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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Which is more of an indictment on liberals than anything else - but don't let that stop you from using a single piece of data to prove something as complicated as the earth's environment, you friggin' moron. The fact that you don't understand anything about guns and are unable to process the simple point that an AK-47 is basically a less accurate Winchester .308 rifle that looks more menacing isn't my problem, anymore than the fact that the average liberal can't understand what the Second Amendment really means. It's a symptom of the brainwashing followership that has always plagued humanity. Look at you, trying to puff out your chest. No one's buying what you're selling. That's where you're wrong. I know my limitations. That's why I don't implicitly trust people because they supposedly share my political beliefs. Global Warming (now Climate Change) has been a charade from the beginning. The worst part of it is how much money and research it has diverted from the REAL environmental problems the planet is facing. Of course that's not sexy and it's not reported very often on "for profit" news sites, so instead I have to deal with idiots like you who regurgitate the "Climate Change" garbage and flock to see Al Gore's woeful Power Point presentation like it's gospel. Now get back to CNN, where news happens.
  2. That's right, "Feynman". Everything comes down to some stupid partisan debate. You need to change your screen name again. Something like "Flounder" would be appropriate. Your posts are so stupid they should come with a PMRC warning label. Stick to trying to figure out which internet chics are hot - it's a much more appropriate use of your time.
  3. CNN would like to thank the terminally stupid for regurgitating their version of "science". When a very small percentage of people get very, very rich trading "carbon credits" while the average person sees significant increases in the price of goods and energy, it'll be people like you who deserve ALL of the blame.
  4. Don't worry, the next President will get the blame for it.
  5. You're talking to a guy who identifies with a party that has given Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson time to speak at their convention. There aren't two bigger racists in this country. Another non-difference.
  6. You're a !@#$ing idiot. I'd like to thank you for regularly proving that.
  7. I find it increasingly amusing that every liberal feels the need to protect Mr. Obama like he's somehow developmentally disabled. This just after spending 8 years incessantly bashing Mr. Bush, who probably was developmentally disabled.
  8. Duh. Welcome to why they don't get anymore money. There's no way to know with certainty if the tax cuts added to the debt. That's like believing a CBO projection. You continue to make my point. The debt "crisis" isn't new. People are simply paying attention to it because the idiots in charge continue to make the same mistakes over and over again and the cumulative effects of all the corruption are finally hitting a significant portion of Main Street. None of which changes my original point of the government not getting another dime from productive citizens until they figure out how to live on the $.20 of every dollar they touch now. You're talking about doing even further damage to the economy, which is teetering on the brink of an even deeper recession. The GOP won't cut spending, either. They'll pay lip service to it, just like they always do. There are so few differences between the parties that it isn't even worth discussing the options of "either/or" anymore.
  9. They were too busy trying to be all things to all people to bother overseeing the fraud, waste, and abuse going on in one of the 3 biggest expenditures that's bankrupting the country. Obviously, you're even more retarded than we thought. It's no longer "Global Warming". When people started looking into "Global Warming", it quickly became "Climate Change". They do that because people like you have the attention span of a toddler on Jolt and Pop Rocks.
  10. Bull. The deficit and the "ramp up" to this point are at the very heart of everything that's been coming to a head for decades. Guess which outcome is more likely?
  11. It's nice to know that the cavernous, barren wasteland on your shoulders still has the unhealthy obsession with me that inflicts so many morons. I'm like a communicable disease for the terminally stupid. You're gonna hate the cure.
  12. We've been having a debt crisis. I'll believe the government deserves more money when they start making tough choices on paring down the amount of money they spend. Until then, they get not another dime.
  13. Plenty of blame to go around. It's sad when someone with Buffet's stature tries to scapegoat a single entity for something that has been systemic for decades.
  14. Which is somehow different than the billions of Muslims who don't preach or practice violence, I guess. I'll take neither. Which, of course, IS the point I've BEEN making. There's a reason that particular religion evolved. Thanks for rolling your eyes, though. Nothing more expected than a superior acting Christian. I'm sure that's biblical, right? Who's arguing FOR radicals?
  15. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make with that link. Protestants are pure! Sincerely, John Calvin Welcome to the New Testament. You are definitely the epitome of tolerance. I can only imagine what a douche you'd have been back when the Koran was written, you !@#$ing heathen.
  16. All I got from this was robble, robble, robble. The Old Testament is very similar to the Koran in the way it addresses many things, not the least of which is the ridiculous number of things for which worshipers/non-worshippers are put to death. The fact you don't recognize that tells me that you're simply regurgitating the same tired right wing bull **** because you've never read either !@#$ing book. Before you respond to this, think very carefully about how big of an ass whipping you want on this subject. I'm completely consistent on pretty much everything having to do with large entities, whether its business, government, or religion. It has nothing to do with "nuance". Religion for the most part is organization for money and power. It has little do do with spirituality and much to do with control. I rarely use absolutes to describe anything, though I'm not surprised that you're trying to attribute something in such a pathetic manner because you got !@#$ing exposed and you've never been able to deal with any real criticism. Good one, Conner. Another argument of convenience and stupidity. Surprising. Right.
  17. George W. Bush was "educated" at Yale. You'll have to forgive me for laughing at you and the ridiculousness of YOU telling someone else they have no clue. It's the "N'Sync" defense. Popularity automatically means good. Nice work, simp.
  18. My Blackberry was a huge piece of crap. They'd have to make big changes for me to even consider another one. I've never had an iPhone but ATT'S network is so bad that it's not an option.
  19. And why is there a "New" Testament? Did "God" suddenly feel the need to censure himself? Nope. There is a "New Testament" because of changes in politics and philosophy. The Inquisition. What a show. Good thing you're not a total hypocrite, "Islam is a religion of violence" guy. I don't give a flying crap what you "think". History is rife with "Christians" killing in the name of their God. I'm sure the Muslims are sorry that they didn't get on that bandwagon a little sooner. Congratulations on your religion of choice losing it's overwhelming influence and the violence that goes with it a few hundred years earlier than the others. That's a big win because now you can pretend your flying spaghetti monster is wicked superior.
  20. Which is why Urban II used many biblical versus to justify the Crusades, right? Or how men of the cloth were totally behind slavery in America. Get over yourself. What's going on with Islam is a tried and true method of those with total religious power. The same thing would be happening if the friggin' Christian zealots got that kind of power back.
  21. I just figured it was Climate Change. We'll need a commission and several billion dollars to study the causes/effects. It'll create jobs for the new "Green" economy.
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