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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Thanks for posting someone else's opinion. You should try and get the other 9 people who agree with you to start a movement. You could call it: "The Very Special Olympics".
  2. Then the only thing matching their stupidity is their cowardice. Fight? Is that the part where you talk about my balls? How exactly is that? Every single team in the hockey tournament used professional players. EVERY ONE. Go ahead and try to spin that. No. I don't have a grudge against successful people performing at the top competition available. Basketball isn't something I care very much about but I wouldn't have a problem with Kobe making a shot to win. The rest of the world has closed the gap in basketball BECAUSE of the "Dream Team", not in spite of it. The level of play in the NBA is the highest its ever been because the game has gone international. The world is a smaller place because of it and people share a commonality that wasn't there before. Just as these Olympics were the most competitive ever. There were countries winning medals in sports they'd never won in and that was awesome to watch.
  3. Obviously referring to the pile of crap you're spewing.
  4. If that's your opinion then it's pretty much a walk off grand slam. All but guaranteed. Who cares? No, they didn't win them 8-0. Of course, they were putting together a team on short notice to play another team of all stars that had been together for the better part of a decade so the fact they won was actually pretty damn impressive (to say nothing of not taking Howe, Cheevers, Sanderson, Hull, or Orr and losing Martin, Cashman and Perrault during the series). I'm sure you won't let that get in the way of another bout of stupidity, though. You know, since you're all but admitting that the best players in the world could barely handle the Soviet "amateurs in name only" but that should still be the standard. Yet somehow you're going to claim you've won something.
  5. Given the accomplishments, it's going to have to do.
  6. Why? You can dish it out but you can't take it? Amateur. Whatever, Eric. Your whine fest is almost as pathetic as your take that the pros don't deserve to go because they're already somebodies.
  7. How does "sending the best" translate to the "1980 team didn't deserve their result"? Jesus, is there a level of stupid you can't sink to? Really? So all of the players that were on the ice in this tournament were members of the "military" who were amateurs because they technically weren't being paid to be hockey players? In reality, NO ONE is the USSR because everyone is actually playing by the same set of rules. The playing field is now level for pretty much the first time since 1960. I don't know what !@#$ing romantic notion you're living from but Olympic hockey pretty much sucked when the Soviets were at their peak because they were actually sending their best players (who had played together for a decade in many cases) and everyone else couldn't. It was so bad the Canadians threw up their hands and stopped sending teams. The country that INVENTED the sport QUIT sending teams. I'm sorry but the "greatest sports moment" was the aberration and that's what made it special. One out of a million isn't reason enough to skew the rules from the best getting together every 4 years to see which country can get it done, no matter what sport we're talking about.
  8. Yeah, you sure didn't think. That's a continuing theme. We just watched the best in the world play with passion and integrity. And they did it FOR FREE. Your response was to call them entitled and say they didn't deserve to be there because they're spoiled and just trying to get something checked off a list. Damned if they do. Damned if they don't. I hate people who accomplish more than me. I wonder why people think that's stupid?
  9. Nah, you need to leave them there so everyone can enjoy your special brand of stupid. BTW, honor doesn't mean what you think it does.
  10. The last thing that's wrong in the world is having the best athletes from each country play against each other every 4 years on a level playing field. Your "argument" is basically because you're an also ran in life so you think that makes it OK to spring board others like you over the people who've done the work to be the best. Now go out and give everyone a trophy for participating and cheapen pretty much everything. So now you're qualified to comment on my junk? You're in no position to make demands, Eric.
  11. And it's just as stupid now as the first time you said it. But since you need the attention, I'll be more than happy to keep pointing that out.
  12. Pretty good for an Olympic fluff piece. I'll tip my cap to NBC on those for this particular Olympics. They didn't seem to do nearly as many and the ones they did were pretty good.
  13. You're trying to use sense against a message board special olympian. There's no way to win the medal in that event.
  14. True, to an extent but the last 20 years are the icing on the cake.
  15. You keep riding the "Nabokov is elite" train. I'll keep laughing when he comes up small in every big game situation. Just like he always has. Enjoy his last season in San Jose, which is what he's playing unless he does something spectacular in the playoffs. I watch the Sharks all the time. I lived in San Jose for 5 seasons and saw them upset Detroit in the playoffs with Archie Irbe in net. You're barking up the wrong tree there. Miller hype train?
  16. Given the fact that the Republicans and Democrats have stacked election laws in their favor, it's not likely to change.
  17. Banker/Insurance/Wall Street bonuses bad. Federal government sponsored bonuses to bailout directorates GOOD. More change we can believe in.
  18. Yeah, embarrassing because it's not numbers that tell the story of how a player is performing and it never has been. My mother would have ridiculous numbers playing on that San Jose team. Frankly I thought EN was much better last season and should have won the Vezina. You won't find a single hockey person who isn't a San Jose Sharks fan to agree with you and there's a reason for that.
  19. No, he really hasn't and it's kind of embarrassing that you'd even make that comparison.
  20. Wow, you topped the last post with an even bigger load of crap. Bravo.
  21. I'd guess that would depend on where you live and what your child's interests/your desires for them are. There aren't many places in modern America that the public school system is the only source for anything. 30 or 40 years ago that probably wasn't the case but 30 or 40 years ago public schools weren't in the totalitarianism business like they are today.
  22. There are a variety of ways around that and pretty much every one of them is pretty easy.
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