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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I hate being white and making 20% more money for no good reason.
  2. You'd think he'd stop proving his stupidity by walking away but he just keeps smashing his helmet into the wall.
  3. I hate when someone uses rules we wanted against us. That Bunning is such a dick. The only Senator with any gnads whatsoever.
  4. I think the floor mat thing is a lot of hooey and I have a really hard time believing that the average driver doesn't automatically step on their brake when the car starts doing something untoward, since that's pretty much an automatic reaction in all but the best drivers. Toyota is full of crap.
  5. No kidding. I loved that movie when it came out. Watching it now? Not so much. I'm looking very forward to the remake. Sam Worthington is going to be a very rich man.
  6. He's certainly more athletic but his Long Program performance wasn't up to par and he got exactly what he deserved. It's mind blowing to me that he was able to land a couple of those jumps because in the air they had disaster written all over them. At the end of the day, it's figure skating. Judged sports are always going to have controversy.
  7. Your performance, based on your vast international experience, is a little below expectation.
  8. Funny, the only person actually whining is you. You need to look up the definition of straw man arguments. It doesn't mean what you think it does. Are you going to break out into song next? Your points are like something out of a bizarro Disney movie. I agree that the organizers have lost the Olympic spirit with their ticket prices and $28 mittens but the athletes haven't been a problem at all (let me caveat that by saying Plushenko is a douche bag). Don't let that get in the way of a good charade, though. You sure? Because you were done yesterday too.
  9. I agree, though I was talking more about elite NHL players. We also still trail greatly in coaching quality. Canada has a big head start. That's slowly changing because we've been kiping Canadians to help because we have the coin. I don't think there's any doubt hockey has grown, though if the NHL doesn't get a handle on costs that will stop soon enough. Pricing families out of buildings when you don't have a television friendly sport isn't very wise. I think it's awesome that Europe has really picked it up. I was pretty surprised by how well the Germans actually played in the early games as well. I don't think they'll ever be a real power, though. Considering most "experts" had the U.S. hanging at 5th, I was pretty happy with the result. I'd rather have seen it decided on a different kind of goal (that game probably shouldn't have been decided on a defensive lapse, ya know?), there isn't ANY reason for the U.S. to hang their heads.
  10. Not really. Canada is far deeper in talent than USA Hockey. The gap has narrowed, certainly but beyond about the Top 25, Canada has a big advantage.
  11. Oh look, Eric's got a boyfriend. Isn't that sweet. Hey Jim, regret piping up in support of your new buddy yet? Moral honor? Yeah, let's leave the best athletes in the world at home because they've progressed and have money. But it's not about that, even though each of you has used money/fame as your examples on why they shouldn't be allowed to play. Right? When did you become the spokesperson for "everybody"? Did I miss a memo? From this thread, I'd say it's about 95% the opposite of what you think it is. I find it very funny that you "give everyone a trophy" people ignore how the sportsmanship of the games has INCREASED over what it used to be like. I'll grant that much of that has to do with the lack of tension from the Cold War era but it's still VERY evident to everyone with a clue that the athletes are far more respectful of each other than they used to be. I'm sure at least a small part of that is due to the fact that a larger number of competitors have actually done something to get there. I'm sure that has nothing to do with the leveling of the playing field and the now REAL sense of accomplishment that an Olympic medal brings. Whaaaaaaaaaaa! I hate famous people who accomplish stuff. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Says the guy posting other people's opinions. Great. Let's give everyone who watched the Olympics a trophy too. There's just nothing better than a global movement to marginalize real accomplishment. You may want to go ahead and copyright "Commitment to Mediocrity" for your "Very Special Olympics".
  12. Conspiracy is to Russia what apple pie is to America. It's kinda awesome in its own way.
  13. Sincerely, Guy who questions poster's qualifications. As if someone needs to be qualified in anything to continually point out your stupidity.
  14. They can't Too much money involved. The only way to make it fair would be to actually pay the players. <gasp>
  15. So once again, it's about hating people who have success.
  16. Yeah, because that's all that's going on in college basketball. I'm sure other countries will hold up to the Olympic ideal if we decide to go back to "amateurs", just ask the Chinese gymnasts how much their country cares about the rules.
  17. It's interesting that you cite one of the most corrupt sports on the planet as your example.
  18. He wants an Olympics where dudes can just walk in off the street and compete in Luge. It's brilliant, really.
  19. So you can't articulate but other people are Philistines. It's like there's nothing you're not hypocritical about. Not big on the "Very Special Olympics" idea?
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