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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Cool? Actually, we've never tried any "change" thing. Just because they campaign on a slogan doesn't mean that's how they govern. Quite the contrary. The Obama Administration's first real act was "Trickle Down Economics" at its finest. The liberals loved it/the Republicans hated it. Too funny. I'll agree that change will come slowly but only because it has to. You can't tear down the military/industrial complex overnight without putting a large percentage of Americans out of work anymore than you can wean people off the government teat in less than a generation. I gave up on insightful a long time ago. No one cares and I'm tired of wasting my time coddling the terminally stupid. Somehow I think payola is here to stay. Unless we go broke. Wait for it. Hmmmm. I think term limits/removal of long term benefits would stop a lot of what's going on. In very short order.
  2. Not too many people could be so succinct when proving someone else's point. Nice work.
  3. You conveyed something that doesn't exist. Single Payer is in no way visionary - it already EXISTS. You and the rest of the single payer proponents are ignoring reality. The government has already proven it can't be trusted with health care (ask a !@#$ing veteran). The fact that the FIRST thing the current administration did was take economy of scale with Big Pharma off the table ought to be more than hint enough that getting them MORE involved isn't going to change much in a positive way. But you go ahead and keep lying to yourself.
  4. I'd ask you WTF you're talking about but I'm afraid you'd go off on another of your tangents. Those always end with "you're attacking me for things I'm not saying" - an act that is very old and extremely hypocritical (you're doing it right here). That describes very few of them. Personally, I'd rather have politicians who've read the Constitution and are willing to govern by it. I don't think either of us are going to be very happy. I'm for "Term Limits" but I think the other idea is pretty much folly.
  5. You obviously don't know what that word means. You want single payer? Go practice for DoD or the VA. You'll see the future of American health care as you "VISIONARIES" will get it. Single payer isn't a magic bullet or anything even close. It's just a different set of problems with a bigger bureaucracy running it. The only things "Single Payer" will mean is more overhead, more costs, and less productivity. Just like it has in every other entity the government has put its paws into. DoD? Education? Social Security? Good luck, visionary.
  6. I fart Unicorns. What can I tell you? Of course I'm going to be right. The 2 parties that run this country stopped caring about anything but their own relevance a long time ago. George Washington saw the writing on the wall before he'd even left office and he's been proven right. I'm not sure there's a way to make it get better because it would take a complete overhaul of citizen attitudes and the system. Our society doesn't have the stones for it.
  7. Totally knew that was going to be your comeback. That's OK, when the Republicans take over their idiot will start the cycle all over again.
  8. He's not a conservative. He's a Republican apologist.
  9. All that says to me is that there are ignorant doctors.
  10. Which is why we spent so much time deriding people who think building a church is a bad idea and that gays shouldn't be allowed to marry, right? You should just stay away because you bring nothing to the table. Nothing.
  11. You actually think you're helping yourself with this? You might want to call Balco and ask them for some testosterone.
  12. I don't think I've heard a second of that crap in the last 5 years. I've never been able to stand Limbaugh. I listed to Err Moronica for a little while because I needed a good laugh.
  13. Much more fun to be on the trigger end of the .50.
  14. Any mirrors in your world? It's ignorant as hell to pretend that the U.S. government isn't partially responsible for the blowback caused by decades of poor foreign policy decisions. Even the !@#$ing 9/11 Commission got that right but you're so !@#$ing smart that your opinion is the one that matters? His radical opinion is no more radical than yours. And the Constitution guarantees his right to free speech and questioning the government the same as yours does, regardless of the results of 9/11 or any other !@#$ing day where innocent people somewhere in the world got killed for no good reason.
  15. So now we're afraid of buildings. Boogie Man 1, Americans 0
  16. Straight from "The Book of Retarded Counter Arguments".
  17. Rob Johnson was probably the greatest practice QB in NFL history. It's practice.
  18. I'm not sure how anyone could question the Troupe pick after watching Kyle Williams against the Redskins.
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