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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I think the problem with that scenario is it's likely AJ Smith has seen Lynch play.
  2. I'm not sure that things are changing all that much, though when I was a kid it seemed like there were a lot more "odd sized" couples (really tall dad, really short mom). We had kids who were friggin' huge when we were in grade school. One kid was like 6'5" and about 250 in eighth grade. Just a monster. The difference now is big kids aren't just pushed into sports for their size - they're pretty much allowed to play whatever they want.
  3. Thigpen was drafted in 2007. He's been in the league for 3 whole seasons. Last season he was on the Chiefs roster for the first 3 games and then was traded to Miami. I guess he should have been expected to win the starting job, though. Jesus Christ, some of you people are stupid.
  4. Energy jobs in America are verboten. Sincerely, Liberal left
  5. I can't wait for him to pretend you're a Republican.
  6. They're a major part of the problem but certainly not for the reasons you cite.
  7. What exactly is the minority party supposed to do? When the only tool in your box is a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail. The Democrats/President aren't going to consider any legislation that the Republican's put forth because that's not how the game is played when one party barely has enough votes to filibuster. If it were 50/50 in each house, there would very likely be more favor trading going on. Quit pretending the Republicans are doing anything weird or out of context historically. They're doing what pretty much every party in their shoes has always done.
  8. The NFL seems to want to kill the golden goose, much the same way the NBA did. Stern is now crowing about the league losing $400 million this season. Honestly, if it wasn't for the television appeal of football it may very well be dead already.
  9. Kiper has been wrong on virtually every QB he's ever talked about. Here's his list of "Can't miss franchise quarterbacks": Alex Smith, Ryan Leaf, Akili Smith, David Carr, Joey Harrington, Andre Ware and Jeff George. He said that Akili Smith was a better prospect than Daunte Culpepper or Donovan McNabb. He also said Ryan Leaf had the right "attitude" to give him an advantage over Peyton Manning. He said Cutler was the most overhyped player in the draft and nowhere near as good as Matt Leinart or Vince Young. In other words: Who the !@#$ cares what Kiper or any other "expert" says?
  10. You mean professionally photographed?
  11. He was there 3 seasons and made it to the NFC Championship game in their 2nd season of existence.
  12. I probably should have said "critical position" because if we draft a friggin' DB or something off the wall, I'm gonna shiv a mofo.
  13. Don't worry, Congress will be taking this on at some point. Everyone will be able to fit comfortably in their seats and plane tickets will cost 3 times as much.
  14. I love the "all or nothing" mentality everyone seems to have. It's not "all about" anything in a team sport. The Super Bowl was won by the team with the 2nd round pick free agent QB and the team that made the bigger plays in each phase of the game. You have to have good linemen who play cohesively, a good/great QB, talented skill position players who don't make mistakes and a coaching staff that understands its team and can put them into the best position to succeed. It doesn't matter what position the BILLS draft in the first round - that player has to live up to his slot.
  15. It's nice to see figure skating is still as !@#$ed up as ever. People falling and scoring 10 points higher than people who didn't. That seems right. Congratulations to Canada for winning gold on home turf.
  16. Yeah, I'm the one with that particular problem. Let's hear from the studio audience, shall we?
  17. The implication is that I would ever care about your opinion of my credibility. Guess why I think you're an idiot.
  18. Yeah, we should probably expect government to reign in big business despite the fact that they've done far worse to the American taxpayer and our way of life than every big business combined. C'mon liberals. Keep defending them.
  19. Learn to use punctuation. It doesn't matter whether they "should" or not. Most "religious" people are absolutely going to do it because they can't help themselves. It's one of the reasons the ridiculous abortion issue continues to actually be a talking point despite the fact that over half a million American children are under government care on any given day. Yeah, zealots. Go ahead and fight for the rights of the unborn while ignoring the epidemic in your backyards. Dicks. Given the fact that I'm agnostic and think virtually all religious people are more devoted to hypocrisy than their religions, I'd say the answer is a pretty emphatic no. There are a lot of things I don't want to see in government. People using religion as a tool (think GWB and his moral mandate to start unwinnable wars all over the globe because "God" was on his side) is ridiculous. The funny part is they almost never err on the side that their "teachings" would seem to require. Since you're pretty much an idiot (I just can't resist) and I don't want you to misunderstand me, the answer is NO. That doesn't mean that deeply religious people can separate their religion from their obligation and it certainly doesn't mean they won't hire other hypocritical religious douche bags to serve along side - because I haven't seen many who are able to.
  20. Boy, that mogul competition was white knuckle. Great job by the 3 medalists.
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