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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Number 1: I'm not a Republican. Number 2: WWII built America while tearing down every other competitor. I don't expect you to understand that simple concept because you're a fawning !@#$ing parasite who desperately needs to validate his moronic political opinion at the expense of reality.
  2. I don't know what you're going for here but you seem to be passionate about it, so whatever. My feeling on taxes is probably not much different than most. We pay more than enough already. It's time for those who want to lead to make some tough decisions. That means cutting a whole lot of "uncuttable" things. DoD, SS, whatever. Nothing should be off the table. The biggest issue with it is how many jobs go with each thing. They could easily cut DoD's budget by half and get almost exactly the same bang but that's not how it'd work because too many entities are "owed" when someone gets elected. Same with education, unions, energy, etc. Until the American people wake the !@#$ up and realize that BOTH parties are COMPLETELY corrupt and need to be replaced, nothing is changing.
  3. That would be true if I were right wing. That's another tactic of the partisan retard. Everyone who doesn't agree with you is obviously an extremist from the other side. You're such a victim. In this case, my argument is completely correct and yours is an overly simplistic regurgitation. I'm not sure if any state, red or blue, could stand on its own financially regardless of how the largess from Washington breaks down. If this is a sample of you thinking you're "winning" at something, you're even dumber than I thought. At the end of the day, some states are going to bring in more revenue than they send to Washington while some are going to get back less. It has very little to do with how the state votes overall and far more to do with the way politics work in Washington.
  4. Given the political tide of the country and the relative spinelessness of political "leadership", you're quite likely VERY wrong on your percentage. The one thing every first term President wants is a second term. Mr. Clinton learned from GHWB and KNEW he didn't have the political capital to go against the Contract With America.
  5. Once again, an overly simplistic argument regurgitated ad nauseum by the terminally stupid as if it's proof of anything other than the government processes money in an inequitable manner.
  6. That's right, folks. Governments have made horrendous decisions for a century and now need to be bailed out. You? Screw you.
  7. Based on what was going on politically at the time? ALL of them would sign it, just like Mr. Clinton did. People seem to have memories of Mr. Clinton different from reality. He was an UBER-liberal when he campaigned but he had his hands tied once he got into office. The Dummycrats in Congress were even more disorganized than they are now and within 2 years had completely lost all momentum they had started with.
  8. He was "no progressive" because he was completely unable to get anything he campaigned on through. BTU tax? Nope. Universal Health Care? Nope. And on and on and on. Mr. Clinton should be remembered as the luckiest President in history. Virtually all of the things that are collapsing now started their shenanigans during that era (that's not to blame the administration, so settle down libs).
  9. That gutless bunch of worms wouldn't have the stomach to pull it off.
  10. I use a Bluetooth Jawbone with my Evo. That thing is stellar.
  11. Microsoft Kin, the Pontiac Aztec of cell phones.
  12. No, because it opens a Pandora's box that can't be closed.
  13. Here's a newsflash, Fido: Drugs are COMPLETELY illegal. They're also available in every school in America. Prohibition doesn't work and it never will. But I love your retarded strawmen. They continue to prove what a dolt you truly are.
  14. Machine guns are already legal. They require a Class 3 FFL for ownership/possession, which can be had for about $500 a year. I can only hope that gets your ignorant, liberal, myna bird panties further into a wad.
  15. Thanks for the reminder. I totally forgot this was happening. I'm a big fan of Louis C.K. and thought HBO pulled the plug on "Lucky Louie" far too soon.
  16. It wouldn't be less expensive. It's far more expensive because it takes so long to train a competent soldier. It's even harder to train someone who doesn't want to be there. To say nothing of the additional infrastructure required to deal with all of those people. As far as outsourcing things like IT: The military is a mess when it comes to personnel. Technology moves very quickly and the military's training doesn't. That leads to people being moved into jobs that they're not qualified for and that happens every 2-4 years for each troop. The military finally recognized that it's a lot easier and cheaper to contract to companies that do that for a living because contractors are far more stable. They don't get packed up at a moment's notice to go to war. They don't get a new assignment every 3 years and then need a replacement trained, which is a cyclical problem dealt with at every base/post/camp/station. I do agree that outsourcing warfighters is far different than things like communications or other infrastructure type jobs.
  17. It's a little more than "not pleasant". And the "contention that it could save American lives" is an awfully slippery slope. Try remembering you're a conservative that's against government oppression. That's supposed to be all the time, not just when it's convenient.
  18. Good thing guns are illegal there. I'd hate to see the numbers if law abiding citizens had guns too.
  19. It's also not cool to be too lazy to use proper grammar and punctuation. The two things aren't mutually exclusive.
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