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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Differences, schmiffrences. Everything I needed to learn about libertarians I learned from soundbytes on MSNBC and FoxNews. America, land of the "informed" moron.
  2. The worst part is how close to reality the baddies in the film really are. There is a very dark world out there that most people can't even fathom.
  3. Because the back office of the BILLS is just as incompetent as the Front Office has been since Butler left.
  4. Tenure sucks, to be certain but I hate the measurements. "If students don't improve..." translates to giving the power to a bunch of children, which is the root of the problem in education today. I don't know what the answer is but this one isn't it.
  5. Keep drugs illegal! Sincerely, Drug Lords Everywhere.
  6. We have a Sullivan's in Anchorage. We're regulars there. That's a pretty good recommend, though.
  7. There was a guy on one of the radio shows I was listening to who said: "I'd have gone back to the dugout and gotten a bat, taken it out there and made him change the call. That's what's wrong with this country. People accept getting cheated out of things." Yeah, dumbass. That's what wrong with the country. Thumbs up to Gallaraga, Joyce, Jimmy Leyland, and the fans who cheered.
  8. The second I saw the play, I immediately thought "Don Denkinger finally has someone to take the pressure off." I'll never forget Jim Joyce. First for the call, then for doing EXACTLY the right things after.
  9. If they want to speed up the games, all the umpires have to do is call the actual strike zone instead of the six inch, slightly wider than the plate rectangle they normally call.
  10. The paramedics were there drawing his blood - he was going not matter what.
  11. Good for him. People make mistakes. No one got killed - it's baseball for goodness sakes.
  12. Yep. Mostly because drunk people rarely know when to shut up. He ended up telling the paramedic, who told the cop.
  13. One of my buddies is a cop. They pulled over a guy who was SERIOUSLY intoxicated but the guy blew a completely clear breathalyzer. Apparently he'd paid a whore to give him a vodka enema.
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