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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I'm complaining about this bill, which is likely going to be the thing that finally pushes us over the financial edge as a country. Lauding it is the same thing as saying a 1-15 season doesn't suck because you got one win. Unfortunately this bill is the equivalent of that, 10 other teams going 0-16 AND the BILLS having traded their first, second, and third round picks for a guy who suffered a career ending injury during the season. Enjoy pick number 135, losers. Nothing would have been better in the long run. And I don't care about sides. I hate both the Republicans and the Democrats. You can save the talking points rhetoric for someone else. If it was a game of inches the Democrats could have passed only the few strong points that are in the bill, not 2500 pages of this !@#$ing abortion. You've completely missed "the elements that we need to stay vigilant on". That horse left the barn and has run to !@#$ing Namibia.
  2. Bull. And it's the people like you who laud this **** who are the problem. It's much the same thing as when the government supposedly made housing affordable for more people. You know, the thing that led to this recession, bailouts, the devaluation of the dollar, even further exploding deficits, etc... You don't understand it. Someday you will.
  3. Half? You obviously don't know much about it. And if you don't have the money, time, or patience to do it right the first time you'll NEVER have the resources to fix it. That's reality, regardless of the endeavor. Your statement is the equivalent of building a house out of **** and trying to patch it a piece at a time over decades. Social Security is a disaster. Medicare/Medicaid are fraught with fraud and waste. DoD wastes copious amounts of money. NOTHING EVER CHANGES. It just gets more expensive. Ding! Hotpockets are done.
  4. Sincerely, George Soros, Ted Turner, etc. Rich people control pretty much everything and the liberals and the idiots who represent them are NO DIFFERENT.
  5. That's an awfully broad statement and it isn't true. I'm not a "tea bagger" but I totally understand the majority of the platform because it lines up with many things libertarians believe in. It's ridiculous to say I don't care about anyone but myself. I'd love for everything to be sunshine and puppy dogs but when the government gets involved it's all but guaranteed that isn't going to happen. Almost everything the government touches turns to ****. Really, really, expensive ****. We can trace today's health care "system" to 1973. Guess what happened then? Congress passed the HMO Act. It was designed to make health care cheaper and more available it did the opposite. This legislation will do the same thing. Sure, there will be small wins that will be trumpeted from Mt. High but there's a reason DoD started closing hospitals and sending the troops down town during the Clinton Administration and it had EVERYTHING to do with the fact that the government couldn't afford to be in the health care business because of their own rules. AND THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO PAY MALPRACTICE INSURANCE. There are MANY fixes for health care that would be easy enough to implement but our politicians won't listen to actual health care professionals or give up ANY power.
  6. I would say that's society as a whole. I'm surprised on occasion when it isn't that way but it certainly isn't the norm.
  7. They may be no Federal "Income" tax but I'd venture to guess that the majority of that 40% pay a much higher percentage of their income in tax than any other entity. At the end of the day, taxation in this country is broken and the most successful thing the government has done is pitted the middle class against itself to the point where it doesn't care about truly important things and instead bickers about meaningless statistics.
  8. The number of examples are endless. One only has to look at what Medicare/Medicaid costs versus what it covers (and what the CBO projected) to know what a disaster this is going to end up. CBO said the result of the Bush Tax Cuts in 2001 would lead to a nearly $300 billion SURPLUS by 2010. That's some dead nutz stuff there.
  9. Two things (along with lengthening the periods children can be covered) that could have been passed 1000 times in the past 30 years if the electorate cared about real issues instead of buzzword crap like abortion and terrorism. No, they really shouldn't. This bill is a disaster and it's going to do an amazing amount of damage to our country. The CBO estimates are ridiculous (as they usually are) and the lack of understanding on what the non-specific costs (like the country's credit rating, long term treasuries, etc) are going to screw the middle class big time.
  10. I'm going to ask you to explain that further before I slam the living crap out of you.
  11. Repealing this bill is admirable. Supporting the Republican party isn't. Try to figure out the difference, retard.
  12. I don't see much difference in that path than the one we're currently on. But good for you.
  13. And the Republicans and Democrats and the assclowns who blindly follow them still wouldn't get it.
  14. Look at Joe as anything but the idiot he is and you'll spend a bunch of time doing that.
  15. No worries, the lucid amongst us got it. You have to realize, "Duh Big Man" has a hard on for me. I get PMs all the time from him about my "liberalness". Today his PM was "Celebrating your socialist healthcare victory? ...got your hope and change today?" If I'm pissing off the radicals on both sides, I'm doing something correctly.
  16. To say nothing of what it's going to do to Treasuries and the country's credit rating...
  17. Damned if we do, damned if we don't. 2 parties=no choice
  18. That would be much more believable if George W. Bush and John McCain weren't the last 2 candidates the so called "conservatives" ran for the Executive.
  19. So now it's because I don't understand it? Nice attempt at spin. Nancy Pelosi would be proud. Haven't seen them and don't care. Are they as bad as the new Navy Smurf BDUs? Nope. Liberalism (you) is tired and always has been. Reality (me) never will be.
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