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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. There's a distinct difference: Hedd is part of a campaign to take someone off the air who has opposing political views. I don't have a problem with that - tards are free to waste their energy on people like Glen Beck and advertisers are free to listen to those tards, no matter how stupid they are. I laughed/posted "oh so long ago" because yet another liberal venture completely bombed the !@#$ out, probably because they couldn't levy a tax to keep themselves in business. It was especially gratifying because all the talking points the "progressives" at work used to pick up on the way in went by the wayside. Apparently they haven't found "Media Matters" yet. Outside of not listening (like most liberals apparently), I had absolutely dick to do with Err Moronica going out of business. I won't make apologies for having views that don't line up with today's liberals/Dummycrap party (or any era's for that matter) but I wouldn't waste a second of my time calling/writing/emailing advertisers and pretending that getting them to pull out is some kind of accomplishment. That doesn't make me another partisan jackhole wacko fringe mouthbreather like Hedd. AT ALL. Not that any of it is an issue - the thread is about !@#$ING SEEDS. SEEDS. Some company sells them on Glen Beck's frigging show and Bishop hates them because apparently they charge too much (I think that's his point - I've made a habit of not ever clicking on any link he provides. You'll have to forgive me). I'm supposed to give a crap about THAT? Is that the only company that takes advantage of consumers or is that company an issue because of who they advertise through? Either way, I DON'T GIVE A CRAP. To the rest of you liberal idiots: I don't watch Glen Beck. I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh or Shawn Hannity. The only time I ever see Fox News is if it's on at the breakroom at work and I'm getting my lunch. Truth be told, I don't know much of anything about Beck except liberals seem to hate him and he gets way higher ratings than either Maddow or Olbermann (like that's tough). If Limbaugh went belly up like Err Moronica, I'd be here posting about it just as gleefully because I hate that fat piece of **** too (for pretty much the same "talking points" reason). For about the millionth time, if I was going to be pigeon holed, I'd say the Libertarians line up most closely with things I believe in (probably 75% or so). Small government. Small military. Flat taxes. Individual liberty. I think the "War on Terror" is a huge waste of time and money and will be just as successful as the "War on Drugs". Any of those sound remotely Republican (actions not words)? Didn't think so. I'm not a fan of the wars in either Afghanistan or Iraq. I didn't vote for any Presidential candidate named George Bush. I think large entities, whether governments, unions, corporations, whatever, SUCK.
  2. According to Eric, I'm the one who makes insults. I friggin' rule.
  3. Yeah, it's truly ironic that Err Moronica went out of business because liberals pay more attention to Glen Beck. Go ahead and elaborate on how Bishop and I are so alike. I can't wait for this one.
  4. Yeah, it's pretty obvious from the punctuation that you've totally got your **** together. I know, I know. You're not articulate. Or smart. Dude, I get personal with EVERYONE. You don't and have incessantly whined about it in the past. The proof is all over this board. In fact, the whole reason you're able to use terms like "bulbous head" for Tom is because I used them first. Nice work, myna bird. Is it as mind numbing for you to type your posts as it is for the rest of us to have to read them?
  5. So me getting to spend so much time in your head is a result of your unbridled compassion? Time to adjust the drool cup on the helmet, Eric. It's seeping through your headgear.
  6. The NFL had a hotline that players/coaches/trainers could call. Apparently the hotline told NUMEROUS personnel that there was nothing in Starcaps that was against the drug policy.
  7. "Soldier of Fortune"? That's what you're going to come back with? Dude, stick to letting Media Matters tell you what to think. It's way safer than when you try **** out on your own.
  8. You've accomplished nothing because EII hasn't got you out on work release. My tard smashing skills have never been so acute.
  9. Hey, that's new. Now I'm a guy who's spent time in prison. Very novel, Eric and a terrific addition to your resume as the moral compass. Keep drinking the lock water, tardo.
  10. Now tell everyone how you're the "moral compass" again.
  11. In other words, you're too much of a wuss to get into it. Not a surprise given your lack of intellectual ability. Bwaaaaaaaaaaack! Fascist! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! That's why I love you man. Only you and illogical douche bag parrots like you could point a finger at someone who thinks government should be significantly less powerful and intrusive and scream "Fascist". I'm not sure what putting Zen in front of it does for you but I doubt you're man enough to even try to explain it.
  12. Feel free to expound on my political beliefs further. I'm always curious to know what I think. You mean like the lefties who've been killing themselves and their kids because governments aren't doing enough to combat Global Warming? I wondered how long it would take me to find out which retard site gave you the information and links you're providing? .31 seconds. Media Matters. You're an idiot.
  13. Minimum wage has little to do with the reason employers hire illegal labor.
  14. Which wasn't the point the Chief Justice was making at all.
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