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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Actually, nothing sucks worse than knowing that idiots on your side of the aisle and idiots on the other side of the aisle will continue to hold power until this country is no more. I'd ask you if you're mildly retarded but the question is so rhetorical that the word doesn't do it justice.
  2. You'll have to forgive him, he doesn't have the ability to understand such deep philosophies.
  3. That's an interesting question - I'm going to do a little research and see what I can find.
  4. I guess you figure that argument has legs, huh? Did you use the same wagging (drool covered) finger when the lefties were whining about Halliburton? Somehow I doubt it.
  5. Losman's long ball is far more accurate. In the short game, it's pretty equal (bad) - though Vick did look a little bit better the few times I saw him throw in Philly. That's not saying much given his body of work.
  6. Big arm, small brain. He's never been a QB in his life and I doubt he's going to start now.
  7. Somehow I doubt the government is behind the savvy decision to take advantage of a this business condition.
  8. Why would I care what your perception of the difference is? If you were in search of the truth, you'd be able to recognize it when it smacks you upside your block head. I'm not at all angry "at" anyone. I simply have the ability to recognize the hypocrisy of organized religion and the resulting ridiculous persecution complex that people like you hide behind like some badge of honor. Quick, give some more of your money, I'm sure there's some edifice that needs to be constructed. I took a poll.
  9. "It may also be used to highlight a perceived error, sometimes for the purpose of ridicule" Try and figure out which of us knows WTF we're talking about.
  10. I'd rather see if they could pry Thigpen loose from Miami - he may end up getting released anyway.
  11. The amount of big words you use doesn't make your point salient. No one has to meet "a majority" to understand that a significant portion of "Christians" or any other religion for that matter, are full of crap. The evidence shows itself every single day. They don't live their lives in a manner that's even close to what is espoused and they certainly don't hold the organizations they belong to accountable. Your post here is a perfect example. Yeah, you're persecuted. But you go ahead and pretend the outside world is persecuting you, while ignoring the reality that organized "anything" means corruption/graft on a grand scale. There would be NOTHING worse than giving ANY organized religion the kind of power "Christians" think they deserve. Bull. I think your (sic) a regurgitating mouth breather who doesn't know when to properly use a conjunction. I'd ask you to explain what that means but I'm afraid your head would explode.
  12. My father always taught me: "Discretion is the better part of valor."
  13. Another great example of the Democrats taking care of the middle class.
  14. Nope, because the vast majority of "Christians" are of the "Do as I say not as I do" mentality just like the piece of crap politicians they follow in a way that certainly calls into question the "worship of false idols." Now get out there and "love thy neighbor" and "judge not, lest ye be judged."
  15. Somehow I doubt the problem at ACORN is "insufficient" management.
  16. Do the math on 12 TRILLION dollars and tell me if 7% is a big number.
  17. There was NO SURPLUS. The fact that you and any other partisan continues to repeat that lie tells me how much they actually know. If there was a surplus, why would Al Gore have been talking about putting Social Security in a lock box (a point so cogent that even Saturday Night Live picked up on it). Another tired lie. Democrats and Republicans look out for the interest of the party. Neither gives a flying crap about anything else. Sure.
  18. Any of you clowns got LBers/OLinemen in the 44-whatever range?
  19. The effect now is a pinprick. The effect in the future is going to look a whole lot more like Harakiri.
  20. I'm a big fan of continuing to pretend they're somehow different. As soon as the economy tanked a little worse, the Democrats went into full "Trickle Down Economics" mode. Yeah, that idea totally sucks until you're the ones faced with a recession that's quickly morphing into a depression. Spend, spend, spend. Lather, rinse, repeat. But somehow when the lefties do it, it's excusable.
  21. And the 10 administrations before that. It's nice to know that your partisanship can count all the way to 8 years. Quick, defend the Clinton administration by regurgitating the lie that they were paying down the debt. That's my favorite.
  22. The current administration's economic policies will hurt much more in the future.
  23. I miss Brookshier and Curt Gowdy. They were light years ahead of the current group - I never got tired of listening to them and I think a big part of it was they let the game tell most of the story.
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