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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. How about because NONE OF US CARE? How about because we don't watch !@#$ing Glen Beck or even have the foggiest idea WTF you're babbling about? How about because virtually everything you post on this board is the direct result of some directive from some other higher level group of tards that you follow like the lemming that you are? Yeah, it's because the rest of us bought survival seeds and we're embarrassed. Try reality.
  2. No kidding. I'm always amazed at how much time and energy these tards will waste on people like Beck, Limbaugh, Maddow, Olbermann, etc while the real issues get absolutely zero play. Congrats, Dumb Hedd. You and your fellow parrots have truly accomplished something.
  3. You mean like your continued "thought" that references to a television character from the 70s is somehow fresh? Yeah, your take on humor is super important to me.
  4. I read a story yesterday about a hospital billing a family $3000 to administer an H1N1 shot. Beautiful.
  5. Outstanding comeback, Eric. Says the guy who works for the Army Corps in the same job and has for how long? I've lived all over the world, not in some burg in Chicagoland. Stick to talking about the local fish problem, Master Bait. You'll seem smarter. As far as history goes: If you were a student of history, you wouldn't be a liberal. Holy hypocrisy, Batman.
  6. Cars break. They're complicated, as much by mandate as anything. Not exactly news. I don't know if it is or it isn't. I do know that when my car gets a life of its own, I'm going to shift it into neutral and live through it. Regardless of whether the car survives or not. I don't know. I know that if they didn't they'd lose a customer for life and I'd be sure they knew exactly that. I've never had a problem getting any company to fix problems for vehicles under warranty, though the local dealer has had to take some guidance from somewhere else on occasion. And who is to say they aren't right?
  7. The experience of noticing how ungodly fat most people are? Yeah. Me personally? Nope.
  8. This one sounds very fishy, especially considering the number of times it was suggested that the guy shift into neutral. A whole bunch of people are going to try to get rich off this one and this jackass sounds like he's trying to get to the front of the line.
  9. I feel sorry for the screeners. For every decent looking chick/dude, there are going to be hundreds (or thousands) of giant turd sandwiches passing through there. "Uh sir, could you lift that moob so we can make sure you're not hiding a Howitzer under there? Thanks."
  10. Capitalism bothers you? Really? Your entire political ideology is based on fear mongering, yet you whine about some company advertising based on same? Way to face those demons.
  11. The system is broken and the Unions and their Democrat masters continue to sell out taxpayers.
  12. I wonder if this guy has a PHD in History? I'm sure he's wicked qualified.
  13. Nothing better than making those asshats famous. Great teaching tool.
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