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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. This isn't a social issue, it's a legal one. The fact that you can't separate the two is your problem, not mine. The absolutes you're attempting to pin on me just keep rolling off because they're ludicrous and only the terminally stupid would think they have merit. The Courts exist to keep bigots like you in check, not the people who believe everyone deserves the same rights. The rights that are guaranteed by a marriage license PROTECT people from government, not the other way around. I'd say it's baffling that you can't deal with these simple concepts but you're the Riddler for a reason. So keep being hung up on a word and pretending you're some kind of martyred religious dude. Thanks for giving me my opinion. And being wrong as hell - as usual. Back to the societal norm "thing" again? Dude, seriously. You need to take a step back and realize you're basically your own worst enemy because you practice everything you accuse others of ("you just want to see chaos" ring a bell?). Now we're back to parroting this tired crap. Time to shake the magic 8-ball again, Eric.
  2. Let him go. He does his best work when he openly admits he's winning.
  3. Keep trying, Eric. Though I find your "freedom of religion" digs very refreshing.
  4. So they're just like the Republicans: Deficits, hemorrhaging jobs, lack of benefit from spending programs, lack of real cost of Wars, no plan for addressing any actual problem, illegal immigration burdens. Go partisans!
  5. So now you're arguing about a word? Why don't you zealots change to "Religious Covenant", that way you still get the joy of discrimination while pretending that you're walking arm-in-arm with the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Because religious freaks used them to rape kids. That wasn't the straw that broke marriage's back, though. It soldiered on... Awesome. I guess my wife and I haven't been married for 20 years because we went to the Justice of the Peace. Well, except the fact that I have a marriage license. Try living in the now, lock water sucker.
  6. Yeah, I have. That's why I'm able to point out you spinning completely around on your "societal norms" and the fact that you're petrified that your kids are going to be gay. You're so out of shorts that you don't even know where your junk is. Constitution, schmonstitution. Liar. It doesn't matter what day it is, you're still a retard and no amount of chanting is going to change that. Marriage hasn't been solely a "religious issue" for a very, very long time. I love your continued use of the fear thing, Mr. Homophobe. I'm not clinging to anything other than equal legal protection for everyone. You're the one who's showing nothing but desperation. Hey Tom, look at the gems we're getting off this one.*
  7. No I don't. No, I'm not. I see the deep entrenchment here every day, regardless of subject or what reality is. Sure you don't. Patently ridiculous. Preferential treatment? You think you're helping yourself here?* The only thing I cling to is reality. You've whined completely and totally about "societal norms" then your "solution" to making people equal is to rip out the very fabric you tried so desperately to defend because you're unable to face your own bigotry. Allowing EVERYONE the same legal rights is the foundation our country was built upon. I could give a flying crap about whatever "flying spaghetti monster" edifice you or any other zealot is trying to cling to. They won't have to perform gay marriages in the future, just like they don't have to perform hetero marriages for everyone now. Thanks, though, for the ridiculous notion that someone who advocates the same rights for all is the spreader of ill will. Just another feather in the retard bonnet you wear so proudly. And yeah, I get the irony of insulting you here.
  8. Even more than that, we changed the way the event is done and now people actually show up for it. BILLS fans really rejuvenated the entire weekend.
  9. Tom never called you a bigot. Other people have, and rightly so. No, you haven't. All you've done is changed your tactic because you didn't like being exposed. It's patently ridiculous but that's pretty much expected. Bigots don't change - they die and their prejudices die with them. The next generation of Americans will give homosexuals the rights they deserve and the world won't end because of it, just the same as it didn't end when women got equality and people of color started using the same public facilities. You're a scared bigot who thinks his kids can be recruited to be gay. Sad AND funny.
  10. Why should this thread be any different from all the other ones? It's kinda like when he asked me to "do my own research" when I asked him whether we're supposed to be pro or anti-carp. When I do say that, it's ALWAYS in response to someone offering up an ignorant opinion as if it holds merit. Now he's proposing to completely change settled law throughout the country because he's afraid his kids are going to end up queer.
  11. Really? What about: 1. Joint parental rights of children 2. Joint adoption 3. Status as "next-of-kin" for hospital visits and medical decisions 4. Right to make a decision about the disposal of loved ones remains 5. Immigration and residency for partners from other countries 6. Crime victims recovery benefits 7. Domestic violence protection orders 8. Judicial protections and immunity 9. Automatic inheritance in the absence of a will 10. Public safety officers death benefits 11. Spousal veterans benefits 12. Social Security 13. Medicare 14. Joint filing of tax returns 15. Wrongful death benefits for surviving partner and children 16. Bereavement or sick leave to care for partner or children 17. Child support 18. Joint Insurance Plans 19. Tax credits including: Child tax credit, Hope and lifetime learning credits 20. Deferred Compensation for pension and IRAs 21. Estate and gift tax benefits 22. Welfare and public assistance 23. Joint housing for elderly 24. Credit protection 25. Medical care for survivors and dependents of certain veterans That's just a short list of things that are protected by the piece of paper. That's a little more than no reason. Your "solution" (which is just a thinly veiled attempt to disguise your bigotry) would require virtually every level of government to completely overhaul existing law and open up taxpayers and citizens to expensive litigation.
  12. The best thing to do is give the dog tons of positive experiences outside your home. Take him places on weekends/after work where there are people. Start with quiet places with a couple of people and work your way to more boisterous activities.
  13. Shoot, I'd drive that far just for the garbage plate afterwards.
  14. When did they acquire sole possession of the word?
  15. Let's just say I don't agree on common sense grounds. Of all the arguments, pro or con, those are by far the weakest against the Bill of Rights. I read the first two and they contained the typical liberal speak and pretty much completely ignore the principles the country was founded on. While I have no proof in hand, I have a hard time believing the signers of the Constitution wouldn't: 1. Have owned multiple firearms. 2. Could imagine a fair government that disarmed an entire populous with no warranty.
  16. I lost all faith of that ever happening when "DC vs Heller" went 5-4 on political lines. That was just as easy as this one and the liberals !@#$ed it up royally.
  17. You mean another law I don't agree with? That's called consistency, not the typical hypocrisy most of you show when you cherry pick the **** your religion tells you to be pissed about.
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