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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Uh, no. Calling you out for one of your tried and true tactics isn't hypocritical. Again, you don't seem to know what the word means. You being a bigot doesn't bother me. Apparently it bothers you. You missed one: Does it ignore reality? Welcome to why you're the Riddler.
  2. That may not be the dumbest post in TBD history but it's right up there. Congrats.
  3. It has nothing to do with "pulling a power trip". You whine about decorum and societal norms when defending your bigotry, but feel its OK to bring my wife into an insult. I have zero tolerance for wife/kid of poster insults and will end anyone's participation on this board who engages in that behavior. But you can pretend you're the victim in this instance. It says a lot about you.
  4. You realize you're basically trying to teach a poop eating dog, right?
  5. I doubt it. You need to look up the definition of hypocrite. It has nothing to do with special treatment but I'm not surprised that's your take. It's nice to know that someone who opens doors for a living is so into DNA and what makes people who/what they are. I don't care - mostly because it's your opinion. Why would that change?
  6. Translation: Eric is desperate for an alliance. Won't some other bigot join him in his quest for the ring?
  7. So that's your version of intelligent debate? It's more like Internet 101. Pretend you're a victim, play the "I have friends...", then complain when called out about it. Yeah, really bright guy stuff there. Show you intolerance? You believe it's OK to deny people the same rights you enjoy based on their choice of life partner. Very tolerant. (Do me a favor, spare me the "they can marry any person of the opposite sex" garbage.) As far as being a "conservative" goes: If you were an actual "conservative", you'd realize that it's wrong to deny ADULTS the same rights other adults enjoy. You'd also know that creating unique laws to cover things is completely opposite of the conservative mantra.
  8. Which is why you open locks for a living instead of practicing any kind of science.
  9. Sure. You talk like the Swiss Miss Cocoa chic. Got it. I'm sure your skirt matches your accent. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Follower. The two of you are in the middle of a pathetic stadium wave. You're treading on thin ice. Your opinion means nothing, Riddler. There isn't a single lucid person on this site who looks at you as anything but a mental case.
  10. Thanks for the completely irrelevant response.
  11. That argument never gets old. "I'm not a bigot because I have friends! Friends who I love! Friends who don't deserve the same rights I have! But I love them!" Yeah, conservatives are such victims. Just like the liberal !@#$s they demonize. The reason most people flip you assclowns the crap you deserve is because you're hypocrites. I don't expect you to be able to face that reality, anymore than EII can face the fact that he's a bigot. That's cool because in another generation or 2, bigots on this particular subject will be laughed off as the nuttos that they are. It's called progress.
  12. First: It's "Yeah", not "Ya". Moron. Second: Running around agreeing with every moron who tries to climb this particular mountain gets more pathetic every time you do it. Take a step back, Eric.
  13. When you tards figure out a way raise your game, maybe I'll actually add some effort. I doubt you're up to it.
  14. That's ridiculous. Criticizing Ken Salazar for saying "Our job basically is to keep the boot on the neck of British Petroleum." and saying "Sometimes accidents happen" isn't the same as "So what?". The fact is American "management" is all about crisis and blame placement with very little rational forethought - which was the point that Mr. Paul was making during the interview. Painting an entire segment of the population in such a way makes you a pretty big hypocrite. I'm not surprised, given that you have only the ability to concentrate on soundbyte politics. That's a tremendous inference based on no substance.
  15. 50% of the populous used to think "Black people weren't create equal" - popularity contests should be left to high school. And yeah, it's pretty much the same thing. It has nothing to do with "standing up for what you believe in". It has far more to do with hiding behind institutional intolerance masked as something else. Quick, chirp some "I love freedom" while denying others the same.
  16. That's a great tactic, Gene. When exposed for being a whining idiot, attempt to deflect by accusing the opposing party of exactly the same behavior. Novel. Now flip to page 2 of the "Internet Retard Handbook" so you can expand your game. I'm pretty sure there wasn't a vote of the masses that gave you any kind of power to speak for anyone...
  17. Am I the only one who laughed out loud at the Russian diplomat being "stick pinned" to the floor like a dragonfly to a poster board at the grade school science fair? Jack has killed more people than small pox. I've almost forgotten how horrible this season is. Almost.
  18. You know, I just wish law enforcement would "decide" not to show up at a few of these events. I'm quite sure the "God Hates Fags" people would learn pretty quickly to change their tactics.
  19. I have a feeling he's going to end up like Mike Webster. Concussions are serious business long term.
  20. If Johnson was a better QB, that game doesn't come down to a final drive. That doesn't mean he didn't have a great final drive and show some stones but Johnson was terrible most of that game. Absolutely terrible. Oh, and Flutopians are still !@#$ing idiots. Flutie was an average QB who managed to score just enough points to not waste one of the most underrated defenses in modern NFL history. That team was junkyard dog tough.
  21. You mean because a guy like T.O couldn't possibly come to Buffalo and have the worst season of his career, right? At some point all of you geniuses will understand this is a team game and positions like WR DEMAND excellence from the rest of the offense, especially the QB and the O.C. These are the things that have been missing at OBD for over a decade. If you want to blame Evans for anything, blame him for re-signing instead of going to a team where they know SOMETHING about moving the football.
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