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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I started looking into it a little a couple of years ago. Hydraulic Fracture is going to make Love Canal look like a playground.
  2. I didn't say I agreed with him - but I understand why he'd tarnish his own legacy rather than let them do it to him.
  3. Unicorns that fart clean, reusable energy. Don't worry. The Democrats and Republicans are on board with clean, natural gas - that's something we have a ton of. And the cool part is, the only thing that'll be affected is your drinking water.
  4. No one is going to convince me that McCrystal didn't do this in a calculated manner. That dude is smart and he doesn't want his name topping the list of this failure (which seems inevitable given there isn't a clear definition of what victory in Afghanistan actually looks like). This administration has been amateur hour since the beginning. Not much has changed.
  5. It already is. It's called Marinol. They give it to cancer and AIDs patients to give them an appetite.
  6. Tough to argue with that, though at some point BP may have gone under anyway...
  7. Hopefully, that's exactly what happens. BP and the rest of the companies who rape the environment for profit deserve what they get. Wait until what's going on in America's natural gas industry starts getting more exposure. It's going to make this look trivial. Of course, we'll continue to chase garbage like "Climate Change" instead of holding our elected representatives accountable for why NG producers aren't subject to the Clean Water Act.
  8. Never trust anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die.
  9. Because he's comedy gold. Who doesn't love to play "whack a mole"?
  10. What a surprising response. When confronted with facts to the contrary, make up some non-existent boogie man in a vain attempt to displace. Quick Dave, call someone else an idiot. How the !@#$ should I know?
  11. Pull up your skivvies, toadstool. Your little partisan is showing.
  12. First off, twit: It's ANWR. The Arctic National Wildlife Reserve. A name that's pretty funny considering there's no wildlife there 10 months of the year. The next 10 days has a forecasted high of 40. Second: Who cares? At the end of the day, people who don't live in any version of reality have gotten the idiots in Washington to do tremendously stupid things on their behalf. Those things haven't led to the energy Utopia (welcome to reality) and instead our Southern Coastline will likely be a black hole for 100 years. The indirect result via the butterfly effect. Short term "victory", serious long term loss. That's to say nothing of the hypocrisy of allowing places like Russia and the Middle East to drill - where there is virtually no environmental law and zero accountability (welcome to Russia admitting that they've capped wells with NUCLEAR weapons). Yeah, let's not get energy in America. Surely those Russians and religious nuttos won't ruin the planet while we pretend to be "green". Welcome to how government really works. Now go back to things you're good at, like pretending the current administration in Washington has actually accomplished something more than driving us even deeper into debt at an even more staggering pace than the previous group of criminals.
  13. Yeah, that's certainly what I'd propose. Bull. You should be embarrassed that you actually typed out that load of horseshit. For someone who supposedly has the "inside knowledge", you are a complete barbarian. I would propose a revamping of the entire system. Everyone doesn't learn the same way. It's time to adapt education to how kids learn, instead of continuing the ridiculous failure of trying to fit every peg into the same shape hole. We could probably cut the number of teacher's by half if we leveraged technology to get the best teachers into multiple classrooms via Telepresence or something similar. Your "solution" has already been tried and it's a complete failure. If you need me to explain it, then you're a lot dumber than even I think.
  14. I'm sure Dave in Norfolk will be here soon to give credit to the liberals for taking care of the working folk.
  15. I have chosen a side. The side of being correct. Over and over again. You have chosen blind follower ship, which the two parties in charge do back flips over. And yeah, I'm way !@#$ing smarter than "the voters".
  16. If that was the case, the government wouldn't have given in to the enviro-hippies and pushed drilling out to the point where if something went horribly wrong... Never mind. The "Escrow Account" is more pandering to the stupid, which is obvious by the responses in this thread.
  17. Oh look, another partisan apologist. Exactly what American politics needs. Welcome back, Dave. Your particular brand of stupidity is so refreshing.
  18. Mickey Mantle called, just to say hello.
  19. Completely agree. Troupe must be a force AND stay healthy for the duration. Offensively, we WILL be better because we'll have competent coaching for the first time in a decade. We'll be far more unpredictable and that will go a long way toward hiding the holes at Lt , C, Rt, and Et. We're actually going to dictate for a change.
  20. Your lack of originality has never been more blatant. Nothing like rearranging words in pretend condescension. Your attempts hide your obvious lack of intelligence grow more pathetic with each post. The growler I took this morning would be a more valuable contributor to this board.
  21. Every time we think we've seen the basement of your idiocy, you break out the jackhammer.
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