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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I think if Doctors weren't so worried about malpractice/frivolous law suits/costs due to, you'd see a pretty quick reversal.
  2. The HMO Act of 1973 "happened". Medicare reimbursement reduction "happened". Class Action lawsuits "happened". The growth the Trial Lawyer lobby "happened". The FDA approval process "happened". Massive regulation of virtually every corner of the medical industry "happened". Now the Health Care Act of 2010 is "happening".
  3. God would know when to use a contraction. Just sayin'.
  4. Good thing Illinois has among the toughest gun laws in the nation.
  5. Washington Park looks like a war zone. I'm not even kidding.
  6. You're totally !@#$ing up my "turning up the water slowly on the frog" tactic...
  7. ANWR oil would be sent by pipeline to join with the existing Prudhoe Bay pipeline. It's not that big a deal (it's about 60 miles and would only take a couple of months to construct). The larger upside to starting ANWR now is the amount of natural gas that's available on the reserve.
  8. I doubt it. The infrastructure has to be built in either case.
  9. Maybe if you zealots practiced what you preached, they wouldn't have to.
  10. Why should they be any different than the other partisans? You're all full of crap.
  11. "I'm not as liberal as you think" but you just can't help yourself when it comes to these ridiculous responses, right?
  12. Are you freakin' kidding? It's not like it's possible for you to lose a bunch of credibility but get real.
  13. Virginia probably has people who will profit AND contribute to lefty election campaigns. Alaska doesn't.
  14. In Illinois it's a percentage of the average of the highest 4 earning years of the final 10 of service. The max is 75% of the average and the employee must have 30 years of service. There are automatic 3% annual raises, so nearly half of retirees earn more in their pensions than they ever did while they were working. Try not working for government and ending up like that. Unfriggin' believable. Good luck, taxpayers of Illinois. You're totally !@#$ed.
  15. "you're. The first rule of condescension is not to expose your lack of intelligence. And the reason that smart people call Democrat supporters "liberals" is because that's what they are. The top of the party tells the story in much the same way the Neocons did for the previous administration. The fact that so many supported the "Health Care" bill without the tiniest understanding of what it actually contained tells the lucid everything they need to know.
  16. "too" Seriously, is it so difficult to use the correct form of the word? You don't get to be all condescending when you contradict yourself within a post. The mistake is yours, not ours. Take 10 seconds to read the !@#$ing thing so you don't look so stupid. As far as it being obvious: No kidding. That's why we're asking for clarification of what the !@#$ing $56k is actually for. "there" We're certainly awaiting your findings.
  17. Very likely in a time when there were far fewer state employees and the long term hard and soft costs were much more palatable. In other words, before people figured out a way to take advantage of the system via unions, political appointments, etc.
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