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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Looks like some more of the "Change" we've been sold that's actually wrapped up in "**** we've been doing and can't afford". A new agency. Huge surprise.
  2. That was funny, especially when Vigoda reared his ugly mug at the end. I probably liked the dog one the best because I love dogs. That had a little perverse "get some of that Michael Vick" spirit to it.
  3. I think even that's a little too easy. I'm sure that will help but until the federal government proves it's serious about fixing what ails the dollar and doing something about the deficit/debt, business is going to sit on its hands.
  4. You mean rednecks wasting their time and energy rousting working people while the true illegal problem (gangs and the associated crime) are ignored? That? We've already got plenty of that.
  5. I think there would be a modest "no taxes up to XX amount", then everything above would be taxed at the same rate. Same thing goes for retirement savings. Companies are out of that business as well. I think it's something worth trying. It's not without risk, obviously. Still, I'd rather err on the side of no tax than the draconian business killing crap we have now. Again, there are trade offs. But DoD is so unbelievably expensive and poorly run that it's about the only way to reign it in. I know, right? It seems so simple. It's beyond ridiculous. The average person has no idea what it's truly costing them. Interstate commerce, my ass.
  6. I thought it was the dog with the bark collar. I LMAO on that one.
  7. Why don't you give me a few examples of my "Republican" ideals. I'm really curious to hear about what I think. 1. Flat tax. It's time to stop all of the ridiculous tariffs/ways the government hides taxes. It also lets people know exactly how much they're really paying and eliminates the IRS. I guarantee that will lower the amount of money the government takes in and in turn stimulate the economy. 2. Get companies out of the health care business and stop the ridiculous state/federal licensing practices that stifle competition. You can buy your own health care, just like you buy your own car insurance. Want to lower the cost of health care, make the marketplace competitive. 3. Start up businesses pay NO taxes for a 3 or 5 year period. 4. Bring the troops home. All of them. There's absolutely no good reason to continue the charade of protecting Japan, Germany, England, Korea, etc while trying to compete with them economically. 5. Encourage investment by cutting capital gains taxes. 6. Repeal crap legislation like Sarbanes/Oxley that not only hasn't worked on its intended targets but has put excessive burden on US companies in a far more competitive world.
  8. Typical Americana. Get all whiny about something before you even see it. I'd have been more concerned about the message of him form tackling his mother.
  9. Given the President's proposals during the campaign and during his short time in office: they not only won't be solved, they'll be made far worse. This administration has even less understanding of blowback than the previous one, and that's quite a feat. "Both sides of the aisle" should only get along because each basically proposes the same "spend, spend, spend" solutions to virtually every problem. And as far as those who don't agree: You're simply not smart. It is what it is. I am glad that you didn't waste another line pretending I'm some kind of right winger. That's beyond ridiculous.
  10. She couldn't hear herself - that we pretty obvious when she took off the ear monitor.
  11. I don't cheer on any party. I haven't voted Republican or Democrat for a very long time. I offer plenty of solutions but mouth breathing followers like you continue to do the exact same things while hoping to get a different result. That's what makes me smart and you...well not. Yet you continue to defend someone who was even more liberal than they are. Yeah, you're way WAY different. It has nothing to do with assumptions. You bashing your head against a wall may improve your ability to reason politically.
  12. It's Happening. It's ALWAYS happened. Even the Canadians are reporting it. I know it's hard to lose your man crush but try and follow along.
  13. That doesn't sound like another expensive program that will easily be defeated by those who get the checks. Oh wait, yeah it does. At least unemployed people will be able to get some cash selling their clean urine.
  14. Feel free to go find another board where your "tried and true" lefty ideals will take you to the promised land. I always find it funny when one of you lefty apologists automatically makes everyone against you into a "righty". The fact of the matter is "independents" and others have little or nothing in common with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Mr. Obama, Ted Kennedy, etc. That doesn't automatically make them Republicans - but it does make them smarter than you are.
  15. Despite the fact that to date he's done nothing differently than those who came before him. I'm sure that will stop any day now.
  16. I'm glad - there's no way I want to share Canton with a bunch of crackhead Cowboys fans. It was bad enough with Irvin going in with Thurman, though it was funny to watch about half the stadium walk out when Thurman finished.
  17. Sure. There are a whole bunch of somebodies running around the internet advocating concentration camps and burning people who disagree with them. So?
  18. No, he didn't. Not that your credibility matters or anything. Ladumbass is in the hizzle.
  19. Says the guy who just spent $800 billion we don't have on a stimulus that isn't and is projecting the largest deficit in U.S. history. Any mirrors in that dude's house?
  20. You should take him seriously. Someday he's going to be somebody.
  21. The Dems are just keeping it real and representing the middle class.
  22. Let me translate: You're stupid. You're so stupid that if there were such a thing as a "Subject Matter Expert on Being Stupid", you'd be over qualified. Now go back to the Daily Kos circle jerk party for another round of brain numbing blather.
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