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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I don't know. I don't live in those places and I'm too lazy to spend the time to look at all the tentacles required. I have no idea the root cause of their terrorism problem(s) but I am smart enough to know it's not the stupid and overly regurgitated and intellectually bankrupt "argument" that you're trying to pass off. Every egg doesn't always fit in the same basket.
  2. I'll all but guarantee you don't know ANY Muslims.
  3. If the government wasn't putting its nose into so many people's business in the first place, you wouldn't have to worry about them intruding to save your ass from being blown all over the city. At the end of the day, the U.S. government acting like Gladdys Kravitz all over the globe is one of the largest root causes of this crap.
  4. "Obama got $10,000,000.00 from Goldman Sachs". But only Republicans are for sale, right?
  5. Being an uber-successful college coach guarantees success in the NFL. Sincerely, Nick Saban Steve Spurrier Pete Carroll Butch Davis Mike Riley Dennis Erickson
  6. You don't have to tell me. My former company is one of the largest in the oil field services industry, including a gigantic presence in that area. That doesn't change the fact that the "environmental" party is all about expanding this kind of drilling while ignoring areas with far less chance of real impact in the event something goes wrong.
  7. Yeah, let's not drill in ANWR. Let's drill off the coasts. Sincerely, The Obama administration
  8. Quick, now accuse some other group of using victim mentality to improve their status. ' Tick, tick, tick...
  9. No, you're willing to engage in typical douche bag behavior trying to prove there's a double-standard. As if that would accomplish anything beyond a grade school playground. Grow up or I'll end your participation on this board.
  10. World Science The Videos Pretty interesting.
  11. I didn't need the link. Kanye West is an obnoxious !@#$ and quite frankly, so are you. People like you are EXACTLY the reason there isn't real dialogue regarding race relations.
  12. You mean because the truth hurts?
  13. They'll win the "War on Gun Violence" right after the "War on Drugs" and "War on Terror". I think the most awesome thing is that they try to use the same failing techniques in each instance.
  14. No, it isn't. Not that it isn't a huge problem but it's nowhere near 50% of the federal budget.
  15. Here's a newflash: Joe's been here more than 5 minutes and I know a hell of a lot about his politics. Perhaps you should take that into account before you start lecturing me on giving him crap. And "overbearing hypocrisy" is hardly limited to Republicans. All of the partisans are loaded with it and it's what's ruining the country.
  16. What's funnier is big government apologists like yourself complaining when big government uses/abuses its power. You're getting exactly what you signed up for.
  17. I'm quite sure similar comments were uttered when the Patriots took Brady. Is there a good chance? No. Is there a chance? Sure.
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