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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Given the fact that the CBO generally underestimates everything...
  2. They shouldn't feel bad since Buffett echoed their sentiment the other day, in one of the the sincerely dumb moments of his life. It's too bad the "journalist" who was asking the question didn't follow up with "How many times have you invested other people's money using that philosophy?" He'd have lost his !@#$ing mind.
  3. Yeah, it's pretty much that simple. I'm not surprised that a nutto like yourself would think there was some conspiracy to the contrary. You'll "start" doing that? You mean because you haven't in the past? [/rhetorical]
  4. I'm sure Incognito was wicked interested in backing up Wood/Levitre. Perhaps the BILLS decided to keep their 2 draft choices and let them develop over a guy who has been a problem child EVERY SEASON of his career.
  5. Why do you think I posted the link in the first place?
  6. That would lack the joys of watching you condescendingly act smart while proving you aren't.
  7. Uh, I posted the year in the !@#$ing title. That makes it pretty clear for the lucid. As I said earlier, I received the link in an email. I hadn't had time to look at any of the stories or subsequent years. That also should be obvious to anyone with a half a clue.
  8. Bwaaaaaaaaaaack! There's no way for polluters to make money off Global Warming! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Sincerely, Connorhea
  9. I don't doubt it - it was a link someone sent me. BTW, flouridated water is far too yeasty.
  10. Maybe we'll get "lucky" enough to go 0-fer so we have our choice of every player in the land.
  11. There's nothing to be rescinded. You're a pathetic partisan hypocrite who's been exposed yet again. That bruise on your melon is from my paw continuously thwacking you.
  12. Sincerely, Dude who blames all Republicans for fear mongering.
  13. Lynch is a tough kid and he runs as hard as anyone I've ever seen. However, the reason he always has 3 or 4 tacklers hanging off him is he seems to lack the vision required to be an NFL running back. That's what truly separates Jackson from him.
  14. Discuss I haven't had a chance to do more than look at the titles...
  15. Prove it. Truth hurts. Not being a Democrat or believing in much of what they stand for doesn't make anyone a Republican.
  16. So you don't actually know who controls the money, either?
  17. Which makes the campaign of "Change" that much more laughable.
  18. There are 8000 earthquakes PER DAY. Magnitude 6-6.9 quakes happen about every 3 days.
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