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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Leave the Dairy Queens and Burger Kings. Bring home the troops instead.
  2. Don't worry. By the time you're eligible to retire the Democrats and Republicans will have made sure that whatever you've saved is worth 10% in today's dollars. You can pretty much bank on that.
  3. You mean because saving for your own retirement is the same things as demonizing poor people for not paying income tax? This is your way of proving you're not an idiot?
  4. Look at the bright side - at least someone remembers stuff you post.
  5. Happy to provide the entertainment. You sicken me. Bull. You're regurgitating the typical retarded talking point that has little merit. Everyone pays the federal government taxes. EVERYONE. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Talking point! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! The taxation level in this country at the lowest income levels is hardly a problem. Sometimes it is. Most times it isn't. I have a feeling we're not talking about the same group of people.
  6. No, it isn't. It's a gigantic amalgamation of things both public and private. You're the one not using facts. Then leave. Then you're an idiot because there's NO DIFFERENCE between the two parties.
  7. No, we won't. That's what makes you an idiot. The only difference between Democrats and Republicans is who they pander to.
  8. The wealthy aren't screwed at all. They pay a high percentage of overall collected taxes. They also earn a HIGHER share of revenues. The tax system in this country is broken but it's never going to be fixed because people are more concerned with class warfare than holding the government accountable.
  9. Never mind the fact that the 43% you're citing paying a significantly higher portion of their income to taxes than you likely do. Since they don't pay income tax, they're deadbeats. You know most junior enlisted military folks fall into that category, as do college students who are working their way through school. Don't let reality get in the way of demonizing some group of people because it's easy. Now get out there and defend the "rich" because they "create jobs".
  10. Sincerely, Guy who smoked pot* *I'm not sure if that's still a felony but I know it has been in various states I've lived in. The fact of the matter is, many of us have committed felonies during the course of our lives. Most of us haven't been caught.
  11. Why shouldn't they be allowed to vote? I've don't understand the need to continue to treat them as lesser people if they've served their time/whatever punishment the system gave them. If they're so dangerous that they shouldn't have the same rights as everyone else then they should still be locked up.
  12. Someone's going to have to explain the internets to him. Again. I'm sure Ted Stevens is available.
  13. Which simply proves the point that all of you partisan shills are responsible for !@#$ing up this country.
  14. And CBO said the Bush Tax cuts would lead to a $300,000,000,000.00 surplus by 2010. Because the government never, ever lies or uses techniques to make things appear much different than they really are/will be. The great part is how much these tards whine about Enron and the like when the government is doing things that make that scandal look like a sidewalk lemonade stand.
  15. So do you. A really, really long one that explains a whole bunch of things in really remedial terms. And because you're an idiot, even that won't matter. None of the rest of your post is remotely true, though I don't expect you to understand why that is because you're nothing more than a walking gag reflex.
  16. Adolph Quinn pretty much stated as much back in December. Way to admit you screwed the pooch, jerk face. Now I can actually buy a jersey and some other gear. I got a sluggalo hat for a gift once. I opened the box, saw what was in it, took it outside, doused it in gasoline and burned it until it was unrecognizable. Shame on anyone who bought that !@#$ing abortion. Shame.
  17. Bull. And in a few years you won't have the guts to open your mouth about your current support of it.
  18. They couldn't before the rule change, either. It looks to me like the NFL hasn't learned from the NHL. You don't change rules for the postseason. That's just stupid.
  19. Not even that. You can own a car and not have insurance. You just can't drive it on public roads.
  20. I disagree, though I'm not talking about cheer leading. When you get out of medical school with $250k+ of debt and face a system that makes you (and your middle class parents who make just enough money to get screwed along with you) pretty much an indentured servant, it's quite a hill to climb. There's plenty that can be done and it's not as easy as blaming it on societal apathy.
  21. I don't know who the "other side" is. The way to make things cheaper in a market economy is to increase competition. If you're not doing that, you're not accomplishing anything. This bill didn't do that at all. Get rid of the ridiculous anti-trust rules that govern insurance companies. Every insurance company is free to sell their wares in every state. Welcome to what the commerce clause in the Constitution is REALLY supposed to do. Other things I think I think: Administrative costs in the industry are FAR too high. Some of that has to be due to excessive regulation. I think everyone should have "catastrophic" health insurance. I also think healthy people should get a significant discount and the fatty mcbutterpant's of the world should pay per square inch. I think hospitals/doctors should have to tell you in advance what things cost so that you have a choice on who gets your money. I think there should be independent review boards to stop defensive medicine. I think there should be significant Tort reform. I've seen estimates that 50% of "health care" costs are directly related to Malpractice Insurance/settlements/litigation and 50% of cases are frivolous. That's ridiculous. I think the FDA should significantly streamline the process for getting drugs to market and should let anyone diagnosed with a terminal illness/condition take whatever the !@#$ they want if they think it gives them a chance to survive. I think the government should stay out of people's decision on whether to end their own life. I think Medicare/MedicAid/the VA/should all be abolished. Medicare/CAID is bankrupt and the rest of us subsidize it both through our tax payments AND higher health care costs because it refuses to pay what things really cost. That's pretty funny and hypocritical at the same time. I think the HMO Act of 1973 should be repealed in its entirety. I think the easiest way to save money is to streamline administration but the lawyers won't let that happen. I think employers should be cut completely out of the health care business. I think one of the roles of government is to get more people to want to be in the "medical" field. There has to be a way to ensure there are more doctors, nurses, practitioners going to and completing medical school. I think there needs to be far more emphasis on preventive medicine. If people took better care of themselves, health care would be MUCH cheaper. I think more small clinics would do wonders. I think all medical expenses should be tax free.
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