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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The difference is the rules in International play.
  2. Everyone needs to remember this when watching any news "organization" reporting anything.
  3. The last paper I read on it said oil needed to approach $5 a gallon to make it a viable option.
  4. Why is it so hard for so many people to face reality? The weather in Buffalo isn't for everyone - there are a ton of wimps out there who can't deal with it. Good. We don't friggin' need 'em anyway. Enjoy DC and all the crap that goes with it - especially the traffic.
  5. The fact of the matter is the best players in Russia played together for YEARS while the best players in Canada played together for a few weeks in preparation. It would be the equivalent of taking this season's Team Canada and letting them stay together for a decade. They'd be ripping NHL teams a new ass in no time flat. Canada is the best hockey nation on earth and always has been. The deck has ALWAYS been stacked against them in games against the Russians - until now.
  6. A chair and yoga blocks are pretty good to have as well. If you want the most out of the workout, a decent range of dumb bells is a must.
  7. Dude, Rich has forgotten more about football than you'll ever know. Be smart enough to know when you're being !@#$ed with.
  8. You'll have to let us know about Insanity. I'd like to try it but I want some feedback from someone who's done P90x to see what they think.
  9. It's a good thing talking isn't all that important a factor in blocking the !@#$ out of someone.
  10. It wasn't an indictment of you personally, it's an indictment of the "Hot Pockets" society in which the most minor issues are given ridiculous amounts of airtime (Tiger Woods cheated on his wife! OMFG) while the world is basically burning around us. I fully expect the IOC to spend a whole lot of time on this one and not nearly as much on why athletes are dying during training runs - because that's how it works. And there's no way in hell I'm hopping off my soapbox. The air is rarefied up here.
  11. If I had a kid now I wouldn't let them within a mile of a public school. It's pretty much the equivalent of feeding them paint chips and dip as a daily snack.
  12. Pretty poor choices all the way around but that's expected. I do love the "they're going to consider changes to Social Security". Gee, Dems. I thought there wasn't anything wrong with it. Or was that just the last 8 years? [/rhetorical] A new tax is JUST what the economy needs. That's some more of the change we were desperately pining for.
  13. I expect small minded people to complain incessantly about things that don't really matter.
  14. You mean like after all the people have left the arena? Oh wait, that's exactly what happened. The world is filled with people trafficking in children for sex, murdering large groups over things like religion, color,etc. We're sitting over here in North America complaining about adults having a beverage and smoking a cigar in celebration of a dream that actually came true. What an incredible waste of time. Congratulations Canadian women. Well done. Enjoy your moment.
  15. Nope. That would be the douche baggery of the liberal campaign to put "self esteem" above "personal responsibility". Congrats on that win, morons.
  16. An awesome performance and a great crowd. My favorite medal of these games.
  17. You do know that the BILLS have been around since before 1990, right? Marv isn't even the worst GM in team history.
  18. Ok, since Warburton was somewhat offended by it and he's not retarded does that mean we have to discount his opinion as well? I get confused by all the rules.
  19. I wouldn't use "system" to describe the cobbled together mess that Congress has been trying to patch for the last 70+ years. Whoever said that is an idiot - which comes as no surprise given it came from a seated politician.
  20. The sad part is his inability to recognize his hypocrisy - the same as every partisan douche bag in the world.
  21. Look who you're explaining that to. In Debbie's world, idealism is a one-way street.
  22. I agree with this. They also carry Michelin, which I've had the best luck with. Good balance of performance/quality/tread life.
  23. That's the most heart they've shown all night. Semin's an idiot for not looking for that but the international game is always more dirty because they've taken fighting out. Friggin' Euros. I'd love to see Anaheim/Pittsburgh so Getzlaf could punch Malkin in his bulbous nose.
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