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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. A few more terms of Democrats/Republicans/Citizen Apathy and it's all but guaranteed.
  2. It's brought to you by the same people who think "hate crime" legislation is a good idea.
  3. Leif Larsen looks to be one oh the best blocking sled pushers in NFL history.
  4. Wanting to and understanding how the real world (a place where few politicians have had success) actually works are two completely different things. So far his "answer" to creating jobs was to get approval to spend a whole bunch of money we don't have. The best part of that is they can't even get that damn money out there, so about the only jobs they've "created" are the Census jobs - which are rapidly going away. Everything in life is a balancing act. The liberals on both sides of the aisle (spare me the rhetoric, Republican apologists. Your party is as "big government" as the Dummycrats) have been partying with O.P.P. for far too long. They've blown the balance all out of proportion and Main St. is finally being affected by it. Will it change? Probably not for at least a generation. Is that soon enough? Probably not. But there will be morons like Conner and Dave in Norfolk who like to pretend the idiots they follow are actually doing something. Take a look at England, folks. That's the road we're barreling down.
  5. I wouldn't say Alexander costs "nothing". It's very likely he doesn't play this year because he's simply not ready. He pretty much admitted he was looking for a deal that allows him to continue to work his way back with an eye on next season. I'm not against the BILLS trying to get him because when he's healthy he's superior to everyone on the roster not named Lee Evans.
  6. Heard him interviewed yesterday. Said Saints, Bears, Rams, and BILLS all showed interest.
  7. Lewis seemed like a douche bag on "Hard Knocks".
  8. Tulips on an organ beat roses on a piano - or at least that's what I've been told.
  9. Link to Washington Post Article First: Bluefire, learn when to use a comma. Second: C'mon liberals, lets hear all about those rights and freedoms your masters are all about protecting. I thought it was only the Republicans who wanted to invade everyone's privacy?
  10. New York's got a real appetite for change. The two main candidates for governor are Lazio and Cuomo? Yeah, real change.
  11. It'll still be illegal and the feds will prosecute it when it suits them (like when they want to put someone in jail but they can't figure out another way). Alaska has had a long standing "if you have a usable, not distributable amount of pot" law. There are still federal/state prosecutions for dealers but the number of users busted is way down.
  12. One of my favorite players from my favorite era of the NFL. The top 6 or 7 teams seemed to field what amounted to all star teams and the playoffs seemed to always have amazing games. The Raider team that beat the Vikings was one of the most fun to watch.
  13. So are we supposed to be for or against the carp?
  14. Sure you do. You're an unabashed liberal who blindly votes for anyone with a (D) next to their name. This is despite the overwhelming evidence that neither party practices what the preach. Let me know when you figure out how to remove it when there's so much money/power involved - especially when your political philosophy is considered. Because it's a waste of time. The Senate is a millionaire's club for a reason. The House regularly votes themselves benefits that aren't available to the citizens who elect them. Your answer is going to be more government, which is the very foundation of the problem.
  15. It's a good thing there's no such thing as an ultra rich liberal influencing policy. There's no limits to partisan stupidity.
  16. Rich people got richer? There's news. Another article about how not taxing someone won't feed the federal beast to the tune of a TRILLION dollars? Even more news. Maybe the douche bags on the left should visit the idea of a flat tax. Nah, that would take away their power to curry favor. Instead they'll try to put in another poorly thought out plan to "tax the rich" that will inevitably screw middle class family businesses - because they're morons. Like you.
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