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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. You're pretending that the Sabres are suddenly competent in the front office because they moved one of the very best centers in the NHL based on an emotional exit interview after yet another horrific season. That's not logical in the least and there isn't one person on this planet who gives a ***** about what they do that wouldn't be affected by the consistent losing/incompetence that the Sabres showed during ROR's time with the team. ROR was not part of the problem in Buffalo. While I understand that most of what you do here is an act, it's incredibly tiresome.
  2. I loved Sue. She never had a problem with my sense of humor... ?
  3. Always had a ball when Sue was around. We had quite a memorable trip to Canton. She made a mean potato salad.
  4. Given that I actually know the guy, i know he's just parroting things other people have said in his presence. The next original thought out of his yap will be the first.
  5. That's terrific...except Jack Michaels is an idiot who basically lucked into a hockey broadcasting career.
  6. People can be negative about the Pegulas because the results have been pretty bad...but they kept the teams in Buffalo, have definitely not been afraid to spend money to upgrade facilities, and made changes that have players in both sports talking positively about Buffalo.
  7. Which should have been expected given how the organization was perceived around the league at that time. Competent professionals don't want to work in an environment with a lame duck GM. Juan Castillo could have been Jim Hanifan (he isn't) but there wasn't much to work with last season. The BILLS are very fortunate that Josh Allen didn't get completely wrecked behind that Oline with that group of wide receivers. It had David Carr/Tim Couch written all over it.
  8. Couldn't agree more. There's a reason teams run right over the Sabres. If you don't respect and stick up for yourself, you're going to get bullied. It's that simple.
  9. Tippett has long been my first choice. He consistently got production out of overmatched teams in Phoenix. It will be very intriguing to see him guide a team with Pegula's resources at his disposal.
  10. Talk to a local real estate agent. They can ballpark it easily enough.
  11. People need to understand that the NHL draft isn't the NFL draft. While the tide is slowly turning because of better development programs, first round picks who make significant contributions in their first few seasons as a professional are still the exception to the rule. I'm not worried about Mittlestadt. Not at all.
  12. Rumor is collarbone.
  13. It stops when politicians stop benefiting from it. LBJ was a prophet.
  14. That dude is a monster. Most people don't realize just how big he really is because he scores so many goals but I met him a few years ago and I guarantee he goes at least 240. He's huge.
  15. I really enjoyed "Shazam!". Such a fun movie.
  16. Rubber mulch is your friend. Costs more but you never have to ***** with it. Put it down, walk away for a decade.
  17. Agreed. The two best series to me in the first round are Blues/Jets and Sharks/Knights. Should be absolute wars. The winners will most likely struggle in the second round because of how hard it'll be to survive round one.
  18. I don't know how Housely survives. This team doesn't have a talent problem, it has a coaching problem. There are plenty of options out there who've had NHL success (Joel Quenville, anyone?). The Pegulas need to stick with Botterill but move on quickly from Housely to a coach with a winning pedigree and spend whatever is necessary to do it.
  19. Well said. Someone once said "Please let me live my life being the person my dog thinks I am." That resonated with me. My wife and I have buried 8 dogs in since we've been together and it never gets easier but we always go right back out and get another one. To say it's enriched our lives is an understatement of epic proportions. No matter how horrible my day has been or what I've been through, my dogs are always thrilled to see me and let me know how much they love me. Our oldest, Malcolm is a mutt from the streets who spent the first six years of his life living on the streets, never knowing kindness, love, or where his next meal was going to come from. He still has significant PTSD issues but he now knows an easy life with food, a warm bed, and plenty of love. He's almost 13 now and won't be with us much longer but I'm glad we got a chance to get to know him because he's a great guy.
  20. Walk in the main office and cut the first B word you see. There's no ambiguity when you shiv a mofo.
  21. The biggest subtraction of this offseason is Juan Castillo. The most important addition is hopefully Bobby Johnson.
  22. Friggin' Mets. So glad I was born into a Yankees family. Seaver was terrific...just a great player.
  23. Right? Stupid politicians.
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