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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Only "kinda"? It's wicked stupid and it allows those on the opposite side to pretend there isn't a real issue - much the same way the liberals like to play the race card at every instance, when it's mostly not warranted.
  2. Given my complete lack of faith in the Court, I hope they don't.
  3. You mean because that's what happened? I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand what "equal" under the law is. Laws that are put in place to obviously discriminate should be struck down in an expeditious manner, as this one was.
  4. Wonder how that's going to turn out? Take that, zealots.
  5. Not really the point but thanks for your typical "nothing" input.
  6. It's not so much the wages, it's the benefits (which you alluded to a bit). It's the same thing that's leading us down the road to ruin in the public sector. It's going to hit REALLY hard when the majority of boomers start retiring with their "High 3 or 4" pensions that are 75% of their max wages with indexed guarantees. The problems with the cycle are probably not any more obvious now than they were, but politicians do a better job of protecting their own asses than the taxpayer. 'Tis always been that way. You can hide bad decisions with fuzzy math, speculation, and projections for awhile but eventually the market will bite you in the ass. The UAW negotiated some terrific deals for their members and coupled with some horrible mismanagement by the "suits", brought the industry to its knees over term. That's what greed/lack of understanding of sustainability brings. No one is immune to criticism in this instance but the American taxpayer is holding the !@#$ing bag and that sucks.
  7. I don't think they had much choice, nor do I think pride or honor had a thing to do with it. I completely understand the need to not create a total dead zone in the middle of the country, even if it would have been for a very short term. That said, it's not so much that they bailed them out - it's how it was done and the whole "payola" scheme it ended with. It's a disgusting display of everything that's wrong with how the "leaders" in this country regard themselves versus the populous they supposedly serve.
  8. My favorite part is him blaming a faceless boogie man that has never spent a single second ruling anything. The whole time he's lauding the theft of taxpayer money we don't have to save special interests because of their own greed while his masters were at the stick THE ENTIRE TIME. Yeah, this is all over.
  9. Because Cower's been known to be a QB guru? Don't think so.
  10. I'm always shocked when DoD or any other big government entity is unable to account for huge amounts of money. [/sarcasm] It hasn't changed since they admitted they couldn't account for a TRILLION dollars during the Clinton administration and no one seems to be all that interested in changing it (either politicians or the idiots who continue to vote them in). Instead we'll allow the government to pass huge stimulus packages with little oversight and basically take over health care. I wonder how those are going to turn out (again, sarcasm).
  11. Yeah, because the government is well known for their ability to move at blinding speed. Thanks, though for ignoring the real story and pretending that this somehow absolves what is probably trillions of dollars (over term) of fraud brought to you by the big government liberals from both parties. And that's just one program.
  12. If nothing else gets fixed in the next CBA, this **** better be. I'm tired of watching the draft in the spring and then waiting for these jackasses to get their butts into camp.
  13. I didn't realize the difference between the BILLS and the Super Bowl was a single rookie offensive lineman. I've missed a lot.
  14. I think it's hard to argue against taking the best player when you're on the clock.
  15. Bull. When the defense has to account for a game changing player, it slows down the pass rush and ensures that they keep gap responsibility. You don't think Vince Young got better protection because defenses were more concerned about Chris Brown? Somehow I doubt Buddy is hoping Spiller makes plays entirely on his own. And rookie RBs in the NFL are by far the most likely to contribute.
  16. Geez, I thought only Bush/Cheney would use such tactics to circumvent the Constitution/legal system. Lotsa differences, eh liberals?
  17. None of those players are rare talents. None. Everyone acts like Spiller doesn't make the offensive line better.
  18. That era was different and led to a lot of the rule changes we've seen since. Most of the stuff people complain about when they watch those videos were legal at that time. I can only imagine the uproar if Lambert tossed Cliff Harris on his head today like he did back in the '75 Super Bowl. Back then it was "protecting a teammate".
  19. Really? How many first round picks get cut after their second training camp?
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