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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. It is about that, regardless of whether we're talking about a trial or not. The fact of the matter is, you and other "conservatives" give carte !@#$ing blanche when your masters want to do whatever (you know, start illegal/unethical wars, build things like Homeland Security, etc) but when someone wants to build a church you go all "Inch High Private Eye". Way to keep things in perspective. Which is why you're regurgitating points made on Fox News over the last week, right? I'll believe you care about that when you turn the same critical eye toward the things that your core beliefs are based on. You likely don't and probably won't. Really? A big problem? Compared to what? Throwing the Constitution out the window (which is one of the funniest things you "conservatives" like to lob at liberals when they're doing the same thing)? I don't have to "admit" anything. I don't care even a little if they put up a big church or where they put it. Americans are !@#$ing up America far faster than any memorial/tribute ever could. Congrats on getting one right.
  2. Plus, the government is going to continue to throw piles of money at it to keep its status as a false idol. That's the best of both worlds: You get to pretend you're right and they'll use it as an example to waste even more money on similar things in the future. Of course, the downside is downright dark. But no one likes to lift the covers and see how poor the fundamentals of education in this country really are. We're building nice buildings so we have something to value and respect!
  3. Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty? Nice job with the fear mongering. Thought you neocons hated it when the lefties did it? That's right everyone, a church in Manhattan is the thing that finally brought down the republic. Wait, a government entity failing to provide oversight? There's news.
  4. The problem with education in this country has nothing to do with the amount of money spent on it. We're spending nearly $600,000,000,000.00 a year on education and no one can tell me it's being done in anything close to a wise manner. This "project" is a prime example and it's indefensible.
  5. Gee, how many years before the payback isn't outrageous? Don't forget to add in what it'll cost to O&M something that costs nearly $600,000,000.00. The accepted national figure is between 7-10% annually.
  6. Maybe we should try to get Leinart, since he QBd USC past OU what, 55-19? Nice lahjik, weather vane.
  7. Daniel doesn't have the arm to play in Buffalo. He has a shot to be a backup somewhere but he's just not going to get it done when the winter winds are blowing.
  8. You mean because there's no difference between calling out a religious leader for being a hypocrite on things like covering up the systemic sodomy of children and not allowing a religion to build a church because it annoys a group of bigoted tards? Criticizing the Pope for specific things he's done isn't anywhere near the same thing as denying someone a Constitutional Freedom because they share the same religions as criminals. You're starting to annoy me. Go ride your bike in traffic.
  9. He's a rookie. You see Bradford's stats in the first half against Cleveland playing with the 1s? 6/14 24 yards. That's coming off 6/13 for 58 yards. Rookie QBs don't light up the NFL very often.
  10. You're hardly worth the time. The information is all over the place and the concept is so simple even !@#$ing Conner could understand it. The fact that you're too lazy to learn something and instead simply repeat the same tired stuff the media feeds you isn't anyone's problem but yours.
  11. I'll excuse you for your ignorance of history. There's plenty of evidence, should you desire to know anything beyond the end of your nose. So did the 9/11 Commission, apparently. They came to the exact same conclusion. When you don't know the issues, it's pretty easy to accuse others of not having the best interest of the country in mind. Pretend for a second that you don't know WTF you're talking about. Because you don't. When exposed for not knowing WTF you're talking about, regurgitate some ridiculous simpletonian garbage. You think that helps you? I'm super glad for you. Now try to imagine that the same government that's been !@#$ing up domestic policy for the last century is probably doing the same thing abroad. Because they have been. Regularly. You informed conservative, you.
  12. If you're white, you won't offend anyone. Remember, religious violence is OK as long as it's not perpetrated by dirty brown people.
  13. After being over there and finding out that entire families disappear in the middle of the night never to be seen again? You couldn't get me within 1000 miles of the place. The only way anything changes over there is if the people collectively rise up. The problem is every time anything gains any momentum (like in Iran), the world sits back while the government murders/imprisons/tortures people until the masses shut up and then the cycle starts anew. That's because the average American has no concept of how most of the rest of the world works. That's because you KNOW better. They don't. They're indoctrinated. Think of them as beaten liberals. It's kinda like the old story of the monkeys in the cage. There's a monkey cage with a ladder in it that leads up to a pair of bare wires. A couple of monkeys climb the ladder and get the **** shocked out of them. The rest of the monkeys now know better than to climb the ladder. The monkeys continue to procreate and the story gets passed on. After some time passes, all of the original monkeys are dead but the new generations still don't climb the ladder. Learned behavior. I think it's a lot easier to talk about than it is to do, especially when everyone knows someone who's disappeared, been murdered, been raped in front of them, etc. That place is so !@#$ed up that it's probably going to take 100 years to turn it around. The fact that we've picked up a rifle and spilled blood makes it easier to know that we'd certainly take a few with us when the time came but it doesn't mean you suddenly stop choosing your battles wisely. I could see that happening. That's also the reason I understand the successes that terrorist organizations have recruiting and why I subscribe to the theory of blowback. Nothing frustrates me more than the idiots who don't get the concept of people not liking the results of U.S. foreign policy and then having a willingness to do something symbolic against us. As if we'd all sit by when one of our relatives got killed by bombs from the sky or an invading force of foreigners. Please. Most of them don't look at it as slavery. They really don't. As honest an answer as this board has seen.
  14. Which, I'm sure, has nothing to do with the fact that the average Middle Easterner actually has to fear for their (and their family's) safety and you don't. It's really easy to sit in America and pretend you're better when you face none of the same things. And I'm under the impression that you've not chosen a religion. So condemning the Catholics isn't a valid comparison, unless you are one.
  15. It might be, if the entire system was revamped but currently it costs about 3 times as much to execute someone as it does to keep them in prison for life.
  16. I was just using Joe's latest technique. Since I've called out the Catholic Church on their many failings, I obviously hate all Catholics and need to somehow prove I have Catholic friends (as if I interview people I hang with on their religion). Welcome to "The World According to Joe".
  17. Since it's not relevant to you being a liberal myna bird douche bag whose act is incredibly tiresome, none of your !@#$ing business. Go ahead and continue in the direction you're obviously going and see how far you can get.
  18. Rome wasn't rebuilt in a day. I think when you have the ninth pick in the draft you pick the best player available instead of reaching for a need (Whitner) and for the first time in awhile, that's what the BILLS did. I can't think of a single true 34 DE not named Bruce Smith who was an outstanding pass rusher. Maybe Leonard Marshall? That's really not the role. The pass rush comes more from the scheme than anything. It would be nice if Batten or Moats develops into that tweener rusher who can bring pressure from any angle in obvious passing situations but they're certainly not ready at this time. I haven't gotten a chance to watch this game (outside of highlights) but I've been heartened by what I've seen from the sidelines, which was truly the team's biggest weakness the last few seasons.
  19. Considering there are links on the home page to Stormfront, I'd say it's pretty likely that the site is owned by White Supremacists.
  20. Sure - but as a security feature, it's best to disable boot from USB. It has the added benefit of getting rid of the problem in the future.
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