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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Article 1 Article 2 But let's cut teachers and cops. After much research, it turns out that Pensions are pretty much guaranteed by Illinois' State Constitution. Good luck paying for that, liberals.
  2. Did the government change the definition of "Weapons of Mass Destruction" to basically be nothing more than a can of gasoline and some nails because of the failure in Iraq? What a group of winners that is.
  3. Yeah, really. You can put up whatever smiley you want but if you think your money is going to be worth as much 10-20 years from now, you've got a rude awakening coming.
  4. I wonder what part of the Constitution Waxman is hiding behind for this request? Imagine the hubbub if Republicans did the same thing.
  5. Apparently it wasn't. Pu$$y = Kitty after language filter.
  6. You don't have a choice because if you type it properly it gets changed by the filter.
  7. My number is PER STUDENT. If the school you're talking about costs $50k per student, there's a lot more wrong than cutting the budget can fix.
  8. That would be "a student". Unless the classroom is a refrigerator box under an overpass. When real school costs are factored in, the U.S. spends more than any country in the world. The estimate for Washington DC schools was $25k annually. Guess where DC schools rate on aptitude tests? The answer is rarely more money.
  9. First thing I said when my wife told me this was the last season.
  10. Guess what? The whole world isn't like the United States. If the Mexicans "enforce" their laws, production will happen in a different distressed third world country. It's basic economics and it's not going to change very easily because there are a whole lot of third world countries whose governments don't have the money to go after producers who are better equipped, funded, connected than they are. Maybe we could start building prisons in other countries with money we don't have. Or we could face the reality that legalizing drugs might not be the worst idea in the world.
  11. Without demand, there's no supply. If it wasn't Mexicans, it'd be someone else.
  12. The prices of the tickets have been a loss leader for a long time (the last thing I read was the split for the first few weekends is 10/90 movie theater/studio). 3D gives the theaters a chance to make a few bucks because people are willing to pay. Get used to it.
  13. RMPL, dumb ass. I love the fact that the liberal tards call this place "The Right Wing Circle Jerk" while idiots of your ilk whine because it's not some Republican Retard Fest. The people you'd call "friends" don't last long here. Keep that in mind. Posers? Really? You wearing a dog collar and listening to Slayer or something? Every day on this board is "Bash Tards Like They're Harp Seals". UR1 - so you're gonna get pounded.
  14. Oh goody. Another partisan tard. Exactly what the board needs. Here's a newsflash, "George": People who think you're retarded aren't always liberals. There are far more than 2 political ideologies in this country. Many of us are simply too lucid to lemming along like you, Duh Big Maggot, or the liberals you hate so much. You're going to get pounded like a harp seal around here. Tighten the chin strap on your head gear and adjust the straw on your sippy cup, Chachi.
  15. So name it and leave it on the desk with plenty of sunlight. When it's ready to drive, let me know. I'll be happy to teach it.
  16. Remember the other day when you asked me if I'd ever been to a "Tea Party Rally"? Then answer is no. The reason is because people like you are there.
  17. Ya got to look at it like the sport that it is, nothing more. This particular tool is priceless because of the "I asked you to stop PMing me" (he didn't) when the first thing he did after coming back from each vacation was to PM me!
  18. If it were actually that easy. At the end of the day, no matter how much everyone wants to live in the ideological Utopia there isn't a way to stop abortion and making it illegal only adds another dimension to the problem. I find it laughable that "conservatives" think removing liberty in their examples is somehow different than what the liberals do.
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