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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I'm totally against this plan and everyone else should be too. Frankly, I'm tired of the "we'll fix it later" idea because it's nothing more than a panacea. Social Security isn't fixed and it's totally !@#$ed. Medicare isn't fixed and it's totally !@#$ed. DoD gets more and more expensive and suffers from the same worsening ailments that has always plagued it. This will be no different. The fact of the matter is the government is the largest reason why health care is expensive and they refuse to give up that monopoly. This abortion of a bill does little to solve that and will in fact make it even more expensive because it ignores the basic fundamentals of how things have to work to drive down costs. Is college less expensive now that government is enormously involved in it? Nope. What about prescription drugs? Nope. Energy? Nope. Government doesn't fix problems, it causes new and more expensive ones because our elected leaders don't understand blowback - they understand power and payola (the big reason they took economy of scale purchasing for prescription drugs off the table BEFORE the debate even began because they KNEW big pharma would use their money to kill it all by themselves). Ask the government why they started closing DoD medical assets and pushing people to the civilian side during the Clinton Administration (which has continued unabated). At the end of the day, the American people are getting exactly what they deserve. We were shopping at Costco the other day and at least 75% of the people walking around in there were grossly overweight. I'm just stunned that health care is expensive.
  2. The question isn't simple, it's stupid. Your consistent use of "blather and obfuscation" is beyond the point of ridiculous. Ask one of the other dudes who dresses as a chick to get through the long cruises to teach you a new phrase. To say nothing of the fact that friggin' RKFast got my point immediately. Wickedly obfuscated, obviously. Moron. Nice grammar. I'd get the irony if it were ironic. You partisans simply can't face the fact that you've been bought and sold so you continue the retarded game. Day after day, week after week. Same crap from the same sources. But I'm glad someone gave you the answer you consider "correct".
  3. "Out of right field"? The fact that you don't know history isn't my fault. There isn't anything new when you're trying to pass off the same tired crap.
  4. That's way different than you showing up with the typical mass media "all anti-liberals are racists/homophobic/violent", right? Sure it is.
  5. I do. I also understand your stake in "Health Care" and why you think it should pass. I agree that "Health Care" in this country is broken for many of the same reasons you do but what is currently being shoved at us isn't going to fix most (or any) of those things. I guess the hope is that it'll break even more stuff and force the country to face what it's done for the last 60 years.
  6. Considering how this country was founded? The Huffington Post?
  7. An opposing opinion? It's a horribly written piece, which is typical of Arends.
  8. It's still a very poor article because it concentrates on simple statistics. I'd like to know what the "under employment" rates and demographic statistics (private versus public, white versus blue, etc) say.
  9. You know, it's never that black and white. I'm sure the teachers deserve their share of the blame but in my experience, the students, parents, and administration deserve just as much or more. Somehow I doubt replacing all the teachers is going to fix all the broken fundamentals in American society. Kinda like tossing a deck chair off the Titanic.
  10. I just don't get why this country is an "all or nothing". Why can't we drill for oil WHILE we explore replacement technology? Oh wait. That makes sense. Thanks to all you !@#$ing idiots who keep voting for these !@#$ing idiots.
  11. Sincerely, Enron Rome continues to burn and you continue to make excuses.
  12. Imagine the tardfest if the Republicrats were trying to pull the same kind of crap. Every friggin' news "organization" would be losing their minds.
  13. The Democrats are all about making everyone ELSE play by the rules.
  14. If your furnace was installed in 1986, it's in no way "energy efficient". Be prepared to replace it in the not too distant future because it's pretty much past its useful life.
  15. I only hate big government when the people I don't agree with are benefiting from it.
  16. I don't think he'll get anything close to that.
  17. Colin Campbell has had numerous chances to send that idiot a message, the worst of which was the hit on Briere that could have killed him. He's failed and should have been fired years ago. This week's interview from the GM meetings was the worst indictment of his incompetence.
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