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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The market didn't create it. And for about the MILLIONTH time: Presidents don't control the purse strings or the economy.
  2. Is there ever a moment when you actually engage your brain before your estrogen levels reach their peak?
  3. The military has always been used by politicians as an avenue for social change, so that comes as no surprise. Amazingly hypocritical move from a guy who isn't "for" gay marriage but doesn't have any problem letting the military show leadership because he's not willing to. Personally I agree with him but that doesn't mean I envy the first generation of openly gay service members - especially the ones who will be tortured and killed because of who they are.
  4. I don't think St Louis "sucks" at supporting an NFL franchise. Bidwell was a horrible owner in St Louis and the Frontierre/Zygmunt/Shaw systematic dismantling/mismanagement of "The Greatest Show on Turf" led to what is going on now. I think it's awesome that the BILLS sell out pretty much every game but I wonder if that would be the case if there were PSLs involved like there are in places like St Louis. I remember plenty of half (or less) empty stadiums during the Stephenson/Bullough regimes and tickets/merchandise/beers/etc were WAY cheaper then.
  5. He was actually hurt pretty much that whole time period - shoulder/thumb/concussions. Once he got his shoulder/thumb stuff worked out medically and started wearing the compression gloves to help his grip, he went back to being one of the top guys in the NFL.
  6. Absolutely. The gold standard for pocket passers in the post season.
  7. I hope he goes there and makes 40 tackles and wins the MVP.
  8. You mean because Ralph won't fire a guy who doesn't win right away?
  9. It's not any different than the typical "distorting of the facts" that brought us "Halliburton". At the end of the day the government procurement/contracting system is an abject disaster and there's pretty much no way to fix it without tearing down the infrastructure of this country. I compare it to the GM/Chrysler "bailout". Anything that's done has enormous downstream repercussions to the little guy and neither party has the stomach for short term pain/long term gain.
  10. There's a difference between a bad call in the early in a game and one in overtime.
  11. I'm sure they could have found a place for him on obvious running downs but your contention that he's "decent" in coverage is ludicrous and a vain attempt by you to cover a fallacious argument. The "flaw" starts with a scheme that has been exposed and a "strategy" that keeps the best players on the roster off the field in favor of those who have larger contracts. This team has done a ton of dumb things, that much is certain.
  12. About the same as his proof that David Harris would be good in Fewell's defense. Harris' name was the largest bandied about last offseason as trade bait until Ryan came in and changed them to the aggressive 34 defense they now play. Good coaches put good players in the best position to succeed. Harris great next to Bart Scott in the Jets defense. He'd be an extreme liability in Buffalo, especially on passing downs where the Tampa-2 MLB is responsible for the middle third. I'd be all about getting Revis, Mangold, and Harris in the draft as long as we get a coach who will put them in a position to utilize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses.
  13. Harris would be a disaster as a Tampa-2 MLB. Don't let that stand in the way of a good rant, though.
  14. Government giveaways of taxpayer money are awesome when they seem to benefit me.
  15. That's right Debbie, everyone from the south is a racist and everyone from Washington state is a homeless, jobless, flannel wearing hippie.
  16. How much would you run the ball with Warner, Fitzgerald, Bolden, Breaston, and Doucet on your roster? Arizona played to their strengths and won a friggin' playoff game doing it.
  17. The growler I dropped in the bowl has more intellectual capacity than you've ever shown on this message board. I know it's hard for you but let's go ahead and let HIM answer the question I asked HIM.
  18. Circle March 14th on your calendar for the return engagement of the Flyers/Rangers. I'm going to be really curious to see Briere/Gagne running for their lives.
  19. The guy has 100 points since 1999. Having 5 in 36 games is pretty much his average. Taking into account his lack of a defined role on this team and the corresponding shrinking of his ice time... If my question was stupid, your response is wearing a helmet with headgear and took the short bus to get here. But it's certainly not about you needing attention. The next time I ask someone else a question, you feel free to ignore it. Yeah, it's pretty clear that a bonus baby first round pick is going to replace a lunch pail 4th line player because that's how it works in the salary cap era. Quinn should dump Darcy and hire you ASAP. I remember the mouthbreathers saying the same thing when Mike Grier took his game out west. It was easy enough then too when you don't understand what it takes to build a successful hockey team.
  20. I know you're desperate for attention but how about shutting the hell up and letting him answer the question? When I want clarification from you, you'll be the first to know.
  21. No one cares about Franken. Rachel Maddow is losing to Lou Dobbs' RERUNS. Bankruptcy is a pretty good gauge of failure. Look who just loss a Senate seat they've held for 47 YEARS in a state where 75% of registered voters are Democrats. Look who has raised the debt ceiling 2.9 TRILLION dollars in a YEAR. Look who not only hasn't started bringing troops home but has in fact INCREASED our commitment. Look who couldn't use a super majority to get ANYTHING passed. The clock is ticking and the only people who don't realize it are the so called "intellectual progressives". It's just too bad the alternative sucks nearly as much.
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