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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I don't think Suh's "number" is going to mean anything to the Rams. I think the only way they don't take him at 1 is if someone makes them an offer they can't refuse and they move down. That's the most likely scenario, in my opinion. They've blown up pretty much the entire operation over the past offseason and they need picks in a big way. I also think that one of the biggest reasons for the 2011 lockout will be draft choice money. Owners are tired of paying out big jack to unproven commodities and then having it thrown in their faces by veterans ("Mike Williams got xx signing bonus and this much guaranteed and he's not anywhere near as good as my free agent Pro Bowl tackle).
  2. Especially since they don't know what it means.
  3. I'm gleefully anticipating the next "Daily Show".
  4. My politics are way too complicated to fit either current party but the real "planks" of the Democratic party abhor me. Not because they're not fine ideas but because there's simply no way to make them work in a beneficial manner (I'm not talking about Gay Marriage or Abortion, as neither is really a "plank" - more of a "chew on this stuff retards, while we figure out more ways to screw you on the important things").
  5. Same to you, BD. I've often wondered if the BILLS success mirrors the U.S.
  6. I have no idea what the numbers actually are - it seems to be fairly equal to me, though the number of lucid "conservatives" or "non-progressives" greatly outnumbers those who firmly align themselves with the Democrats. That's perfectly clear.
  7. It really isn't because it doesn't solve a damn thing. It just continues the perpetual downward spiral. The idiots that identify with the Republicans make excuses when their gang of thieves is doing the very same things they hate the other side for. The road to ruin is still firmly in site and will be until something drastically changes.
  8. I guess the definition of "Right Wing" is far more blurry than I thought. Apparently, everything non-"progressive" (which is such an oxymoron it should be the definition of the word) is now "right wing". The fact of the matter is virtually everything in this world works far better when there is a delicate balance that is maintained. Currently, that balance has been shot all to hell and anyone who identifies themselves as "Democrat" or "Republican" can squarely blame themselves for it. This board isn't "decidedly" anything, other than an excellent representation of what is wrong with America. Virtually everything that ails this country could be fixed by the average voter taking a long look in the mirror and realizing that they OWN this !@#$ing mess.
  9. We got exactly what I expected from him. He could turn out to be awesome but we're another 2 seasons from finding out.
  10. Yeah, he did. Sincerely, The offside penalty he took on the recovered onside against the Patriots.
  11. There's that nasty ol' Constitution gettin' in the way of the gubmint savin' us.
  12. I'm not disagreeing with any of that because it's true - but injuries like Poz's aren't the result of not working out properly - they're bad luck. I'm pretty sure that's his point.
  13. Facing reality is painful for most, which why we're where we are.
  14. Not even close to the same thing - but we all know you won't let stupidity stop you from posting.
  15. A minimum of one year too late (and that's being kind).
  16. Martz didn't build the team in St Louis. He tore it apart. He was never a great Head Coach, quite the opposite really.
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