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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Which he probably found out AFTER making the ridiculous point - the real reason he doesn't care to do the math. Note to RI: If you're actually going to try and engage using points instead of your usual drive-by flaming, you're going to get exposed for what you really are.
  2. Probably something about how the new Health Care Bill is going to make her doctor visits cheaper.
  3. Which was way funnier because you were chiding him about his lack of reading comprehension.
  4. Given the "education" of the new people we end up with at work, they're hardly alone.
  5. Which is hypocritical given your stance on Health Care. The government is the biggest reason Health Care is expensive. Your solution is more involvement. The government is the biggest reason there's a war in Afghanistan and it's going poorly. Your solution is to get them out of there.
  6. Wasn't it "You border on the AAAAAAAAAdriatic?"
  7. axle How is it that he's wrapped around the axle because he disagrees with your opinion?
  8. Somehow I don't think terrorists would have a tough time getting around that. "The 9/11 Commission reported that U.S. authorities recovered passports belonging to four of the 19 hijackers. All of the recovered passports had "suspicious indicators" they had been fraudulently manipulated; two, the Commission concluded, were "clearly doctored." "
  9. Yeah, each of us would be afraid of your physical awesomeness. Because we're under the age of 10 and real life is just like the primary school playground. I love when people like you realize their argument is based on nothing but emotion so they elevate to faux violence. You'd have made a great dictator. I know you didn't just threaten posters on TBD because that's against the Terms of Service and is worthy of a ban. If you can't handle a little name calling, politics isn't going to be a great arena for you.
  10. That's going to be pretty much impossible. It would be much easier to get control of the FDA and lower the cost of drug approval in THIS country.
  11. I'd rip the logo off and burn it. No, I'm not kidding.
  12. In technical fields, military contractors get paid significantly more money because they're significantly more competent. Is there corruption and graft in the process or exceptions to the rule? Absolutely. At the end of the day, the military is broken - like pretty much everything the government is in charge of. Donald Rumsfelt has been demonized pretty significantly but he had a decent plan for overhauling it. It basically got killed by Senior Officers and Senior Government employees because it would have killed off a ton of the bureaucracy that gives those people the cushy, high paying jobs they all end up with.
  13. I wish those of you whining about this did the same thing when the Republicans were spending us into the !@#$ing poorhouse. Then we'd have something.
  14. Except its not a nice job. It's typical hack crap because it's filled with truths but not the reasons those truths exist. Take malpractice insurance. Typical Canadian Obstetrician pays about $40k. Typical American pays $100k. Guess why? Trial lawyers (DEMOCRATS) won't allow Tort Reform. What about prescription drugs? Canadians typically pay less for what's available (which is far more limited than in the United States) and the government puts in strenuous cost controls. Guess what the first thing the Obama Administration took off the table to get this health care abortion passed? Learn something. Then comment. Not the other way around.
  15. We saw it happen in Anchorage in the 80s. I don't remember the default rate but values fell over 50%. People were leaving their keys on the kitchen counter and calling the bank. This is going to get much, much worse and the solutions will continue to be stupid. I don't think there's a way to make this landing soft.
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