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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Don't worry, you'll get to see it a million times. They've showed it on MLB network about 50 times already. Jimmy Leyland is beside himself. That umpire better never come back to Detroit.
  2. Young pitcher from Detroit gets screwed out of a perfect game by umpire ruling a runner safe who was CLEARLY out. Would have been the final out of the game. Shades of Denkinger as far as one of the most egregious bad calls I've ever seen.
  3. I'm not sure when schools went from functional to "cathedral" but the edifices that they build now border on obscene. It's no longer about fundamentals, it's like a dick measuring contest. There are so many things wrong with the "system" that I'm not even sure where to begin. The slippery slope of government control has led to what is basically parental apathy. I think that would take more than a generation to fix, if it's even possible. One of the local schools hired a new principle and things really started turning around. Of course, that meant the bad apples got expelled and the bad students (the "pass alongs", as I call them) started failing. That brought in the bureaucrats because lower enrollments and failures mean less money. Guess which direction the tide has turned since? There isn't anything politicians can't screw up.
  4. I don't think there's an easy answer but the current direction of "trickle down" certainly isn't working. I've often laughed at the liberal hypocrisy against "Trickle Down Economics" while attempting to do the same thing with virtually every other subject they get their paws into. Frankly, I've never believed there's a role for the Federal Government in education and they haven't done much to prove me wrong. I think things like "NCLB" do far more harm than good and further remove creativity from the people who do the real work. At some point, people at the local level need to rise up and say enough.
  5. Yeah, you've sure got me pegged - but thanks for proving my point with such blinding speed, Soundbyte Dave.
  6. Gailey's offenses: In Pittsburgh was 7th and 11th in points, with Tomczak and Kordell at QB. The season after he left, they were 28th. In Dallas was 9th and 11th in points. The season before he took over, 22nd. The season after he left, 23rd. In Miami they were 16th and 11th in points with Jay friggin' Fiedler at QB and Oronde Gadsden as their number 1 WR. Buffalo's HIGHEST ranking in points in the last SIX seasons is TWENTY THIRD.
  7. Because there are a whole bunch of people like you who can only concentrate on soundbytes.
  8. There are 20,000 laws on the books covering gun ownership. There is NOTHING more regulated in the United States. There is no such thing as a "Gun Show Loophole". If you're a registered gun dealer, you have to follow the law regardless of where you perform your transaction - EVEN if you're selling one of your PRIVATE weapons. An FBI study released in 2006 showed that 97% of weapons used in crimes against law enforcement were obtained through illegal means. CRIMINALS DON'T FOLLOW LAWS. Now we can spend a lot of time, money, and effort trying to stop the .7% of guns used in crimes that are procured at gun shows or we could actually enforce the 20,000 gun laws on the books and make a serious dent in the other 99.3%. The government is great at passing laws, horrible at enforcement. One of the first things they take off the table to get criminals to plea is the gun charge - which generally means violent scummers get out way earlier. I'm not sure why it would matter that there is guns/ammo for sale at a supermarket.
  9. NCHS Accidental Death Statistics: motor vehicles (37%) poisoning (22%) falls (17%) suffocation (5%) drowning (2.9%) fires (2.5%) medical mistakes (1.7%) environmental factors (1.3%) pedal cycles (0.7%) firearms (0.5%) Translation: There are not "A LOT" of firearm deaths that occur in people's homes.
  10. I love my mini-14. I wish they still cost $250 like they did back in the day.
  11. Where is that legal? Or are you just making another fear-mongering strawman?
  12. Conner, This is what's known as a rhetorical question. Please don't respond to it.
  13. Wherever there is massive money, there will always be politics. Global Warming has ALWAYS been a scam and it is taking serious resources from dealing with the true environmental problems we face.
  14. Actually, there's plenty of dispute of planetary warming over the past 130 years.
  15. I wonder how many of these assclowns had the Saints winning the SB, the Jets in the AFC Championship game, and the Steelers not making the playoffs. The answer is more than likely none. I'd all but guarantee that this guy knows nothing about Green or any Raider OLineman.
  16. Retarded semantic arguments are not logical nor intelligent.
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