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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Is it a stupid idea? Sure. Am I going to waste another moment worrying about something that isn't anywhere near as big a deal as it's being made out to be? Nope. Let me go ahead and quote the expert pilot from the story: "Safety wasn't involved because we have a very exquisitely developed method of read back, and the controller was right there with this kid. If the kid had said something wrong and that had been read back incorrectly, he would have been able to catch it instantaneously." Which was pretty much my point. Pretty dumb. Don't worry, I have a feeling the Federal government will overreact and not allow anyone any where near a tower from this point on. That way the terrorists won't win.
  2. Because of Conner's man love for the President, he's not going to have a problem with that. But he will parrot things like "we went from a surplus to a deficit" without understanding how these things actually happen.
  3. You mean because pilots are so stupid that they don't recognize whether directions are valid or not?
  4. So the guy who in charge of writing the tax code doesn't obey it and that isn't dangerous? Skeletor is a complete whack job.
  5. California Coastal Commission Abusing Power This is an unbelievable case of government imposing will on people. Permits for picnic tables and BBQ grills on private property because it may cause people to believe the rest of the beach is private? $250k in legal bills for people to put things in their own yard? $6k per day in fines? Hard to believe California is in bad shape given the battle they actually pick to fight. Gee, I wonder why the intelligent are wary of giving government too much power to "regulate".
  6. Settle down, Beavis. Before I slew foot ya. Pothier is a shell of the guy who was playing before the Lucic hit. Maybe he'll get better but that's not a given. I wasn't really downing him, it was more about the Finnish dude with the name that sounds like a seafood plate.
  7. They traded him for a guy and an entree from Bonefish Grill?
  8. No. Which is why she's a leader among the Democrats.
  9. Uh dew dis wuz dunna be ur duply. Der, der, der. There isn't a book on it, which is what makes the ridiculous assertions of choice all that much worse. I'm not concerned with it because despite your sexism, your children will grow up in a world that has moved far closer to treating everyone equally. While I admit to being lazy in many facets, I'm certainly not a dumb ass. I'm also not going to pretend like I can remember more than a snippet or 2 of anything you post. Things like "societal norm" stick in my head because I heard the racists I grew up around use it pretty much the same way you do. They were all gay bashers too. Interestingly enough, most of them have had to face their worst demons because each has had someone their respective family come out. Oh how the !@#$ing tune changes then. Bang the drum slowly. You're wrong and you're pathetic. Tell us some more about honor. Go back to the Chile thread and your asinine post there and try and figure out what a blatant !@#$ing hypocrite you are. Thanks for playing my game and taking another ass whooping. It never gets old.
  10. Paygo is only important when you're grandstanding on the ridiculously transparent platform of fiscal responsibility. It's not important at all when you're appealing to people's emotions in the short term. What a joke.
  11. Thanks for chipping away another layer of your stupidity in a public manner. Do tell when you chose to be hetero. This should be an excellent story.
  12. It's not going to happen and money is the reason. No way Ralph makes a rookie DT the highest paid player at the position. The franchise number for a DT is $7,000,000 per. The 2nd pick in the draft is looking at at least $11,000,000. It's one of the reasons the Rams are seriously considering Bradford. The number makes a hell of a lot more sense for a QB. The NFL really needs to fix the draft.
  13. Benign idjits don't start wars, create the Department of Homeland Defense, or sign the Patriot Act.
  14. I know it's tough for you but try not to let the talking box think for you. Maybe at some point your own synapses will fire. Thanks for yet another homosexual insult. You're almost completely out of the closet at this point. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  15. That's pretty much a given considering he's a politician and a member of the Republican party.
  16. I love how that's the conclusion you're jumping to. You should contact Live Nation because there has to be a way to make money off your level of stupidity.
  17. "Waste of afterbirth"? Seriously? What are you, 10? Why the !@#$ would I care about his mental history? I didn't vote for him. It says a lot about your character that it's a central issue for you rather than the real issue, which is that your masters don't give a crap about the rules the "most ethical congress in history" put in place... Yeah, they're way different than the Republicans. Thanks for basically "tossing" the same insult back. Your comedic sense is as tired as your politics.
  18. Yeah jackhole, nads. It's just too bad that everyone else is more concerned about keeping their seats than about playing by the rules that they themselves put in place. It's also to bad that most people are !@#$ing idiots (include yourself in this) and are going to react emotionally, rather than seeing it for what it is. Thanks for playing the mentally unbalanced card. That's new. If the Republicans had the majority and the Executive and Bunning was a dummycrat, you'd have to get treated for dehydration from all the jerking off in effigy you'd be doing. Like it matters. The Dumbassacrats couldn't get dick passed with what was pretty much a super majority and an incompetent ideological buffoon who hasn't met a trillion dollars he couldn't waste holding the pen. We're totally screwed no matter which group of shills is in power.
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