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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I thought outside of the glitch, that it was a beautiful and well done ceremony. Canada is probably the greatest country in the world outside the United States and they equated themselves quite well. One of the most breathtaking, pristine places on earth. Good luck to all the competitors and RIP to Nodar Kumaritashvili. What a terrible stain on the games.
  2. Good thing there aren't any Democrats or contributors like Soros doing that. Look up Occidental Petroleum and Elk Hills sometime. You people are so full of crap.
  3. The Republicans ran John McCain/Sarah Palin. I'm not sure that it would have mattered in the least and I'm not wasting the time clicking on a friggin' NewsMax link. Newsmax. Sheesh.
  4. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! I don't understand the issue. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! It has nothing to do with "conservative talking points", though I'm not surprised that's your contention since you're pretty much the thing you pretend to despise.
  5. Pretty much all followers of anything are nucking futs.
  6. Translation: "Hi, my name is Pasta Joe. I don't actually know the issue people are debating but that's not going to stop me from making a complete ass of myself." Perhaps that's what you mean by "hypocracy."
  7. Especially since the media is as incompetent as the politicians in Washington.
  8. You may not have noticed but his ability to understand nuance is pedestrian at best. You may want to spell out exactly what you mean. Personally I love someone basically going nuclear because they know they're getting their ass kicked.
  9. Cutting defense wouldn't "let the Huns run in". That's a fallacy of epic proportions. The United States currently spends 41.5% of the WORLD'S military budget. For every $100 the world spends on armies, the US spends $41.50 of it. That's absolutely ridiculous. Medicare has artificially increased health care costs for the rest of us. Medicare has led to significant administrative liabilities that has led to further legislation that has penalized everyone where it matters most - in their pocket books. That doesn't even take into account the ridiculous lobby that has resulted in a bunch of cobbled together "plans", each of which is fraught with mismanagement, lack of foresight, and cost overruns. Social Security is forever broken. The solutions to "fixing it" are the dirty ones no one likes to talk about (cutting benefits, raising taxes, increasing the retirement age, etc). There's simply no way around it in the short term. In the long term, it's easy enough to give people both incentive and benefit to save for themselves. There are no shortage of ways to do it, except if we work towards that, the Federal government won't be able to use Social Security money as their own private stash, where they burn through the surplus and leave meaningless IOUs behind (one of the "real reasons" there was a "surplus" during the Clinton administration). There are plenty of ways that don't involve spending a bunch of money we don't have - most of which have to do with taking power away from Washington D.C. and giving it back to the people. I know that's considered anti-progressive but are people really still believing the BS economy of the 1990s when virtually everything I've been harping about (housing, stock market, cheap money, stealing social security, cheap energy, etc) is hitting you in the face everyday? Perhaps it's time to point the finger of blame where it belongs: at the two party system that has sold us out in favor of big government and panacea. That thumb you've been sucking on isn't for your security, it's actually apathy.
  10. Defense (which could likely be cut in half without any real loss of capability, though you'd never hear that from a politician because too many jobs now depend on it), then Medicare (which is fraught with waste), then start real Social Security reform (which will end with its eventual elimination over about a 50 year period). It's truly the only course of action. And I know you're not baiting me.
  11. The fact of the matter is you're incapable of "listening" and I truly don't care whether you do or not. You prove it virtually on a "by post" basis. There isn't a single person on this board of any status whatsoever who thinks you're intelligent or values your opinion. Not one.
  12. His reading comprehension skills aren't very strong. Why should that tool be any less damaged than the other few in his box?
  13. If I were retarded, that would be my take as well. Since I'm not, go ahead and pretend that I don't actually care what you think nor feel that I have to justify myself to someone I don't have an ounce of respect for. I've told you numerous times I'm not in the union.
  14. I'm sure there's some kind of parallel that led to that deduction. And to think I questioned your cognitive abilities. Again, I'm not a Republican. I don't know why it is that you partisan political tards can't comprehend that there is far more out there than the 2 gangs of idiots that are ruining the country. Try and stay on topic for 3 seconds. Whatever, man. You've posted numerous times since then but it's OK for you to hide - we've come to expect that from you. The fact that you "partially" agreed with me must be somehow important, though it's currently beyond me. I'm glad you hold such lofty standards. Your unsolicited advice has been filed in the proper repository.
  15. One of my buddies started his own construction business. Nothing big, GC on a housing development. He's done pretty well, so he decided to build a couple of small "strip mall" type buildings. He went out for bids and got a few other small operations together to do the jobs. Once the shells were started, the union protests began - complete with violent threats. The unions obviously didn't win the bids because their bids were off the charts expensive. They kept protesting until the plumbing/electrical was in. They didn't show up Friday. Saturday night, someone broke in and ripped all the sheetrock, plumbing, and electrical out of both buildings. No one here is wondering who did it.
  16. I am. The fact that you can't face it is a clear indication. A person has to be able to face their limitations before they can grow. You have no idea how funny that is. I don't have any idea WTF this means. Are you actually threatening me? Congratulations. You should now write a book. If you typed for 1,000,000 years, it could end up being "War and Peace". That's what you see. That's your problem. Think: cognitive ability. If you'd said: "You find fault with 99% of Democrat policies", you'd be absolutely correct. I don't know why that's such a huge problem for you people - Democrat politics are simply wrong. A point that has been proven over and over again throughout history. No, I attack unions. Unions have served their purpose and have now morphed into horrible things that spawn even more horrible things. Pretend you don't. When you're done with that, go back to the thread where you challenged me to give 5 examples and then ran off like a B word. I know.
  17. What you're doing is pretending that Stallworth had the same intention and therefore pretending the two things are similar. They aren't. I don't know more than a handful of people who haven't had a few beers and driven home. Every person who has had a few and driven could have easily ended up in the same situation Stallworth did. People won't forgive Stallworth because he's an athlete, has money, and a person died. If it was you, or someone you cared about instead of Stallworth you'd drop this ridiculous rant. Vick, however, INTENTIONALLY did everything he was accused of plus a few more things on top of it. Has he changed? I have no idea but I will never forgive or trust a person who did what he did. There's something seriously wrong with a person capable of that stuff.
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