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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. If you were smart enough to get the irony of those two sentences being used the way they are.
  2. I was talking about the finals. Didn't see the qualifying.
  3. Try again. This time use words that make sense when you put them together. How exactly am I corrupted by using direct quotes to prove that a tard is, well, a tard?
  4. Look at you, giving someone else's opinion as your own. Novel. Listen, I know the thing was over 30 pages long so you've had a tough time finding someone to read it to you and explain the big words. That doesn't change the fact that guy wasn't a right winger (nor am I, so I'm not surprised you can't discern the difference). Though I'm not surprised you want him to be since your masters are so busy kicking their own asses even you are trying to distance yourself from them. "The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." "The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed." Damn. It's like I was in that airplane. "As government agencies go, the FAA is often justifiably referred to as a tombstone agency, though they are hardly alone. The recent presidential puppet GW Bush and his cronies in their eight years certainly reinforced for all of us that this criticism rings equally true for all of the government." That sounds so very right wing. Being pissed off about taxes isn't owned solely by any group, nor should it be. About the only thing you know anything about is "incredibly boring screeds", which is pretty much your modus operandi.
  5. So because he was someone who identified with you politically it's not an indictment of people like you and instead he's a "lone nut"? I'm sure the Tea Party people would love his Marxist idealism.
  6. Keep in mind that the people who thought this was a good idea are the ones "educating" the next generation. We're so !@#$ed.
  7. Maybe he was dyslexic and had a problem with SIR.
  8. I tell people the same thing when they ask about Alaska. California would be great if there was a way to weed out the !@#$ing retards. They seem to breed faster than rabbits. I think it would have been a hell of a lot easier to live there if we didn't have kids. To this day, Carmel/Monterey/Pine Grove is still pretty much my favorite place on earth.
  9. Having good special teams players hasn't taken a single important roster spot from anywhere else.
  10. Women's half pipe was pretty disappointing, though the U.S. ended up with Silver and Bronze. Overall, it was a very sloppy competition - pretty much the opposite of the men's.
  11. ****, I'd have told him I was proud of him (just not in front of his mother).
  12. He absolutely doesn't, though somehow I doubt McCain would have found his fiscal conservativism - he hasn't been that for most of his Congressional career.
  13. You have to realize that Promo believes only the Republicans lie - he can't face the fact that both sides lie and are screwing the average Joe over while they line their own pockets. The last election cycle each Congressional seat cost over a million dollars in campaign cash to win. That's all about the middle class.
  14. Actually it's your dumb game. I'm not surprised you're having trouble recognizing that, given what you bring to the party.
  15. The problem with spending cuts is the short term downstream effects. It's not unlike what happened with GM/Chrysler. The government had the choice of letting them go into bankruptcy and basically causing a depression in the entire midwest, or bail them out and let them restructure with taxpayer money we don't have. We could close all the overseas bases and cut the military budget in half but the short term effect of that would make the auto industry problem look like a pebble tossed in the ocean. The government is set up like friggin' Amway and the last guy in is always the one holding the bag. That's the middle/lower class.
  16. We're pretty much screwed - there just isn't an easy way out of this one.
  17. As long as you don't have to spend the next 20 years paying for it. Think of the vacations you could take with that money. Damn.
  18. Especially given what was likely regurgitated at you versus what was actually of value. A college degree is nothing more than a square filler. Virtually no school at any level teaches much of anything worthwhile.
  19. We love that train of "thought". Sincerely, Small business owners everywhere. At some point, all of you partisan hacks are going to realize that the reason we're in the straights we're in is because the government has TOO MUCH money, not the opposite and that everything they touch turns to **** in a very short period of time. We may well be learning Mandarin by that point.
  20. It's a good thing Medicare and Medicaid aren't part of a government takeover of health care. And they're wicked cheap too.
  21. He's really sorry he can't be everything you want him to be.
  22. Let me go ahead and respond for him: GOOGLE! WIKIPEDIA! Qualifications!
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