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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I don't know why there always seems to be the need to !@#$ with stuff that isn't broken. One of the things that makes March Madness so great is the selection and someone always feeling left out. Welcome to how life really works.
  2. Great night for the Americans. Unbelievable skiing, tremendous moves on the half pipe (I think Vito's score was way low on his first run), a gold for Shani, and the short track relay team didn't screw up (though they're going to have their hands full with the Koreans in the final). There's no question Canada raised the degree of difficulty at Whistler, which was made very evident by the Riesch's "scared" run to eight at the end. Vonn barely landed that final jump - that lady has huge brass ones to ski like that on basically one leg but Mancuso really set the bar with her run. There's nothing more than needs to be said about White. Athletes who change sport are rare. Athletes who define it are even more rare. That kid is half pipe and he brought a big can of whoop ass last night. I think one of the coolest things about the "X" game sports is how much the competitors really love what they do. The sports aren't nearly as jaded as those that have been around for a long time and have too many rules, regulations, and customs. I'm glad the Olympics have embraced them.
  3. Which doesn't trump the fact that he doesn't debate my points because he can't. Yet somehow that's also not better.
  4. It's much better now, which is why they paraded out Joe Biden this morning to take one for the team. Joe was able to explain to all of us just how stupid we are because the second phase of the stimulus was the part levied for job creation.
  5. And yet you just couldn't help yourself. I wonder if Sarah Palin felt the same way when she spoke up about Family Guy? Nah.
  6. I almost always find something funny in the show. Damn.
  7. That's the first smart thing you've said in a while. You ought to stick with it.
  8. You have to understand that's how these idiots play the game. Anyone who points out the ridiculousness of their positions or the things that their "masters" have done obviously identifies with the opposite side. They really are that stupid.
  9. I called the Bush Administration inept. You cherry picked words. It has nothing to do with class and everything to do with yet another partisan shill trying to make the point that their group of douche bags is somehow different than the others. You mean because the Bush administration wouldn't have left Iraq and the economy wouldn't have "stabilized" (stabilized is in quotes because the economy is far from stable, not that I'd expect you to have any inkling of what those two words together actually mean)? Each of those things are things you have ZERO proof of, not that it matters in the least because I WASN'T DEFENDING THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION.
  10. There's also a reason that most comedians won't target individual handicapped kids.
  11. Apparently I missed it as well. Of course, I know the definition of nothing and captivated.
  12. Stop regurgitating things that aren't true as if they are gospel. And I don't care if you think I'm a dick. Which is why you spend so much time validating your opinions instead of just repeating what's been whispered in your ear, right? Sure. You do? Or do you need to learn the simple concept of proof reading? It actually makes sense if you do, because it lends credence to ridiculous garbage like "we went from a surplus to a deficit". Talk about your blanket statements.
  13. You don't need to apologize. Nothing is off limits.
  14. Captivated doesn't mean what you think it does.
  15. Ah, so now it's different than "I think it's okay to publically or privately make fun of anybody or anything. I refuse to draw sacred lines in the sand" The back peddle begins.
  16. No, you !@#$ing ass hat. I don't have a problem with anyone making fun of politicians, lord knows virtually all of them deserve everything they get and then some. The argument, which you state that you understand, isn't about whether Sarah Palin deserves to be made fun of. If you equate Mock picking on someone on a message board equally to Seth McFarlane using a Down's kid to make fun of Sarah Palin, then you're an absolute moron (which is something you should take personally, not the ridiculous idea that I think politicians are better !@#$ing people - that's one of the dumbest things ever tossed at me and I regularly converse with Steely, Conner, and pbills. That means you're moving into dark territory). "Family Guy" is generally very lazy. This is a perfect example of that. There were a million ways they could have made fun of Palin. Using a Down's kid isn't one that's acceptable.
  17. Oh, I hope quite the opposite. I hope he procreates and then someone makes fun of his offspring in a public manner - just so I can watch him continue to think "nothing is sacred or off limits".
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