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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. If you're going to look down your nose at people, learn to spell. Which is totally different than how the wacko lefties portrayed the previous chimp, AWOLer, extremist Christian, Mission from Godder, etc? Don't like it? Don't engage in it, you !@#$ing hypocritical moron.
  2. Whining about the Muslims putting in a mosque while whining about them possibly whining about Christians doing something similar? You actually think that proves something other than all you religious weirdos are, in fact, weirdos?
  3. Shocking Duh. Ignorance isn't limited to a single political party or ideal, as you demonstrate here on a daily basis.
  4. I'm not sure what you're referring to but somehow I doubt it's not you pointing a finger at your own hypocrisy.
  5. This a good example of you being above the fray and/or not being extremist? You're such a victim.
  6. Even if Barack Obama had accomplished anything, he's hardly interesting.
  7. Drugs are COMPLETELY illegal. How's that worked out? I'll believe that criminals will start obeying the laws about the same time the government figures out how to keep drugs out of grade schools. Do us all a favor and hold your breath.
  8. Looked like the same Bryan Scott I've been watching for his tenure in Buffalo. Willing hitter who whiffs as much as he connects and is pretty woeful in coverage.
  9. The government didn't "mess up" anything that constituents didn't ask for. If you zealots want some ridiculous union with your spouse and a flying spaghetti monster, YOU change. The law is settled and it's not changing because you need to discriminate so you can life happily ever after in the spirit world. You don't get to have your cake and eat it too. You've more than made your bigoted opinion clear, no matter how hard you try to distance yourself from it with whatever word jumble you're using this week.
  10. The glory years of the Negro League were AFTER Ruth retired. Also true - but the rules were also that balls that hit the foul pole were foul and balls that left the park fair and hooked around the foul pole were foul. One book I read analyzed every at bat he took when he set the record and deduced that he'd have hit 104 home runs instead of 60 if the modern rule book and stadium dimensions were in use. He also played in places like the Polo Grounds (his home park), where the Center Field fence was 500 feet from home plate. If ground rule doubles counting as homers was such a feet, there would have been more players with homer numbers similar to Ruth's. There aren't. His slugging percentage is almost 70 points higher than the second best in history. His OPS is 50 points higher and over 100 points higher than this era's best player, Albert Pujols. True - but he also didn't get to play against the watered down pitching that goes today (only the best teams have 2 or 3 top starters) or in an era when baseball didn't get all of the best athletes. I'm still waiting for one. Ruth was far and away the best baseball player (and probably American professional athlete), no matter what measure anyone takes. There's a hell of a line for who is second but Ruth is clearly number 1.
  11. The only place that debate is currently happening is in your idiotic head. No one here has said anything remotely close. There are many places around the country that have high speed highways with stoplights and crosswalks. The Causeway where Stallworth's accident happened was one such place. ESPN did an entire half hour show on it, including filming the area where it occurred at about the time of the incident. Visibility was very poor and even a sober driver would have had a hard time avoiding the accident (I'm not absolving Stallworth of anything, simply pointing out a fact so try not to fly off the !@#$ing handle). Do yourself a favor and STFU before everyone figures out you're a complete moron and you have zero credibility on this site.
  12. No you haven't, "societal norm", "the gay lifestyle should come at a premium", and "should brothers and sisters be allowed to marry for health benefits" guy. This is just another veiled attempt to hide your bigotry and ignorance. No one should be buying it.
  13. That's pretty much the mentality at board levels and in Capitals around the country. Things that generations ago were inexcusable are now pretty much accepted. Spend some time watching Charlie Rangel dare the Senate to do anything to him. It's like watching "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" in reverse.
  14. On any given day? Pretty much. I wouldn't call it amazing. I'd call it very courteous. We have some of the best morning meetings.
  15. Bingo. Sears mall used to have it too. That place was horrible from dusk on. Wholeheartedly agree.
  16. There were a few places here that tried the same thing. The legislature went back to the drawing board and passed a law that basically stated that establishments that serve the public cannot have regulations that are more strict than the state law. Problem solved. That's pretty much how most Alaskans handled it as well. The one mall that had it posted was the most crime ridden. Not surprising.
  17. Frankly the whole nuance thing bugs the crap out of me. I don't care what the guy's "intent" was. An innocent person is dead for no good reason.
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