesn't play behind him, he plays next to him on the vast majority of snaps and Fletcher is one of the BIGGEST reasons Washington is one of the best defenses in the NFL. Keep dreaming. That comment all but proves you haven't seen more than 2 Redskins' games all season.
  9. Based on that particular game, I'd agree with you. Fletcher didn't have a good outing. That doesn't change the fact that he's had ANOTHER pro bowl season. The argument that players exist in a vacuum is ridiculous. Great players need other great players around them. That's just reality. London Fletcher is a great middle linebacker and has been for over a decade now.
  10. Eric is now arguing FOR "the Bridge to Nowhere" based upon the genius of the New Deal.
  11. Wrong, as usual. We're a lot better society because WWII built up the infrastructure of this country while devastating the infrastructures of our closest economic competitors. The "New Deal" is bankrupting this country.
  12. You're incredibly full of crap. My residence and what they get from the Federal government has nothing whatsoever to do with me. In fact, it has far more to do with people like you and who YOU vote for at every level. Look in the mirror, problem child and stop displacing.
  13. There isn't anything remotely resembling "fact" in regard to Global Warming - which is the biggest reason it was renamed.
  14. Considering the political capital that downstate holds over them and the incredible job loss that it's led to, their rationale is valid even if the data is completely flawed. I think South Park covered this best.
  15. Own up to it? It's been the basis of my politics for as long as you've "known" me. Ridiculously cherry picked argument. Don't like it? Move to a different state since it's obvious you can't fix your own. Don't like the rules, change the game.
  16. Need? They don't, though a sales tax/income tax on such a small and fragile economy would kill any possible expansion. Have the most effective legislators at bringing home pork? Check. Welcome to the system as it's set up. When Ted Stevens/Frank Murkowski/Don Young were serving together, Alaska had BY FAR the longest tenured delegation with the most access to the right committees. They put in place a ton of crap that has long term payback to the state - some of which is a finger to the fed for not living up to most of the guarantees that were promised in exchange for statehood, but most of which are just the kind of stuff that keep emperors in charge of their empires (welcome to why Stevens still almost beat Begich for his seat after being convicted of a felony). That doesn't change the fallacy of your statement on why your taxes are so high. My federal tax rate is exactly the same as yours.
  17. No ****, Sherlock. That's not the point at all. If the federal government didn't redistribute tax money the way they do, there would be little reason to give them any. Hey California, thanks for sending in $400,000,000,000.00. Now here's $400,000,000,000.00 in projects we're authorizing - minus our significant cut. That would be a really good system - though it would be right in the liberal wheelhouse. Sorry Alaska/Montana/Wyoming - you get enough to build 14 miles of road each. Choose carefully. But hey, we're really glad our share allowed us all these sweet golden fixtures! The only reason Eric continues to repeat his ridiculous point is he and nozzle thinks it bothers me.
  18. Another stupid and totally unsurprising response.
  19. Mostly because lefties have absolutely no basis in reality, regardless of subject matter. Don't let that stop your roll, though.
  20. Yeah, because the BILLS don't have enough stupid and undisciplined disappointments on the offensive line. It's another desperate gamble at turning trash into gold and it'll likely work out just as well as the rest of them have.
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