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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. My concern about him is the same as it was for Breese. I've only seen Breese play a couple of times in weather (Chicago is the game that sticks out) and he was pretty terrible. I like all of the other things about him.
  2. Lee Evans, on Indy, would have a reason to run more routes and go over the middle because he'd have a QB who could find him when he's open and not lead him directly into the path of someone trying to take his head off. Reggie Wayne rarely goes over the middle unless it's a massive clear out designed to get him the ball in space. Otherwise his "middle routes" consist of mostly of sit down square ins. It's pretty sad to watch so many people hate on players who are clearly fighting an uphill battle. Receivers are absolutely at the mercy of protection, scheme, support players at their own position, and the QB who is supposed to deliver the ball.
  3. I didn't know they made 2 wheel drive Wranglers. That seems kind of pointless. My wife really wants the 4 door version but they're pretty proud of them and the Xterra is still too young to replace. I checked into the Wranglers and they're still pretty bulletproof but they get horrible gas mileage and the MSRP is really high (though they do hold their value pretty well if you're a "keep it for a decade" guy like I am). I don't think I'd bother with 2WD because it would be tough to get rid of.
  4. Just remember: When one door closes, another door opens. There's another dog out there who needs a nice home.
  5. Dane Cook is the Microsoft/Brittany Spears of comedians. He's huge because of marketing. Dude is NOT FUNNY. He may be a good guy and he's played a couple of funny roles in the movies but his the only thing funny about his stand up is the people who defend it. There are literally a thousand comedians out there who are awesome. Dane Cook isn't one of them and he never has been.
  6. I read about that a long time ago. The EPA sued the county, forced them into a sewer system they couldn't afford. The system ended up costing somewhere in the neighborhood of ten times the projections and a whole bunch of people went to jail for corruption. Meanwhile, the average middle class citizen got royally screwed by falling real estate prices and wickedly higher taxes. Welcome to what Health Care is going to look like in 20 years.
  7. It has nothing to do with the grass being greener. It has to do with how unrealistic the "plans" are. There's a reason that military retirement pay is based off "base" salary - because if it wasn't, the system would be totally unaffordable. The average military pension for enlisted people who do 20 years is in the neighborhood of $1500 a month. Do 30 and that number rises to around $2500. If it were like the average state of Illinois pension, it would be well over double that. The country simply can't afford to pay people who don't do anything for them a salary that's equivalent of what they were making about 10 years earlier. That's ridiculous and completely unsustainable given the size of government (thanks President Clinton/GWB).
  8. Cutting taxes doesn't increase deficits. Continually increasing spending at a pace that far outpaces all other indicators does.
  9. I went to all the box stores and found the one I wanted, then I came home and searched for it online by the part number. I paid about 35% of what it cost in the stores. Same thing with the surge protector/power conditioner I got.
  10. I wouldn't limit that to the Sabres. The NHL draft makes the NFL draft look like an exact science.
  11. Punishment? If the kid was carrying her DNA, it's more than likely that she did the world a favor. Too soon?
  12. Good work in this thread as usual, Eric. Your ability to ignore reality using the gruel that's replaced your brain is unparalleled. Yeah, I was wrong about Iraq (sarcasm). I was wrong about the Clinton Economy being a big lie (sarcasm). Wrong about the Patriot Act (sarcasm). Wrong about the formation of Homeland Security (sarcasm). Wrong about Social Security going broke (sarcasm). Wrong about Medicare/aid (sarcasm). Wrong about the impending housing crisis. Wrong about the Fed continuing the poor fiscal policy of cheap money (sarcasm). The perfect storm/graft that led to the Clinton Economy is about to come full circle. You remember your comment about paying your fair share, because your fair share is going to be way more than you or any American can afford. Don't worry, though. The politicians will be just fine.
  13. And again when the bill for "Health Care" starts coming due. I mean, there's no way insurance companies could possibly pass on the costs of the uninsured to people who already pay their bills, right?
  14. Duh Big Man is back from yet another vacation. He was so sincere about me not PMing him anymore, that he made sure his first act was to PM me. Duh Big Man: My truce was in ernest. I PM'ed you in an attempt to use reason and logic with an obvious unreasonable and illogical person. I am not a victim, you are a bully in a position of power as MOD. You have proved nothing of the kind that I am a hypocrite. The name calling is offensive and uncalled for and seems to be all you got ...it is a shame because as I said...you are a mod. Antagonistic in nature is no way to go through life. Now post this one on the board. AD: I understand that you're not a very smart person. You prove it over and over again. I'm not surprised that you can't recognize any of these concepts, despite their simplicity. You're not a hypocrite, you're an incredible hypocrite, which is why you fit so well with the big government Republicans. Conservative only when they're trying to appeal to the low IQ folks they desperately need. They're no different than the Dummycrats you hate so much (another concept you're not going to get). I also KNEW you wouldn't be able to resist the temptation of answering any PM - the level of your hypocrisy practically demands it. That means your "truce" is as big a load of crap as your crush on the Republicans. You have some kind of "Mommy didn't hold me enough" complex coupled with the desperate need to belong to something bigger than yourself so you don't feel so alone. Don't worry, most humans have the same problems so you'll always have the strength of stupidity in numbers. As far as the mod thing goes: You're free to take your business to whatever Utopia you think exists out there. Shoot, start your own board and only invite other small minded tards so you can circle jerk to your heart's content. One thing is certain: If you keep up this behavior, you'll be gone from here for good. How's that for being a bully?
  15. I love the fact that you can read that and think you've accomplished something positive. Awesome.
  16. Because you'll totally deserve it. I'd venture to guess that your scientific background doesn't progress beyond high school.
  17. Sincerely, The guy who regularly uses the Huffington Post Dude, just STFU.
  18. I guess that's up for debate. If I were given carte blanche, the government wouldn't be allowed to collect taxes on anything covertly (like gasoline, telephones, etc). You'd have it taken directly from your check so you'd see just how much you're really on the hook for. If that's the direction we're going, then every dollar of income can be taxed. If we're not going down that road then I think it's reasonable to make a certain portion of income tax free for everyone.
  19. The media was being completely unreasonable. How dare they ask the Saints to clarify the exact information so they could get it out to their readers. The Saints are World Champions and their scatological leavings are no longer odorous. Grow up, Saints media department. You're being !@#$ing tools.
  20. I think the first $35k (indexed annually for inflation) needs to be immune. Everything after that. Then I'd eliminate all the other federal taxes. ALL of them.
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