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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Have your real estate agent ask theirs. They love that ****.
  2. It would have been far worse had the U.S./Allies invaded Japan.
  3. Take a picture. Then remove the wall plate and pull it out so we can see what the punch downs on the back of the plate are.
  4. He was a ROOKIE from Coastal Carolina on a bad football team. Yeah, let's write the kid off.
  5. South Carolina Senator Offers Real "Change". The President campaigned on ending earmarks, then promptly signed a bill with over 9000 of them. I wonder how may co-sponsors this bill will end up with. I don't wonder if it will pass because the "fiscally conscious" legislators in both the Republican and Democratic parties would NEVER allow it.
  6. I was in DC a couple of years ago when it snowed. The only time I've ever been offered a free upgrade to a sports car. Thanks, Middle Eastern guy behind the counter. That was funny.
  7. Newsflash: There are a whole lot of people who prefer sunny weather to winter. Or we could take it personally. This **** never gets old.
  8. WTF are you babbling about now? Can't refute the actual point, as usual. Good work, troglodyte.
  9. Color me stunned that you're able to converse adeptly in porn lingo but don't have a clue that SME stands for Subject Matter Expert - an acronym than anyone who's ever had even a semi-skilled job would recognize immediately. Good job showing your ignorance, as usual. But go on, show us some more of your superiority.
  10. If there's anything you'd be qualified as an SME, it's stupidity. Welcome back, tardo.
  11. The best part is they're 4.5" shorter than is currently legal for the populous. Nothing better than "revenuers" with sawed-off shotguns a knockin'. I'm sure that's what the Founding Fathers envisioned.
  12. There's talk amongst some of the people I know in the industry that it's not the pedals, it's the software that controls the servos that do the work. Right now it's just talk...
  13. Bee Oh Oh, HHHHH Oh Oh. I'd tell you you're missed but everyone sees your retarded posts over here and remembers why you're gone. Do us all a favor and try another humorous thread like the Buster Ramsey one. That was pure gold.
  14. And it is "easier" to identify. I'm not saying that there isn't a link between immunizations and autism - I have no idea. I also don't know if there's any link between the hormones we force into our meat supply and autism. There are simply too many variables for it to be such a convenient explanation.
  15. This post brought to you by the "lady" who thought "Gang of Pedophiles" was an appropriate insult for the Republican Party. Spare us the hypocritical tears.
  16. That might be the dumbest post in your history, which is quite an accomplishment.
  17. Ooh, a company profiting off a politician getting elected. Obviously the first time in history that's ever happened. Do everyone a favor and try coming up with an original thought.
  18. Monk may have been the number 3 option in the Redskins' offense in the last year or 2 of his career but the bulk of it he was the most productive guy on the roster. 1980: Rec: 1st Yds: 1st TDs: 3rd 1981: Rec: 2nd Yds: 1st TDs: 1st 1982: Rec: 1st Yds: 2nd TDs: 2nd ** Strike Year 1983: Rec: 2nd Yds: 2nd TDs: 3rd ** Missed a quarter of the season 1984: Rec: 1st Yds: 1st TDs: 1st 1985: Rec: 1st Yds: 1st TDs: 3rd 1986: Rec: 2nd Yds: 2nd TDs: 2nd 1987: Rec: 3rd Yds: 3rd TDs: 2nd ** Missed a quarter of the season. 1988: Rec: 2nd Yds: 2nd TDs: 3rd 1989: Rec: 1st Yds: 1st TDs: 2nd 1990: Rec: 2nd Yds: 2nd TDs: 2nd 1991: Rec: 1st Yds: 2nd TDs: 2nd
  19. I don't thing you can go wrong with either Lenovo or Dell. I've had Latitudes for the last 12 years or so and I've never had any problems (my wife once accidentally spilled coffee in it but the Complete Care warranty covered it - no questions asked). We used to buy Thinkpads at work - absolutely bulletproof with the best software in the business. The big problem was once they were outfitted like the execs liked the price point was about 50% higher than the Dells. We just couldn't justify it any more.
  20. Bull. Simms spent his entire career in a watered down power offense with mostly mediocre receivers (sans Bavaro) surrounding him. That dude was a warrior who would have put up ridiculous numbers in a different situation.
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