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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Bill Clinton Bill Murray William "Bill" Howard Taft Bill Richardson
  2. Nor will the minority in Congress or the party that doesn't hold the White House.
  3. That's right, let's use the GWB theory on pre-emptive war to solve the health care "issue". That'll certainly work well. You "progressives" are so emotional and reactionary that it's just pathetic.
  4. They were putting all their eggs in the "we have a filibuster proof number of votes" basket so they were trying to get as much payola into it as possible. At the end of the day, they're politicians and there's no way in hell they can do what's right when there's that much money to be divided up amongst the kingdoms. Like my buddy used to say: "I don't belong to an organized political party. I'm a Democrat." Thank God the only thing they can organize is a campaign against the legacy of George W. Bush.
  5. I like Thigpen and wish the BILLS had traded for him when he was available. He impressed me in the game we played against them and again the other time I watched him. I was more impressed that Gailey was able to take a rookie from Coastal Carolina and tailor gameplans to his strengths (mobility, quick release) while minimizing his obvious lack of experience/seasoning. Maybe we'll get lucky and Miami will release him. I think he's better than anyone currently on the roster.
  6. There isn't anything "desperate" about it. I personally don't care about your premise. The guy has had better offenses with lesser players (especially at the QB position) throughout his entire career. The Bill Walsh "comment" is typical of someone who doesn't actually know crap. No NFL team wanted Fred Jackson, either. That's not a standard anyone should ever use. I don't blindly "cheer" for anything. I simply don't whine like a little B word about everything. I'm sure the Ralph cares as much about your opinion as I do. Thanks for making me appear to defend Ralph, as much as I think of the guy. Good for you.
  7. Bowe - 80 catches for 1022 yards and 7 TDs. Gonzalez - 96 catches for 1058 yards and 10 TDs. Johnson averaged 4.5 yards per rush Charles averaged 5.3 yards per rush The NFL thought so much of Tyler Thigpen that he was signed for ONE game this season (Miami). His 18 TDs in 11 games have been exceeded only TWICE by BILLS QBs since 2003 (Bledsoe had 20 in 16 games in 2003 and Losman had 19 in 16 games in 2006). Tyler friggin' Thigpen. You have to go back to 2002 to find 2 Buffalo receivers who caught over 80 passes with 1000 yards each. Yeah, Gailey sucked. No one knows if Gailey would have been the solution in KC. That team was/is a disaster and giving a coordinator one season to try and turn something around in the NFL is ludicrous, especially when you're starting QB at the beginning of the season is a journeyman (Damon Huard) and he loses the job to a rookie from Coastal Carolina. Add to that the 31st ranked defense in the NFL... So yeah, Gailey got fired by Todd Hailey. Coaches get fired. ALL OF THEM. Your chances of that happening increase greatly when a new regime takes over. The Chiefs weren't any better last season and most would argue they took a step back despite making significant changes.
  8. They didn't equal last seasons numbers. They had fewer yards, fewer TDs both passing and rushing, and averaged a half yard less PER PLAY (the Chiefs 4.8 YPP was equal to the BILLS last season). You're also pretending that the Chiefs didn't deal with any issues the season before, which is ridiculous. I feel bad that Cassell missed one whole game and Bowe had to sit four. Chris Chambers didn't look shot to me. I didn't realize receivers blew up at age 31. At the end of the day, Chan Gailey figured out how to get the ball to Tony Gonzalez NINETY SIX times with Tyler Thigpen and Damon friggin' Huard at QB. We barely surpassed that number to Lee Evans AND Terrell Owens COMBINED last season. It has nothing to do with kool-aid. I already said I have no idea if this guy is a good HC or not (and neither does anyone else but I'll take Bill Cowher's word over yours, call me crazy). I do know that he is the HC of the BILLS for at least next season and I'm gonna cheer for him to succeed instead of being the typical negative douchebag sports fan that are seem to breed via mitosis.
  9. Name 3 players on the KC offense from 2008. BTW, the Chiefs offense this season scored 3 more points than they did last season (because of their defense - their offense scored fewer TDs both rushing and passing). They changed QBs, RBs, and both starting WRs and were actually LESS productive offensively. But Gailey was the problem.
  10. I didn't mention yardage rankings at all, not that it matters. The fact is, Gailey's offenses have been productive despite what are OBVIOUS shortcomings in talent - especially at the QB position. In Miami, his "star" was "I don't want to play football, I want to smoke pot" Ricky Williams. That team was certainly led by their defense (it seems in this day and age every team has one side that is superior to the other. Well, except the BILLS who are mediocre on both sides of the ball). That doesn't change anything, really. I don't know if Gailey is a good HC or not but I do know he's been a very good OC in the NFL pretty much everywhere he's been. I also remember thinking that Jerry Jones firing him was ridiculous.
  11. I remember them putting up about 500 yards on our "defense" in Kansas City. The biggest reason we won that game was turnovers - which was pretty much the only way we even slowed them down. I remember thinking: "Who the hell is Tyler Thigpen?"
  12. Gailey's "conservative" offense: In Pittsburgh was 7th and 11th in points, with Tomczak and Kordell at QB. The season after he left, they were 28th. In Dallas was 9th and 11th in points. The season before he took over, 22nd. The season after he left, 23rd. In Miami they were 16th and 11th in points with Jay friggin' Fiedler at QB and Oronde Gadsden as their number 1 WR. Buffalo's HIGHEST ranking in points in the last SIX seasons is TWENTY THIRD.
  13. Yeah, the Dolphins are awesome. That's why they didn't defend their AFC East title, didn't make the playoffs, and fired their DC after 2 seasons. Just a model organization. I can only imagine what this place would look like if we'd hired Tony Sparano instead of Dick Jauron.
  14. Not until the government addresses the things that actually make things grow far faster than the rate of inflation - which is unlikely since they're causing many of them.
  15. That has never been a problem in Massachusetts or any other partisan Red/Blue state. Which is just another reason why you're an idiot - as if we needed one.
  16. I hate Jets fans with a passion but it's tough not to like Rex Ryan. That dude is a hell of a football coach.
  17. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. This is PPP. What is acceptable to "the community at large" has ALWAYS included more than a little rancor. Don't pretend it hasn't and don't pretend you haven't done it. I've never suspended/talked to/banned anyone for name calling, so your "charge" is complete bull - much like virtually everything that comes off your keyboard. I'd ask you to try to be rational rather than emotional but we all know how impossible that is. As far as being "a hypocrite", you obviously don't know what the word means.
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