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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I prefer to look at it as a "reality" post. Alaska's Concealed Carry law was patterned after Vermont's. The only reason we have a Permit is for reciprocity with other states. I think there are 17 or so that accept Alaska's CCW card as valid. Every time I watch one of the nut jobs go off on a killing spree at work I think about how that would look in our office - with about 90% of the people firing back.
  2. You honestly think you're the one who should make this comment? No one raises a beer when they club a seal.
  3. I wonder why we don't have that kind of stuff in Alaska? Oh wait, no I don't. "Any person 21 years of age or older may carry a handgun concealed on their person provided that, when contacted by a police officer, informs the officer of that possession and allows the police officer to secure the handgun for the duration of that contact."
  4. Following in the footsteps of the previous administration. Almost scary, huh?
  5. I'm like Moorman with the wind at my back. Punt for distance.
  6. How many guys named Felton have ever done anything in the NFL?
  7. The government makes Enron look like the example for how accounting is done.
  8. I didn't read most of the articles but I have to wonder why there's no mention of whether or not the kid was drunk. Not as an excuse, however. I'm always interested to see how much violence is attributed to a legal "drug" while everyone gets all up in arms about pot. I'm guessing this dude was pretty plowed.
  9. That's because you're a moron. People making under $50k a year pay almost nothing in income taxes. Once again, you're a complete idiot. The middle class isn't eroding because the rich are getting richer. The fact that you're not smart enough to understand the basic fundamentals of what's going on doesn't help your case in the least. Your "solution" would have the effectiveness of a bandaid on a brain tumor.
  10. He's not coming back. I guarantee it.
  11. Once again, please explain why government needs more money.
  12. I love when you partisan idiots trumpet something you obviously have little understanding of. I'm going to spell this out very simply: THERE WAS NO SURPLUS. EVER. That's probably the biggest governmental lie in the history of the United States.
  13. I can't wait until they finally release the new DirectTV Tivo box. Probably later this year. Dumping Tivo was probably the biggest mistake DTV ever made.
  14. I don't see how one draft of addressing the OLine is "doing it the right way". They've spent firsts on TE, WRs, QB, and LB the last 6 seasons.
  15. Can you do anything but vomit back the typical liberal speak? The government touches $.20 of every dollar this country creates but that's not enough, they need more. It's been awhile but the last time I looked the US government spent more than the GDP of all but a handful of countries in the world. Only a complete idiot would argue that they need or deserve more money when it's quite obvious that they aren't stewarding what they're getting with wisdom. Oh wait.
  16. That's probably the best thing the guy has done since he's been in office. When he's out screwing around, he's not in the office getting **** passed that will cost too much, lower our standard of living, or ship jobs out of the country. That dude should run every day.
  17. What expense is that exactly? Be specific. I'm not surprised you didn't "belly up to the bar" and instead tried something completely different.
  18. Stop asking him questions. He doesn't have time.
  19. I said nothing about Utah or their entrance into statehood, something which has pretty much nothing to do with the topic at hand. This is another one of your vain attempts to change the argument like the "Societal Norms", "Worried About my Kids", and "Civil Unions are OK but using the word marriage offends my delicate zealot psyche". Not buying your garage sale tactic this time either. Pull up your pants, your desperation is showing. You're wrong again, because I don't care about polygamy either. I simply stated a sordid fact about the past (and present in countries that allow it). Nothing is without a downside and that particular downside is one of the major reasons it's not legal in the United States. I'd ask you if you're really trying to deny that fact but if I do you'll spend the rest of the thread in full on Riddler and you've already barfed enough to kill every rock and roll drummer ever. You expect anyone to believe that crap? Really? The fact is you known you're paddling upstream and you're simply not bright enough to bow out gracefully.
  20. Wait, I thought you wanted all the heteros to give up their preferential treatment: So now you're saying that we need to create all new laws so you and the other bigots can keep possession of a word? I'd be OK with it if you and the rest of the bigots paid a special tax to cover all of the expense of it. Buck up for the suds, zealot.
  21. I think the statement is pretty easy to understand. There's only 8 friggin' words there. I'm just glad that you picked that out, since I put at least one similar retort in every post. You're very predictable.
  22. Who's disputing this? It's been obvious for pretty much my entire life. That hasn't stopped 80% of voters from voting the same way every single election. Probably. No doubt.
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