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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. 1. The world is flat and there are monsters at the edges. 2. The sun revolves around the earth. 3. Etc. Science isn't infallible, despite your desperate need to worship those you somehow deem smarter than you (as if that isn't just about everyone). Now before you go off on another lip smacking liberal choad slurp fest, I'm an environmentalist. I'm an environmentalist who believes that man is an abomination on the earth's environment and needs to do a far better job of stewarding this world. Every dollar wasted on "Global Warming" is a dollar not being spent on the true environmental issues that face us. Try and figure out why that is important, you !@#$ing incorrigible drone.
  2. Your defenses of Barry O are so absolute that if someone told me your vajayjay juice stained his birth cert, I'd almost believe it.
  3. Won't someone please bring up Donte Stallworth again? There's no way this thread is complete without that being added.
  4. Because that's obviously the only meaningful criteria? Freakin' halfwit.
  5. Just so I have this straight: "The Big Cat" went to a Glenn Beck rally yet he believes OTHER people are idiots?
  6. Leave him alone. He has an Ivy League degree. Repeat after me: "There was no such thing as a surplus." For whatever reason, people like to pretend that George W. Bush is solely responsible for the current mess. The facts don't add up. No matter who was elected President, the recession was going to happen. That doesn't absolve Bush, a fiscal liberal, of his responsibility in furthering the mess. But there was no surplus. Even freakin' SNL understood that.
  7. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! The "ripples" from your failed political ideology are what spawned George W. Bush. Says the guy who helped elect Barack Obama. You've met the hypocrite and he is YOU.
  8. Every time I think you've reached the summit of your idiocy, you're somehow able to throw another truckload of dirt on the pile. Keep climbing, RetardFast.
  9. He better not be white or have any actual experience.
  10. This just in: George Bush isn't President anymore. Welcome to August 2010.
  11. Joe isn't going to respond with anything because his "knowledge" of anything because he doesn't have any. He simply regurgitates whatever the left wing flavor of the day is. I saw a political ad yesterday where the Dummycrat candidate blamed the Republican for voting for the stimulus. That's for people like Joe, who only hate things that the other party does but lauds the same actions like a trained monkey when his master is doing them.
  12. Translation: Dave didn't read the article, wouldn't understand it if he did, so he had to resort to the old standard of defending himself with talking points. Nice work, as usual.
  13. Which has more to do with the ignorance of the populace than anything tangible. But whatever.
  14. It's coaching more than anything and that's obvious. Jauron probably ruined Edwards with his unwillingness/inability to adjust, which led to Trent getting pummeled and losing his confidence. A lot of people like to think the BILLS don't have talent but coaching is the biggest difference between teams in the NFL and the team has been woefully lacking in that department, especially at the top.
  15. If the NFL wants more TV, add a couple of more bye weeks. People still watch football, even when their team isn't playing. The added benefit is players are probably healthier at the end of the year and everyone gets to recharge their batteries a couple more times.
  16. You shouldn't be. We in the military see the same thing. Guys who refuse to wear the protective gear and then lose appendages, the ability to walk, or their lives because of it. Even when you're trying to save/patch them up it's tough not to say "boy, I bet you regret now wearing your PPE now, don't you? Mr. 'I don't like to wear that **** because it's too hot/slows me down'." Tell that to the wife and kids or parents you're going to leave behind. "We regret to inform you that your son died or will live a lesser life because he was stupid."
  17. Us? Somehow I doubt I'd care about the opinions of anyone who'd let you speak for them. You're nothing more than a typical "conservative" drone who is pretty much incapable of thinking for himself. But thanks anyway, I stopped caring about popularity in grade school. I'm gonna need a foam finger. Actually, I responded with plenty of things - including questions you chose not to answer because you'd be showing your inadequacy even further for all the world to see. You hypocritical "reply" is a far larger indictment than anything I could have posted. But go ahead and try pretending you're a victim. It's humorous.
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