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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Tom Clancy pretty much did. Or that Yale would graduate a retard who America would later elect President. **** happens. Constitution, schmonstitution. As long as I get to fear monger.
  2. If you disagree, you're obviously from the opposite party. Lockstep or bust, bitches. We're at war with radical Islam. The best course of action is to stop mosque building. Genius.
  3. I hope you're a lot funnier in person. Meaningless to the debate.
  4. That just makes you a hypocrite. I'd be surprised if any of your gay "friends" would be your "friends" after you told them that. Especially after you made a complete ass of yourself explaining your position.
  5. So you hate the U.S. government because you hate Obama, right? That means you're a traitor. Your lines of "thinking" never cease to amaze.
  6. No, I don't. But thanks for being a gigantic hypocrite. Nice try.
  7. Not the computer battery. There's a watch type battery on the mother board that helps the PC keep basic settings. There's a small chance it died. There's a better chance that your BIOS is set to boot from USB devices before your HDD and that's the problem. I don't remember how to get into a Gateway's BIOS but I'm sure it's not too difficult.
  8. Pretty much. I wouldn't really compare bull fighting to football because the bull has no idea what the deal is. That animal is going to die and have a painful last day, no matter what. I'll never understand the fascination some humans have with torture. Big time. It's too bad he didn't take a few more with him.
  9. Sounds like it's hanging before the POST (Power On Self Test) completes. Could be a variety of things, including the battery on the mother board being dead. Or it could be that you're a moron for buying a friggin' Gateway and the computer Gods are letting you know in their very special way. (J/K)
  10. Don't confuse the visionary with little things like facts. Especially after the Chosen One gave Big Pharma a "Get Out of Jail Free" card before the giant abortion was even in the womb.
  11. Europe is hardly uber-tolerant. Quite the opposite, really.
  12. Bull. What is being proposed are things that don't address the real reasons health care is so expensive. More bull. It's radical in that it gives Washington bureaucrats control over a huge amount of money. Interesting choice of words. "Operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect". Those who don't understand history are doomed to repeat it. Neither of which seem to be addressed by the abortion that is the new legislation, though since it's 2500 pages there may be a tidbit or 2 in there. I somehow doubt you've read it. Let's see some supporting documentation that specifically cites these successes and compares them directly to portions of the legislation. Good, because I'd kick your ass at that. I've got serious street cred. Not fair going to the medical dictionary, though the irony of word choice shouldn't be lost on anyone.
  13. That's because 19 people are allowed to speak for all Muslims.
  14. I don't have to, because "you're intolerant" covers it pretty well. I don't expect you to get that, anymore than I expect EII to admit he's a !@#$ing bigot. People generally aren't big enough to face their demons, which is why the demons usually get the best of them. Asked and answered, numerous times. Conner.
  15. Of course there's a problem but the same old solutions aren't going to solve them. You're the supposed "visionary" but the only "solutions" you've offered are pretty much the causes of the problem or tired crap that isn't working as advertised elsewhere. As I said before, you obviously don't know the meaning of the word visionary. Wake the !@#$ up, Chachi.
  16. Education subsidies are a major part of the reason college continues to grow at a rate higher than inflation. Try again.
  17. Bull ****. The looming critical shortage of primary care docs has everything to do with the fact that the cost of med school in the United States has grown 10 fold in the last 20 years, greatly outpacing inflation. Welcome to government involvement in the education "system". Single payer isn't going to close that gap, dude who sees 85% Medicare patients. I read a doctoral thesis last week written about the disgusting practices of the higher education system in this country. The average dude graduating with a Bachelor's Degree this year won't pay off his note until he's 38. Imagine what that means to someone facing med school.
  18. The Bermuda Triangle. With all the married queers in on the construction.
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