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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Until the end game of all this bad policy makes the big wad of cash essentially worthless...
  2. That's because the payback for getting into power is VERY expensive.
  3. I don't know how anyone can be. Politicians have had us on a road to ruin for decades and the populous is more concerned about frivolous arguments than facing reality. Oh, and I'm still waiting for Steely to point out some of my glaring mistakes.
  4. Really? I'm pretty sure the last stimulus was a pretty good example of "trickle down" economics as a strategy. I'm sure the Democratic apologists wouldn't agree but it's not like they can really argue it, either.
  5. That's no the end of the story. Wait until they FINALLY get to Social Security. The fact that they've ignored it because the Dummycrats keep saying "there's no problem" will inevitably lead to both a benefit reduction AND an increase in the eligibility age. If you think it's tough to find a good job now, wait until you're 65 and there's literally no hiring climate because the required paradigm shift will take decades to trickle through. It likely won't effect you but my generation is going to get a nice kick in the nuts.
  6. Wow. So now the President is getting credit for something he had absolutely NOTHING to do with. There's literally not a level of stupidity you're not willing to dig through. The saddest part of this administration's "accomplishments" is they won't be around to face the music when the real effects of all of this leftislation truly takes affect.
  7. It's an eye opener when you realize idealism tastes like ****.
  8. Which is no different than the politicians that rammed it through or the President who signed it. I guess you're going to save your venom on that particular subject, huh?
  9. In Dave's defense, he is a complete !@#$ing drone who is incapable of thinking for himself.
  10. Pretty much the only way something doesn't happen is if some dumbass (like Crabtree or Smith) or some dumbass organization (like the Raiders) wants to or goes outside their slot. I obviously don't know what the BILLS offered Maybin initially but the number he signed for was pretty much exactly what was expected from the slot the previous year. Maybin's agent is probably as big a moron as Andre Smith's agent looked to be on "Hard Knocks".
  11. So you think that somehow lets you off the hook? Someone knows they're about to get major !@#$ing schooling and wants to run and hide. That's fine, Eric. It's pretty much what I expected.
  12. What the !@#$ are you talking about? This is a new low, even for you.
  13. You first. Your overused regurgitation of a pathetically simple data set doesn't even come close to reality. Go ahead and expound on this as well.
  14. It's tough to argue that but it's pretty much a microcosm of how EVERY facet of the fed works.
  15. Alaska doesn't have "a leg up" but don't let that stop you from continuing to put your foot in your mouth.
  16. Sorry. I have a hard time keeping all the idiots in proper order. These are actually the choices we're given. Tough to believe.
  17. Neither side cares about passing "great packages". They care about remaining in power. One only has to look at the unemployment benefits lag and the things that led to it not getting passed to see how Washington really operates.
  18. Dick Cheney may be many things. Brainless isn't one of them.
  19. Internet loser tactic #1: Regardless of reality, at some point declare yourself the winner then take your ball and go home. Good job Steely. I think my favorite thing in this entire thread is you speaking for "so many people". I knew if I started prodding, you wouldn't disappoint.
  20. You're right. I don't habla tard too well. Can you post your hypocritical argument 20 more times? That sentence is just awesome. Your. Thanks. Yeah, I have. The fact that you're a coward who's ignorant about guns and the laws that surround them aren't my problems. Anyone on this site can do a search on "assault weapons" and my username and watch me roast your pathetic ass over and over again on that subject. Your skull is thick, which is probably how you made it through bike riding during childhood. You can also note that I used you're and your correctly. The obvious problem is you're too stupid to understand that a legal AK-47 is only cosmetically different than a garden variety hunting rifle. Yet somehow that makes me a lunatic. You've ignored me? Your mental masturbation is so acute that you've got friction burn. In short, you have nothing to offer on your accusation. That's not a surprise, since that's generally what you bring to the table each and every day. Now get back to finding average looking chics on the internet and pretending they'd be interested in you in anything short of a post-apocalyptic earth.
  21. Even your attempts at "gotcha" are pathetic. You honestly believe that doing EXACTLY the same thing you apparently don't like is somehow a win? Good work. You never disappoint. Ah, the "I know you are but what am I" defense. Way to elevate. Nah, you'd still be a moron and someone else would've taken all your nickles in a ridiculously lame scheme. That's pretty much the ultimate compliment. Check that last one. THIS is pretty much the ultimate compliment. Asked and answered. Repeatedly. Link a few mistakes. It shouldn't be too hard, if there are so many of them. When you have an intelligent post derived from something other than a master/slave relationship, I'll treat you better. You're right, Rainman...er...Steely...er...Feynman. I pine for the day YOU take me seriously. How ever will I get through? Oh wait. I stopped caring about being popular with the tards in grade school.
  22. Fear mongering is a time tested technique, regardless of political persuasion. I'm not sure what else you're looking for.
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