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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I don't think there's anything better than giving the far left/right idiots all the chances they can get to show the fools they truly are. More Olbermann. More Spitzer. More Maddow. More Hannity. More Rush. Bring back Err Moronica.
  2. Robble, robble, robble. Thanks. I was waiting for your permission to do what I've been doing on this board since long before you ever showed up here. The fact of the matter is tards like you like to use the mod thing as some kind of trump whenever I make fun of your ridiculous takes, even though it's quite plain for everyone to see that I'm simply posting - NOT MODERATING. It's a pathetic tactic that you pretty much have to resort to because you have so few tools in your box.
  3. To say nothing of the schedule not containing patsy after patsy to pad the offensive stats and hide the fact that Bledsoe was done like dinner.
  4. Reed would have been great slot receiver on a team with a QB and a cohesive offensive system. He'd look like a poor man's Wes Welker, especially if there was ANY threat of a BILLS' QB completing a pass outside the hash marks that actually traveled beyond the line of scrimmage. I'm not sure there's been a more under-utilized player in the NFL. Reed played the early part of his career with Bledsoe, who couldn't accurately throw an intermediate pass between the hash marks if his career depended on it. He moved on to Losman, who had a fastball, no change up, no presence, and no ability to read anything beyond whoever was running the deepest route on any given play. Next up, Trentative and Fitzpatrick - 2 QBs defenses don't have to respect at all. That's without getting into the ridiculous offensive "coordination" we've had the for over a decade.
  5. Generally it's only "relevant" if it agrees with your ridiculous partisan view of the world. Now go back to all the news you want to hear. I wasn't calling you a retard as a mod. Given your limited brain power, I don't expect you to understand the difference and you're not worth the time it would take to explain it.
  6. You can only acclimate in a climate controlled area. If your garage isn't climate controlled, leaving it there doesn't matter.
  7. As he should be. Keep in mind, Democrats didn't want to drill in ANWR - calling a place that is frozen solid 10 months a year pristine (it'll be a balmy 28 today) but felt it was more than OK to expand offshore drilling. Way to understand consequences.
  8. There isn't a difference between big government liberals and establishment republicans.
  9. And a punter getting tackled by a pro bowl strong safety doesn't make him less of an athlete either, it just means he's human. Renaldo Nehemiah was a world class athlete who regularly looked lost on an NFL field. Moorman is a tremendous athlete who was All State in track, basketball, and football.
  10. Not that you'd ever be able to recognize intelligence. You're nothing more than a myna bird. Go back to your tard rally and get some more slogans.
  11. LA without power is a 3rd world country in less than 72 hours.
  12. Kerry's a lying scumbag piece of crap who got the exact medicine he's been doling out his entire political career. It's the perfect example of "what goes around, comes around". It's awesome that you continue to defend him like he's some kind of victim.
  13. That's right, there's a single factor that's led to the last decade of horseshit at OBD. If we just got rid of Tom Modrak, everything would turn around immediately. We need to run everyone out of town.
  14. I figured only the Catholics would be able to afford that kind of jack. Guess the pedophile payouts are finally hitting them.
  15. I'm lazy but you actually think that's an intelligent response? Yep, the world's just that simple.
  16. Why would you expect a different response? For years those people have been given pretty much one set of facts. They regurgitate them over and over again, in much the same way that "they hate us because we have stuff" garbage that Hannity and company hide behind. Ever watch a family member die for no good reason? What would your reaction be? What was your reaction when the U.S. started bombing the !@#$ out of Iraq and Afghanistan? Were you remorseful? Sure it is. I just know you're ready to sign up and fight for the Church of the United States. Because Jesus would want you to. Horseshit. It's about oil. The very second oil doesn't matter, we pick up our toys and go home and no one gives a flying !@#$ing leap what goes on over there. Forever.
  17. In the places I've been where we've bombed the !@#$ing crap out of the locals and killed some family members, I'd say it's pretty equal. There's a similar percentage of the population that hates us just about everywhere I've been. The good thing is most of them aren't desperate (or indoctrinated) enough to do anything about it. It's more luck of apathy than anything. Does this mean Iraqis aren't Muslims? And just because you "aren't aware" of anything doesn't mean much. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish by comparing those places to the tardfest that is the Middle East. It's completely irrational. No, what's convenient is to ignore an obvious trigger in favor of "they just hate us", especially since US imperialism isn't "the" cause of anything - that's an oversimplification and you know it. No one has to wake up to anything other than "what goes around, comes around". You do a bunch of bad **** over a long period of time, eventually you're going to get your turn having bad **** tossed at you. Sometimes the tool is going to be terrorism. Sometimes it's going to be done by religious radicals who are able to sway people who are easily indoctrinated because their whole life is basically a giant pile of ****. Sometimes it's going to be for nothing more than the ridiculous promise of paradise at the end of the rainbow. Religion has long been the thing people hide behind to accomplish an end. This is no different. Everyone pretend your flying spaghetti monster is somehow better.
  18. The education system in America is a mess for a variety of reasons but lack of a piece of paper isn't one of them.
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