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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. What an entirely unexpected response [/sarcasm]. I wonder what you'd have typed if I'd made fun of your kid? Now, before you type one of your typical thought-lacking responses: Take the time to do a quick search on my user name and the word "Palin" to find out what a "Palin-ite" I am. You're a friggin' partisan hypocrite who is pretty much the liberal version of Sarah Palin. I wonder what the average person would think of BILLS' fans based on your ridiculous gutter trash responses? [/rhetorical]
  2. And it was special because the Russians weren't. It was a once in a life time thing. Olympic hockey was pretty much unwatchable both before and since. Don't let that get in the way of a good story. Virtually ALL athletes in the Olympics now are "professionals" and the quality is quite obvious. The players LOVE playing in the Olympics and should always be allowed to do so. It's great for the game.
  3. There's more than enough of it in an NHL game and much of that has to do with the ridiculous notion that fighting isn't necessary (which is to be expected given the commissioner has about as much hockey insight as the average Bushman of the Kalihari). If the NHL really wanted to minimize fighting they could do it but that would mean New York would have to be consistent with the way they deal with dirty players. To this point they refuse to do so. The biggest problem I have with fighting is the specialized players every team carries now. Absolute crap. The Olympics doesn't show crap because no team faces another team more than twice. You're comparing apples to cement blocks. Of course it's popular. It's fighting for crying out loud.
  4. I see no need to call further witnesses, your honor. The defense rests.
  5. Worst? Probably New York, though for me California was nearly as bad.
  6. Because it is. It was very obvious as the games went on and the sticks started coming up. Virtually every whistle was followed by a pitch fork and slash. Good luck keeping a lid on that for 82 games. There's nothing wrong with fighting in hockey. If you don't like it, watch college hockey and enjoy all the dirty stick work and hitting from behind there.
  7. If Canada played that way in their next 100 games, they'd win all 100 of them. That was a dominant performance that Miller basically stole for us. Jack Johnson spent most of the game looking like a turn style.
  8. Except to this point they've done pretty much the opposite and have been in the back pocket of industry lobbyists to ensure the monopoly gets even stronger.
  9. That was a deflection and he was moving. That's never on the goalie. The guy made a bunch of good saves, including 2 back-to-back breakaways in the third period. He wasn't the problem, though he'll continue to be the goat because it's pretty convenient.
  10. Or in much of anything, really. I've always been of the opinion that government shouldn't be allowed to tax things like gasoline on its own because it leads to "How would we replace that revenue stream should something better come along?", which is something we've continued to face for a very long time.
  11. Doc is one of the very best ever at what he does. A total class act in virtually every way.
  12. Not based on track record in pressure games. Which is what we all really want to see anyway. Go Canadians!
  13. Considering that pretty much every business does that, it's not really a surprise. Everything is done by "Cost/Benefit Analysis". I doubt any government is going to change that with regulation because it's virtually impossible to make something loophole proof without crippling an industry - which has obvious downstream effects.
  14. I don't know how anyone can hate on Brodeur. Pretty much every U.S. goal was either a deflection or a multiple shot rebound. Canada's defense (mostly Pronger/Boyle) were pretty awful at clearing traffic and with gap control. Canada dominated this game but the U.S. won because their goalie put on a ridiculous show and they scored timely goals. The Leaf doesn't have anything to be ashamed of and it won't surprise me at all if they stand atop the podium when it's all said and done.
  15. His story was "Williams wanted Brees with the BILLS second round pick." Not according to Williams himself. It doesn't matter if Williams is revising history to suit his legacy. AT ALL. Whether it's corroborated by anyone else or not is totally irrelevant to this particular situation. It's nothing more than arguing what the facts of the particular topic are, which clearly are not as his "story" illustrates. But thanks for your meaningless yet ridiculous input.
  16. Brees was the Chargers first pick in the second round (32nd overall) and Williams wanted him instead of Nate Clements at 21. The BILLS tried to trade up after they made the Clements pick and couldn't find anyone willing. Don't let that get in the way of your superior story, though.
  17. Don't let anyone kiss your medal in public. Congrats, man!
  18. U.S.A continues piling up the medals. What a change from my youth.
  19. Well, that settles it. Kids with Down's Syndrome are now allowed to tell other people how to feel about things. At least you're an idiot about pretty much everything. There's something to be said for consistency.
  20. Newsflash, toolbox: You are not the average representative of the left - you're a fringe lunatic. The average lefty thinking that rich (or other) people are supposed to pay taxes isn't the same as being pro-tax. That said, I think I'll have a much easier time finding lefties who have a problem with the tax code than you'll have finding righties who think communism is a great alternative to capitalism. Yet somehow you'll think you're winning this argument as well.
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