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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Radiant floor heat in a bathroom is a huge selling point. Chics love that stuff.
  2. Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to, Mr. Faux Decorum. Somehow I doubt the world would be a worse place if stronger messages were sent to people like those you're asking about. Instead we turn the blind eye because they have a skill that entertains us. Welcome to Rome, circa 2010. "I don't have a problem with him playing in the NFL but I certainly don't root for him and if I was an owner I'd never allow him in my organization. Period." That's my exact quote. Stop frothing, start reading. It makes you look more intelligent. Oh look, another mouth breather who can regurgitate. Congrats for that skill, I'm sure that was tough to learn.
  3. That's the intellect you have consistently shown. No, I don't. You have shown virtually no ability to cognitively reason. Try and figure out how to add those two together. We'll all pretend there's a difference. But someone else is a dumbass.
  4. It's nice to see you continue pecker checking after high school. Because you know so much about me. Yeah, judge me. Union guy.
  5. Animal cruelty has no statute of limitations in my mind and somehow I doubt that a short stint in prison changed Vick's !@#$ness. I don't have a problem with him playing in the NFL but I certainly don't root for him and if I was an owner I'd never allow him in my organization. Period. I don't believe in God, so I don't feel any need to explain differing degrees of sin to him. If you don't think there's a difference between sins, that's your opinion and frankly I could give a flying rat's ass.
  6. It's 2010, not the 17th century. No. Some sins are far worse than others and are simply unforgivable. I wish Michael Vick all the luck in the world dealing with his demons but that doesn't mean I want him to be my neighbor or to have anything to do with him.
  7. His religion? Can you tell us some more about Tom? I'm always curious to find out about him from people who couldn't pick him out of a lineup. Ladumbass is in the hizzle.
  8. You realize you're explaining that to someone who owns his own business, right?
  9. Good thing for you, Midol is an OTC drug.
  10. The funniest thing is it's not really a meltdown. He's that big a tool.
  11. It is funny. Mostly because the current administration is so inept that it makes his look, well not like the definition of the word that they mostly were.
  12. Let me know when there is one because I've never seen it. Bull. About the only success she's really had was an appointed office. Her "governorship" was noteworthy only in that she quit in a very strange way.
  13. There is a policy on this board about crusading. I'm giving you a very public warning because you seem to need it.
  14. You bring so much to each discussion.
  15. I'd wager virtually everything in my possession that you've never set foot on an Ivy League campus. You have absolutely no basis for your opinion other than your ridiculous man crush.
  16. Reigning in the Dummycrat machine, one term limit at a time. Sincerely, God
  17. That's pretty much the argument I've been making all along. If envirohippies were serious about the environment, they'd demand that all this money that's going toward this garbage science be used to deal with real environmental problems.
  18. Where did GWB graduate from? Education has never equaled intelligence and it never will. Are you ever going to use an argument that isn't intellectually bankrupt?
  19. Say a little prayer for RJD - he's suffering from stomach cancer.
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